Chapter 22

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I spent the whole of yesterday working out, or rather, running at home. With Reyna at home with me, I didn't have any extra time to visit my gym room, she always kept me occupied with her or homework or extra work. She went back home on Saturday which reminded me that this wasn't her home, she had her own home and this was just a place for her to stay with me.

Me, I was her girlfriend but I stopped her from doing all sorts of things with me. It made me feel bad, like I wasn't doing enough. I never was, every thing I did was because I had to and not because I wanted to, I never knew what I wanted except for.. Reyna.

I want Reyna. I want her forever, but I didn't know how.

I took out my phone and texted my sister, Sharlene, to tell her I was going to find her. I needed help. Putting on a shirt and pants, I left to take a bus.

The last time I saw her was about a year ago, she called me sobbing like crazy and I couldn't hear a single word from her, so I went to her. She's one year younger than me and she lived with my brother, Shawn, about two hour away from where I live.

Apparently she caught her boyfriend making out with another girl when she went to his house without informing him. That bastard was her first boyfriend and he ruined her wonderful image of a boyfriend.

Whatever happened to her before wasn't important, she was with another guy now and I wasn't pleased about that. She got hurt once and cried to me like a baby and yet she still want to get another one. If Reyna were to leave me, I will be single for my whole life.

Reyna had been grinning at me every morning when I woke up and I had no idea what was going on, I was guessing she witnessed it. I had wet dreams up to four times a week recently, resulting in me changing my bedsheet frequently because I didn't want Reyna to see the stains.

It was so unfair, sometimes I wished to be a real girl that wouldn't get wet dream so often and literally wet my bed. It was as if Reyna wouldn't face any trouble in sleeping beside someone she like. Or maybe she didn't like me, she just wanted to play with my feelings and dick.

Seeing the tall building brought me out of my miserable self, I was finally reaching their house. If only I could be a happy person with no devil living inside.

I pressed the bell and waited for a minute before the door opened. "Ayyo Skye! Why ain't you blue? Are your balls blue? Oh! Maybe it's green." Shawn bursted out laughing and my sister wacked him.

"Idiot." Shar muttered and hugged me tightly. I nearly died, she grew so much taller and stronger.

"Hey! I want a hug too!" Shawn wrapped his arms around us from the side.

We sat down on the couch after the suffocating hug from them. "Now, now.. what brought the 'unblue' sky here?" Shawn asked curiously.

"She was coming for me, I forgot to tell you just now." Sharlene stated carmly while eyeing me curiously the same way as Shawn. "So why are you here? Wait! Let me guess, you missed me so you want to see me?"

"No. I got a girlfriend and I don't know what to do, I want some help from you." I went straight to the point.

"What?" They said at the same time.

"Oh my god... does she know?" Shar asked.

"Know what?"

"Your dick duh!" Shawn cut in before Shar could reply. I nodded and he continued, "Yall fucked?" I shook my head.

"Are those that important? I just want to know what I can do for her. What does girls like?" I turned to face my sister.

"You need to start with who she is, what she likes et cetera." Shawn said.

Reyna was... Reyna.

"Ignore that idiot first. Do you like her? Does she likes you? Love?" Sharlene questioned.

"I confessed last month and she said she likes me too. Reyna has been staying at my house almost every day. How do you know if you love someone?" I raised my eyebrow. My sibling's jaws dropped. "Ah! I know I want her forever, I don't know what I will do if she leaves me."

"Sis?" Shar stared at me with eyes wide opened. "Do yall sleep together?"

I nodded.


I shook my head.

"Is she like super ugly or fat? Do you really like her? How come you haven't fucked her? The both of you practically live together without anyone else and yet you kept your hands to yourself?" My annoying brother asked rapidly without giving me a chance to answer him.

I brought out my phone and showed them a photo of Reyna that I took.

"Fuck! She's hot!" Shawn exclaimed.

"I know right." Shar added. "Is your thingy working? Or else w- Ouch!" I slapped her leg painfully hard because my thingy worked so well every night while I slept and I knew it worked.

I hadn't touched it for quite some time because it made me feel guilty. They asked me lots of questions before actually giving me answers to my questions.

"I like it when he touches me, not the 'I want sex' kind of touch but the romatic type, but it doesn't matter, the sex type is fine too. Buy me gifts every few days, bring me out for dinner and shopping, kiss me and hug me. I like sex the most though." Shar grinned playfully.

"Yeah, that's what I do mostly too and ensuring the sex is great. Girls get insecure if you leave them for too long, keep them close. If you get what I mean, ahhhhh, that kind of close." Shar laughed together with him.

They were both talking about sex and I was the only one that hadn't tried it. I smiled at them and decided to buy surprise gifts for Reyna occasionally to let her know I like her a lot.

I made them dinner with the groceries that they had at home and ate with them before Shawn drove me home.

"Hey, what was the thing you gave me last year as my birthday gift? Reyna asked me if I like using it or not." The thought came up to me as we reached my house.

Shawn cracked up and laughed nonstop. "Are you.. serious?" He asked between his laughters.

"What was it?" I punched his shoulder.

Shawn laughed even harder after that. He showed me a circle with his hand, middle finger touching his thumb, and posed it at his groin.

I frowned at him, not understanding what he meant.

"Oh goshhh.. a tool for masturbating? In and out? Get it? Go google search 'fleshlight'. Wow I need to tell Shar about this, she's gonna laugh die." Shawn hit the wheel as he laughed.


The first thing I did when I entered my house was to search about fleshlight and I groaned when I realised what it was.

Freak. Reyna knew it.


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