Chapter 21: BBQ (Chelsea's POV)

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Authors notes: Hey guys!!! I know I never leave an author note thingy but I'm going to. PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT ON MY CHAPTERS!!! If you don't, then I will assume you guys don't like it and I will delete my story. And I have worked so hard on this, so please don't let that happen! Thank you guys!*·*·*·*·*·*

I waved bye to Harry and pushed the shopping cart to my car. I was still laughing from a joke that he told. As soon as I opened the trunk, I heard a car pull up behind me. I turned around and saw Louis casually getting out of his car and heading to me.

I pulled out my phone from my purse and saw that he had blown up my messages and missed calls. Crap. I totally forgot to let him know that I was still here. "I'm so sorry babe. I put my phone into my purse, and it must have changed to silent somehow."

He didn't respond. Instead he just came up to me and hugged me. "I was worried something had happened to you." He said with concern in his voice. "I'm a big girl." I said giggling. He laughed too, but I could see that he didn't find any humor in it. He was just trying to act calm.

He turned around and was about to head back to his car. I hugged his back and he froze. I felt terrible to see him so concerned. "I really am sorry Lou. I mean it. It was all my fault, I just caught up in the moment." He turned around. I could see that his smile was real now.

He looked into my eyes and kissed me. "Its okay. Really, I just got worried that you were taking so long." I nodded and smiled at him. "I'll see you at my place then." I said as I waved good bye. He got back into his car, and drove into the direction of my house again.

I watched him leave the store's parking lot. I put the rest of the groceries into the trunk and got home quick so I can give him a real apology..

*Three Hours Later*

Louis brought a button up shirt and a pair of skinny jeans over to my house for the big barbeque. I wore a cute summer dress with a brown belt around the waist. I curled my hair and pulled on my brown boots.

I watched Louis as he gelled his hair to a perfect quiff and he picked up his shirt from his gym bag. I tugged it out of his hands and stared at his toned chest. He had the best pecks and an amazing six pack.I ran my hand down his chest slowly as I admired his perfect tan.

He kissed my head. I finally wrapped my arms around him so I could pull the shirt onto his arms and up his shoulders. I started to button the buttons and said a mental goodbye to his amazing body with each button.

I left two buttons undone at the top, just enough to leave a little bit of his chest hair out. Once I was done, I adjusted the collar and clapped my hands together. "There." I said as I admired my work. I looked into the mirror and noticed that I missed a piece in the back.

Good thing I left my curling iron on, or I wouldn't be able to finish it for another ten minutes. I put my hand at the back of my head, but I couldn't find it. I muttered a colorful word to myself as I kept searching for it.

I saw Louis com up behind me in the mirror and take the curling iron out of my right hand. He then pulled out the little chunk of hair and curled it for me. I blushed as he slowly rolled up the iron and he smiled at me.

"Thanks." I said. He nodded and concentrated on my hair. After a few moments he released the plant to reveal a perfect curl. He laid the curling iron on my desk and unplugged it. "There you go babe." He said.

He turned me around to face him and took a look at me. He spun me around by my arm and pulled me into his body. Our noses were touching as my arms wrapped around his neck and his wrapped around my waist. Our noses were touching and we were smiling at each other.

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