Chapter 16: No PDA (Louis' POV)

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"I LOVE him!" Chelsea shouted. She was staring right into her mom's eyes. I stood up and whispered, "Chelsea, stop." I tried to pull her away by her arm, but she pulled out of my grip. She continued to challenge her mom by sticking out her chest and staring at her.

Then, her mom shut her eyes and sighed. "Okay. I can definitely tell by the way you guys looked at each other on the first night, that there was something special between you." I ran up to Mrs. Halpert and picked her up. I bounced as I hugged her.

I heard her laughing until she pushed me away. "Only under one condition. No PDA while taking care of Sienna. A life is in your hand when you're watching her. You need to that serious." I nodded and kissed her forehead. I can't believe I almost lost Chelsea.

*The next day*

I straightened my shirt and ran my hand over my hair to smooth it out. I knocked on Chelsea's door. I looked at the bouquet of yellow dandelions in my right hand for any dead flowers. When it looked good, I put them behind my back.

Here is a recap from yesterday. Chelsea had an IV and left the hospital after only a couple of hours. I'm at Chelsea's house because I have to babysit Sienna. After a moment, Chelsea's mom opened the door. When she saw me, she smiled.

"Hi Mrs. Halpert. I brought you something." I said as I pulled the flowers from behind my back. She opened her eyes wide as I placed the flowers in her hands. "Thank you, sweetie! That was really thoughtful! I have just the right vase for these too."

She pulled me inside by my hand and dragged me into the kitchen. She walked over to a cabinet and pulled out a clear designed vase. She placed it on the table and took the flowers out of the plastic wrapper and placed them in the vase.

"How have you been Louis?" She asked as she put water into the vase. "Eh, nothing." I said. "I hate to leave so soon, but my meeting starts in fifteen minutes. Remember, no PDA." She said. I nodded and she grabbed her purse and walked out without another word.

I walked upstairs to go to Sienna's room. When I stepped inside, I saw her laying in her crib with her foot in her mouth. "Hi baby." I said. I picked her up and kissed her forehead. I cradled her in my arms, until I noticed something on my shirt.

It looked like a little stain. I rubbed my finger over it to realize that it was not dry. It was also warm. I looked at Sienna and realized this stuff was all over her lower half. My eyes widened in horror as I realized what was on me. It was her poop.

Her diaper must have not been on right. I ran to the bathroom with Sienna in my arms. I laid a towel o the floor and placed Sienna on it as I looked for a baby bathtub. I called out for Chelsea and heard her walk down the hall.

When she saw me, she smiled. "Hey babe." She said as she stepped into the bathroom with Sienna and I. I smiled at her. "Can you help me give Sienna a bath?" I asked. Chelsea looked confused until she took a look at Sienna

She had a disgusted look on her face. "What is that?" She asked. I didn't respond because I found a little blue basin. I put it in the tub and filled it with water.Chelsea took of Sienna's clothes carefully and I checked the water temperature.

*20 minutes later*

I was soaked. I could not believe that a three month old baby could splash so much. Sienna was worn out from the bath and was already asleep. I placed her in the crib and walked into the bathroom. I stripped down and turned on the hot water in Chelsea's shower.

I stepped inside and stood under the water. I already washed off Sienna's poop from my finger. After about thirty seconds of taking a shower, I heard the curtain of the shower open. I turned around to see Chelsea with me in the shower.

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