Chapter 8: Dinner (Louis' POV)

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I was watching tv, when the front door opened. I saw Chelsea standing there, with a big smile on her face. She had just dropped off her little sister at the daycare so we could have the whole day to ourselves. I smiled back at her and walked up to her to kiss her full on the mouth.

"Welcome back." I said with a big smile. "Do you wanna go do something?" She asked out of the blue. I shrugged. "Sure. Why not?" She smiled and grabbed my hand to drag me to her car. Her hand just felt so good in mine.

I walked around the car to get to the passenger side. We both sat down in the tiny car and she started the engine. She backed out of her driveway without a word. We started heading in the direction of my house and I started counting down the houses until we got to mine.

When I saw my house, I saw another thing that I didn't expect to see. I saw Eleanor walking towards her car on her phone, texting again. She didn't seem to notice the car passing by her. I rolled my eyes, knowing that she is probably going to party and get drunk again.

I turned and looked forward again. We were about to exit out of the neighborhood. "Where are we going?" She shrugged. "I don't know. Why don't we go out to dinner or something?" She suggested. "Um, sure." We didn't speak for another five minutes. It wasn't an awkward silence, but it definitely wasn't comfortable.

"What about here?" She slowed her car enough so I could get a good look at the tiny restaurant. I nodded and smiled at her as she pulled into the parking lot. We walked inside and I was hit with a sensational aroma of fresh breads and sauces. My mouth instantly watered as I realized that it was Italian food.

We saw a sign that said, "Seat Yourself" so we did as we were told. The restaurant had quite a few people in there, so it was kind of hard to find an open table. We finally found a tiny booth at the back of the restaurant and sat down opposite of each other.

A chubby old lady walked up to us with a notepad. "Can I get you two something to drink?" She asked in a scratchy masculine voice. Her teeth were slightly yellow and her fingertips gray. It was obvious she was a smoker. "Can I have a Dr. Pepper please?" Chelsea asked and she nodded and scribbled on the paper in her hand.

"And for you, darling?" She faced me with a hand on the tabor waiting for an answer. "I'll just have an iced tea with a slice of lemon please." I said and looked over the menu. The woman walked away as I scanned over all of my food choices.

"What are you going to get?" I asked her. I wasn't sure what to get so I was going to wait for her opinion. "Just spaghetti and meatballs." "I was thinking the same thing." I decided and took a bite of bread that the waitress must have left when I wasn't looking.

Pretty soon, the old woman came back with two drinks in her hands and placed them in front of us. "Thanks" I mumbled and she just nodded and she pulled out her notepad again. "Are you ready to order?" She asked in her scratchy voice. Chelsea and I looked at each other and nodded at the old woman.

"I'll have the spaghetti and meatballs please." Chelsea said and handed the woman her menu. "Me too." I said and copied Chelsea. Once the old lady was gone, Chelsea leaned in her head as if she was going to tell me a secret.

She had a big mischievous grin on her face. "So, it looks like you have a girlfriend." I started to panic. Wait, how did she find out about Eleanor? How was I going to explain that she was more beautiful than my current girlfriend who doesn't give a damn about me?

"Erm, what do you mean?" I asked, trying to play it off cool. She lifted her head and laughed. "That lady was totally checking you out! I hope you like cougars, because she was really into you!" She said and burst out laughing again. This time I laughed too.

The lady came out again with our food and we ate, laughing with each other and talking about each other. I payed for our food and we left to go back home. "I am stuffed!" I said as we were walking out of the door. "Me too!" She said and patted her stomach."Can we go home now?" I whined sounding like a little kid. She nodded and we headed home.

When I passed my house, Eleanor's car was gone and I just sighed. We pulled into Chelsea's drive way and just sat there for a moment. "Louis?" She asked me. "Yes?" I responded and waited for her to ask me whatever she wanted to ask me. "What are we?"

I turned to face her, my eyebrows scrunched up in confusion. "What do you mean?" I asked her. "Are we just friends, friends with benefits, or..." I smirked. "Or boyfriend- girlfriend?" I asked and she turned to face me waiting for an answer. "I was kind of hoping for the last choice." I stated and shrugged. "Me too." She smile and laid her head back on the seat.

I unbuckled my seat belt and hopped out of the car. I turned and saw her doing the same. I ran inside so I could get inside before she did. I opened the door, stepped inside, and shut it quickly behind me. I stood behind the living room wall so she couldn't see me. I waited until I saw her.

When the door opened, I sprinted to Chelsea and lifted her up bridal style. I walked her upstairs and she was giggling in my arms. I kicked her door open so I could walk inside. I threw her on the bed and quickly divided in after her.

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