Chapter 14: Doctor Louis (Louis' POV)

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I woke up to see my sleeping beauty. Chelsea was snoring slightly, but in a cute girly way. I kissed her forehead and watched her for a second. "I... love... you Louis..." She mumbled in her sleep. Wow, I was not expecting that.

That sounds so cliche! Like from a movie! That made me feel so good. I smiled. I jumped when I heard pounding on the front door. I sat up and stretched. I heard the pounding again and groaned. I stood up and grabbed the first clothes I could find on the floor.

I picked up a hoodie and a pair of skinny jeans. Now that I think about it, these jeans are really skinny... so is this hoodie. I could tell something wasn't right. I just ignored it and continued to get dressed.

I heard the pounding again and cussed under my breath. I marched out of my room and to my front door. I opened it halfway. Eleanor looked relieved when she saw me. "Finally! I've been knocking for ten minutes!" She said

"Maybe that's a sign that you should go away." I spat at her. She scoffed and crossed her arms. "I left some stuff in your closet. Can I grab them real quick?" I shook my head. "No, I'll get them." I shut the door behind me. I couldn't risk her seeing Chelsea.

I tip toed back into my room and opened my closet quietly. I turned to make sure that j didn't wake up Chelsea. I looked down at the floor and saw a colorful pile of panties. Ugh, really Eleanor? I got to my knees and looked for an empty shoe box.

I finally found an empty red box and started to put the panties in one by one. I didn't pay much attention until I picked up a white pair. I saw a brown streak in the inside of them. I gagged and grabbed all of them in my hand and shoved them in at once.

I put a lid on the box and stood up to walk out of my door. I saw Eleanor staring at Chelsea from my doorway. She was watching me with a smirk. "Nice clothes." She said rolled her eyes. I looked down to see that I was wearing. Link hoodie and jeans that barely went past my knees. I was wearing Chelsea's clothes.

"Its not what it looks like." I said rolling my eyes. She turned to face Chelsea. Her eyes widened when she saw her. "Who's the slut?" She asked casually. I felt my blood boil. "Don't you EVER call her that again." I whisper shouted.

She threw her arms up in defense. I grabbed her by one arm and took her to my front door. I stood her outside and shut the door. I started to walk back to my room until I noticed the red box was still in my hands.

I opened the front door half way. "Eleanor..." I said in an apologetic voice. She looked confused but waited for me to continue. "You need to learn to wipe your ass better!" I said and threw the box at her feet. I shut the door again.

I sat down in my recliner and stretched out my arms. What a wonderful way to start my day. Just then I heard coughing coming from the hall and I saw Chelsea practically dragging herself out of the room.

I instantly shot out of the chair and ran to her side. She looked green. "Chelsea, are you okay?" I asked. She shook her head and coughed again. "I don't... feel so good." She said in a weak voice. I put my arms behind her legs, ready to pick her up bridal style, but she backed up.

"Don't, that will get me dizzy. I can walk." She said and stood up straight. She didn't take one step before falling on her face. I gasped and bent down next to her. I realized she passed out so I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder.

I walked into my room and gently laid her on my bed. I walked into my bathroom and got a washcloth. I ran it under could water and walked back into my room. I felt her forehead with my hand. She was burning up. I folded up the washcloth and laid it above her eyes.

As soon as I placed it on her, her eyes fluttered open. I smiled at her. "Hey babe, you okay?" I asked her. She shook her head. "I will go get you some medicine from the store. I will be back in ten minutes." I told her as I stroked her hair. She nodded and closed her eyes.

*Five minutes later*

I walked into my kitchen with my bags and placed them on the table. I grabbed a.tray made for beds and sat it next to the bags. I opened the bag and pulled out a package of instant chicken noodle soup. I ripped off the top and placed it in the microwave.

I walked back to the table and placed a popsicle on the tray. I also placed a Gatorade, The Notebook, a bouquet of flowers with a little 'get well' teddy bear on the stems, and some pills. I heard the microwave beep. I grabbed the warm bag and placed it in a bowl.

I was just about to place the bag on the tray, until I heard loud gagging coming from my bathroom. I sprinted to the bathroom and saw Chelsea on her knees hovering over the toilet. I flew to her side and she didn't move her eyes from the toilet.

Vomit came flying out of her mouth. I pulled back her hair with one hand to keep it from getting messy, and rubbed her back with the other. She didn't stop throwing up, an I didn't stop rubbing her back.

She finally stopped and turned around. I saw tears on her cheeks from having trouble breathing and I pulled her in my arms. I rocked her like a child and shushed her in a calming way. She buried her face into my chest and I kissed her head.

She soon fell asleep in my arms, so I picked her up and laid her back down on my bed. I laid next to her and watched her sleep again. After another ten minutes, I wrapped my arms around her and fell asleep too.

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