Chapter 19: Unexpected shopping buddy (Chelsea's POV)

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*the next day*

My mom Louis spend the night last night because my family is coming over for a barbeque. I was already awake and having some coco pebbles. I heard someone stumbling down the stairs so I turned my head to see who it was.

Louis stretched as he jumped down from the bottom step. When he saw me, his face lit up. I'm glad that I got ready as soon as I woke up. He walked up to me and hugged me. "Hi babe." He said as he kissed the top of my head. "Hey." I mumbled into his chest.

We stood in the kitchen for about two minutes just hugging, until we heard my mom's voice. "You know, it's cute that you've been hugging for a while. But I have been standing on the side to give you some peace and quiet, so you guys at gonna have to cut it short this time. I need to get Sienna her bottle."

We broke apart and both of our faces were red. "Hi mom." I mumbled. Louis wrapped his arm around me. "Chelsea, I need you to run to the store to get some stuff for tonight. I already made a shopping list, so you can go now. Louis can stay here and help me with the potato salad and home made hamburger patties."

I groaned as I grabbed my car keys and headed for the door. "Wait!" Louis screamed so loud that it made me scream, duck down, and cover my head. "What?" I said as I looked for a bug in my hair or murderers around the corner.

"You forgot to kiss me goodbye." He said with a grin on his face. What?! I flipped him off, but still walked up to him and gave him a quick peck on the lips. He held me in his arms for a moment and whispered into my ear, "I love you. Okay? Always know that you're mine and I'm yours."

That made me smile. "I love you too." I said. " I know that was a little dramatic, but I just really want you to know how much I love you. Our hands entertained and we let go as I walked away out of the door.

*ten minutes later*

I jumped out of my car and grabbed the nearest shopping cart. I noticed a nice Audi R8 Coupe. I walked up to it and ran my hand across the bumper. Wow! I walked over to the side and peeked in through the window, only to find out the most embarrassing thing. Somebody was inside.

"Oh!" I yelled and walked away quickly. I heard the door open and close so I picked up my speed. "Wait Chelsea!" I heard someone yell from behind me. I slowly turned around. I saw a curly haired boy jogging up to me.

I mentally slapped myself. "Hi Harry." I said with fake happiness. It's not that I didn't like him, I just still feel guilty about cheating on him. "Wow. Long time no see." I said. He pulled in for a hug, so I awkwardly wrapped one arm around him.

"Sorry for not saying anything to you the other night. I guess I was just shocked to see you." He said with a grin. I took his words as a compliment and smiled. "Do you want to shop together?" I asked. His eyes lit up as he nodded and grabbed a shopping cart right next to him.

We walked into the store together and walked into the produce isle. I looked at the list to see what I needed to get. Luckily, the list was about a fourth of the size than the last time. "So, how have you been?" He asked. I looked up from the list to see him looking at the tomatoes.

"Well, I'm good. How about you?" I asked. He nodded as if telling me 'good'. "What about your mum? How is she?" We dated about a year ago, and my mom was only a couple weeks pregnant, so he didn't know about her having a child.

"Great. She had a baby just three months ago." I said as I pulled out my phone to show him a picture. "Aww, she's just precious." He said as he looked at the picture of her smiling in my arms. He looked up at me with a crooked smile. I wasn't looking at him, I could just see it in the corner of my eye. It made me kind of uncomfortable.

After a moment or two, I let out a nervous giggle and looked at him. "What?" I asked with a smile. "She is so beautiful. She must get it from her sister." He said and continued walking down the isle. My cheeks flushed red and I sped up to him.

What about you? How has your mom been?" I asked. His mom was always very sweet. "Mum is great. She found a job out here, so her and Gemma are going to move out here to America." I could hear the excitement in his voice as he shared the news.

"That's great Harry! Tell her I said hi okay?" He nodded. I was starting to feel like our friendship never left. I realized how much I missed talking to him. But I touched his arm at one point, and felt nothing. I didn't feel the sparks like I do with Louis. There was no love left, which is fine with me.

I wasn't interested in a relationship with him again. We kept going through the store laughing with each other, talking about our lives. I was having a great time. time We walked down the snack isle and I had about half of my list crossed out.

"Don't you just love Oreos?" I asked and placed a box into the shopping cart. He nodded his head and took a box in his hands. He tore off the top and took a whole row and put them into his hand. He then sealed the box and placed them back on the shelf.

I stared at him as he started eating them without a problem. "Aren't you going to pay for those?" I asked as he popped another whole cookie into his mouth. He shook his head. "Why not? Why are you stealing?"

He rolled his eyes. "Relax. They're just cookies." He said as he started to take the snacks out of other boxes. "Cookies or not, it's still stealing." I said. He laughed. "Its not stealing. I'm just... testing them." He said. He put his hand out to offer me a cookie.

I thought about it, and the cream was too tempting to ignore the cream was too tempting. I took a little bite and decided to keep walking. He grabbed a box of mini cupcakes and took a chocolate one.

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