Chapter 1: Texting (Chelsea' s POV)

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*Before anyone says anything negative about this story, I would like to say it is supposed to represent love at first sight, and there will be sexual content.*

"But mom!" I pouted. "How am I supposed to tell Morgan that I can't make it to her party when I already promised her that I would be there? You know, why would you even hire a babysitter that you don't know well enough to trust? It's not like I-"

"That is enough!" My mom yelled cutting me off. "I am sick and tired of you going out to parties almost every night, and getting wasted! You are only seventeen for God's sakes! You're not even legal to drink yet."

I heard her voice crack as she stopped talking. I think I even saw a tear. Oh well. It's not my fault that she was stupid enough to tell me last minute to hang out with a stupid babysitter. My sister was only 3 months old. How hard could it possibly be to watch such a little baby?

"I... it's just... UGH!" I yelled in frustration and marched up the stairs into my room. I slammed the door behind me and jumped into my bed face down.

"Chelsea, you can hide in your room all you want," I heard my mom's muffled voice through my door. "but that does not change the fact that you are staying here tonight."

I shut my eyes tightly and clenched my fists out of frustration. "I know!" I yelled at her. I heard her footsteps slowly fading away, without even a response.

Good. I don't even want to hear her voice right now. I just want to calm down enough to call Morgan and tell her that I couldn't go to her party.

Morgan's going to hate me. It's her first party at her house and I promised that I would help her out. My eyes started watering and I instantly shoved my pillow deeper into my face. I heard my phone vibrate so I sat up to take a look.

1 New text from: Morgan ;o

I groaned as I unlocked my phone. I looked down to see her text.

"Ok, I have all the snacks, drinks and music. Tonight is gonna be amazing! I can't wait to see you here :)"

I cried even more as I read that. I can't believe I am missing my best friends first party! I decided to respond right away. I should just do it now so I don't have to worry about it later.

"I can't make it. I am soo sorry! My mom is making me help the new babysitter -.- you have no idea how sorry I am!"

I sent it and pulled myself together and waited for her to respond. I waited, and I waited, and I waited. She never responded. She always texts back! No matter what she is doing! There was no doubt that she was pissed off.

I sat in the sane position for another five minutes until I heard the doorbell. Well, here comes a night full of fun! (note my sarcasm)

I slowly dragged myself down the stairs to here my mom greeting the new girl. As I turned around the corner, I saw a young boy with shining blue eyes facing my mom and talking with her.

I stood there staring for a little while. I didn't even notice he was staring right back at me until he cleared his throat and turned completely to face me.

My mom turned her head to look where his view was aimed at and smiled at me. "Chelsea! I want you to meet the new babysitter. This is Louis Tomlinson. He lives a few houses down. Have you two ever met each other?"

I shook my head out of honesty. I've never seen the guy in my life. "No ma'am, I don't think we have met." He said, squinting his eyes as if trying to think of a time we have seen each other.

"Oh..." my mom said sounding disappointed. "Well Louis, this is my daughter Chelsea. She will be helping you out tonight. And Chelsea, this is Louis."

He smiled at me and slightly raised his hand as if aww wave. I did the same, not sure what else to do.

"Well I really must be going. Bye guys! Have fun!" My mom said as she walked out of the door, leaving Louis and I alone in the room.

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