Chapter 15: Hospital (Chelsea's POV)

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I woke up to the sound of knocking. I wasn't in the mood to see my mom. "Go away." I mumbled into my pillow. "Fine. I was just trying to be nice and give soup to my sick girlfriend. I guess I will just leave my own house too." I heard a teasing voice from the doorway.

I forgo that I was still at Louis' house. I expected my mom, but it was really him. I stood up slowly, walked up to him, hugged him and kissed him on the cheek. I did that all with my eyes closed. I think that's pretty talented.

"How are you feeling babe?" He whispered into my ear and wrapped his arms around my waist. I opened my eyes to see the saddest thing in the world. It was a worried looking Louis. I couldn't stand to see his face like that anymore. "I'm fine." I lied.

He looked suspicious. "Are you sure?" He asked. He didn't believe me. Before I had a chance to defend my answer, I had a weird feeling in my chest. I sprinted to the bathroom and hovered over the toilet. I instantly puked into it.

My throat was burning from the vomit, which made me throw up even more. I heard Louis' heavy footsteps behind mine, running after me. When he reached the bathroom, he had sympathy in his eyes. He hated to see me in pain.

When I was done, he picked me up bridal style and headed for the front door. I was too weak to say anything or ask him any questions. He walked over to the passenger side and held me with one arm and opened the door with the other. Wow. You have to have huge muscles to do that.

He played me down in the car and walked around to the other side. He sat down in the seat and started the car. As he backed out of the driveway, he pulled his phone out of his back pocket. I finally had enough energy to talk to him.

"Where are we-" "Shh." He cut me off. I rolled my eyes. After a moment, he held th phone to his ear. I heard a female voice on the other end of the phone. "Hi, I have a girl with me, by the name of Chelsea, and she's pretty sick. I need a room."

He was taking me to the hospital. Faaannntastic. He continued to give information to the lady as he drove. He eventually hung up and pulled up to the hospital. He parked right next to the door, so I was ready to walk inside.

The moment I opened my door, he jumped out of the car and sprinted up to me. He was about to pick me up again but I pushed him away. "I can walk." I said. I hobbled slowly towards the door for about fifteen seconds before my feet were swept up by Louis' muscular arms.

There were people in the waiting room staring at us as he carried me like a baby. I hid my face into his jacket as he walked up to the lady in the front desk. He was telling her about how he called in advance, when I heard a little girls voice.

"Mommy, why is that man carrying her like that?" I peeked my head around Louis' torso and looked at the little three year old blonde girl. The little girl's mom just hushed her. "Is she a baby? Wow, she is a big baby." The mom just giggled.

I laughed too. Obviously it wasn't that funny but it was cute. The girl heard m laugh and smiled at me. Here was my chance to make a little girl laugh. I scrunched my face and started babbling like a baby.

Instead of laughing, the girls eyes opened wide in terror and she burst into tears. She was having a breakdown! What did I do? The lady behind the desk quickly took me to my room. When the lady laughed, Louis glared at me.

"What did you do to her?" He asked. I shook my head. "I don't know. She just started crying. No, sobbing!" The second I stopped, my mom stepped into the room. Louis automatically cussed under his breath when he saw her. My mom looked at me and Louis and crossed her arms.

"Mom, I can explain." She pointed a finger at me. "You don't have to explain anything to me. You've lied tome plenty of times." Louis sat down on a little chair in the tiny room. "Ma'am, I think you should know something."

"Not a word from you, either. You are just as much of a liar as she is!" I could handle her yelling at me, but I stood up and looked her straight in her eye and whispered, "Don't you EVER talk to Louis like that again. He is my boyfriend. I LOVE him."

She tensed up, but didn't say anything.

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