Chapter 2: The escape (Louis' POV)

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She was absolutely stunning. I loved the way her eyes shined. Her beautiful thick Brown hair. I thought she was gorgeous! I needed to break this silence, but I didn't know what to say. Luckily, I didn't have to worry about that. She broke the silence for me.

"Listen, as much as I would love to stay here and help out, I really have to go." I stood there with my mouth making an O shape, not sure how to respond. She just stared back, slowly making her way towards the stairs.

"Uhh," I managed to choke out. She scoffed and rolled her eyes. "I really have to go, so maybe you could drool over me other time." She turned and walked up the stairs. I sighed, knowing that I had no chance with her.

Oh well. At least I have Eleanor. I heard the baby start to cry, so I started walking up the stairs. I didn't know which room the baby was in so I just started opening doors.



Another bathroom.

This was getting old. How many rooms could there possibly be upstairs? Ugh this is so annoying! I twisted another door knob and then i saw her.

I'm not talking about the baby. I saw Chelsea. She was standing there in her bra. She didn't seem to notice me, so I sighed. She was so hot! I cracked a smile and sat there staring at her. She turned around and looked at me dead in the eye. I saw the anger in her so I walked out and shut the door as if nothing happened.

I started to walk through the rest of the upstairs, still looking for the baby. I heard an ear piercing scream come from Chelsea' s room. "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME LOUIS?!?!?!" I heard stomping down the hall, heading towards my direction. I started to speed walk looking for the room. The baby's crying got louder and louder by the second.

I finally found the room with a crying baby kicking and screaming in her bed. I stepped in the room and shut the door behind me. I took walked towards her crib and looked down at her. She looked just like her sister. The same straight Brown hair, the same light brown eyes, the same rosy cheeks.

I picked her up and held her tight in my arms. She was so little. Her crying didn't stop when she was in my arms. I started to hush her in a whispering voice and she slowly stopped. Just then, the door slammed open and I saw a pissed off Chelsea staring at me.

After she gave me an evil look, she was getting ready to kill me until she saw the little baby in my arms. She made a growl noise and walked out of the room. She shut the door so quietly, that I had to walk over to give it an extra little push to make sure she even shut it.

For a second, I forgot that the little girl was still in my arms. I looked down to see her smiling a toothless grin at me. I couldn't help but smile back. She was the cutest little baby ever! I held her, slightly bouncing her for about ten minutes until her eyes shut. I put her in the crib and walked out.

I walked down the stairs and sat on the couch. I sighed, closed my eyes and laid my head back. I opened my eyes to hear the sound of heels walking down the stairs. inputted my head to see Chelsea in an extremely revealing dress.

I saw her walking towards the door, so I jumped up and blocked the door just before she reached it. She looked at me, with confused eyes. "What are you doing?" she asked me. I shook my head at her. "Your mom told me about you and your partying.

"I know I am here to babysit your sister, but your mom also told me that I have to babysit you too." I paused to take a look at her shocked face. It took all my strength to not burst out laughing. But I continued anyways. "She told me that you are not allowed to leave, and that you are going to be a good girl."

"Listen to me." She grabbed my shoulders so we could be eye to eye. "I am not going to be told what to do by some babysitter. I am seventeen years old. I can do whatever I want, when I want." "Only, if I say so." I said with a proud smile. I knew that I won this argument.

She glared at me and started to unbutton her jacket. after she had taken it off, She threw it straight at my face and sat down in the middle of the floor with her arms crossed. wow. As hot as she was, that was very pathetic. This time, I couldn't hold in my laughter. I literally burst out laughing in her face.

She stood up, stomped on my foot (and a admit, didn't hurt as she intended) and ran upstairs. I could tell this girl was going to be fun.

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