Chapter 34: Prayer and Rifle search (Louis' POV)

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Chelsea and I were driving in the car on the way to her aunts house. After we woke up, Chelsea and I didn't want to leave each other yet, so she called and asked if I could come back home with her.

We were almost there. "Turn right, and follow a path until you see a big house." Chelsea said, pointing down a road. I followed her directions and drove for about three more minutes until I saw a mansion!

I saw lots of horses and cows on the way, but this house was huge! I stopped behind another car and turned off mine. Chelsea jumped out and ran to the door. I followed her, but not as fast.

When she reached the door, she turned around and waited for me. I reached her and she kissed me. We stepped inside and I observed the fancy house.

"Chelsea!" I saw a young boy running into Chelsea's open arms. "Hey Isaac. Louis, you probably don't remember him, but at the barbecue, he was playing with you in the pool."

I recognized him the moment she told me that. "Oh yeah! You were the smallest boy out there! You were really tough." I told him. He flexed his arm and smiled a proud smile.

"Woah, buddy!" I said, feeling his imaginary big muscles. "I bet I could beat you up!" He said with a playful grin. "Oh really?" He started punching at my arms. "Ouch! That hurts!" I said laughing.

"That's it!" I said picking him up. He squealed and giggled. I gently placed him on the floor, tickling him everywhere. He was laughing until his face turned red. "I'll get you!" He said laughing. I smiled at him.

"Still love kids, huh?" Chelsea asked wrapping her arms around my waist. "Of course." I said pulling her in for a kiss. "Come on. Let's go say hi to my aunt."

We walked into the kitchen to find a woman working her butt off. There were about fifteen plates that had different foods on them. "Hi auntie." Chelsea said.

When the woman turned around, she looked tired. Her eyes were red and puffy. "Hi baby. How have you been since..." She looked as if she were going to cry again. Chelsea hugged her. "She's okay now. She's happier now than she would be on earth."

Her aunt smiled and kissed her head. "Thank you. That might help me get along." "Hi. You're Louis right? I'm Megan." I shook her hand and smiled at her a crooked smile.

"You guys came in just in time. You guys can help set out the breakfast." She said. Chelsea groaned, but I didn't say anything. "Louis can place am empty plate in front of each seat, Chelsea put the silverware out."

I grabbed six plates and Chelsea grabbed lots of silverware. We both went out and placed the stuff in the right place. Chelsea's aunt carried three plates in each arm! They were full of food and very large.

"I have nine more plates. You kids take a seat and wait for everyone to get here. Breakfast!" She yelled. In a few moments, Isaac, Sienna, and a man I've never seen came into the room.

Megan quickly brought in the rest of the food and we sat there. "Who is going to pray?" Megan asked. Isaac raised his hand and mumbled, "Me! Me! Me!" Megan laughed and picked him.

Everyone shut their eyes and placed their hands together. Their heads were bowed down over their plates. I did the same. I liked the fact that Chelsea's family prayed over their food.

"Dear lord," Isaac began. "Thank you for this food. Bless it and make it taste very yummy. Also, bless mommy, me, daddy, Sienna, Chelsea, and Louis." I opened my eyes and looked at Isaac. I smiled and shut my eyes again.

"In Jesus' name, amen." Everyone else mumbled amen, and we started to grab food from the big plates and place them on our own plate. I picked sausage, eggs, biscuits and gravy, and bacon. I couldn't help myself.

I watched as Megan helped Sienna get her food. She quietly ate some scrambled eggs and a biscuit with gravy. Isaac shoved lots of food into his mouth. "Not so fast son." The man told him.

"That's uncle Dusty." Chelsea told me. He looked up at his name. I waved at him and he just glared at me. I awkwardly looked at my food and finished it very fast.

After breakfast, Chelsea was going to take me for a walk around the farm. She gave me a tour around the house, so I quickly became familiar with all of the rooms

"Hey. Come here, Louis." I turned to see Dusty with his arms crossed. He lead me into his room. "Hello sir." I said. "Stand up straight and look at me in the eyes." He said.

I quickly did as I was told and was scared out of my mind. What was going on? He walked over to a couch on the side of the room. He sat down and pulled out something from under it.

A RIFLE! A FUCKING RIFLE! I didn't move. "So. You want to date my niece?" He asked. "Um, yes sir." He looked at me. "I like that 'sir' stuff. Good mannered boy."

"Why should I let you date her?" He asked me. "Well, because I'm in love with her. I will always love her, and if you don't, a. Part of my life will always be missing. I will always be there for her."

He grunted and started to clean the rifle. After a moment he looked up at me. "Arms out boy." I placed them out, like an airplane and put the gum over his shoulder.

He checked my pockets with one hand while holding the gun in the other. He checked me everywhere. I looked straight out in front of me. "Arms down." He told me. I put them down and looked at him.

"You seem like a nice boy. I give you permission to date her." I wanted to laugh. I need permission to date her? But I didn't laugh. It's not exactly the smartest thing in the world to laugh at a man with a gun.

I walked up to Chelsea's room. "There you are." She said. I sighed and hugged her. "Your uncle just gave me permission to date you." I said. I saw her eyes light up. She kissed me.

"Ready to go?" She asked. I nodded and we walked outside. The weather felt great. "So, did you ever talk to Harry again?" Chelsea asked. I nodded. "He kissed you because Eleanor was going to pay him 3,000 dollars so he could fly his family out here."

"So he didn't want to, but he told me that family was important." Chelsea nodded. I forgave him a long time ago. I don't know about how Chelsea felt, but he and I were close, and that's all that mattered.

"Have Niall and Molly gotten married yet?" She asked. "No, they're still waiting. They really are the perfect couple. They barely argue, and when they do, Niall always pussies out and begs her to forgive him. Then they end up snogging."

Chelsea laughed. I didn't realize how far we walked. I couldn't see the house anymore.

"Chelsea!" I heard someone shout in the distance. "Shit." Chelsea muttered. I turned around to see a boy with blonde hair running towards us. What the hell?

*•*•* sorry for not updating sooner. Who do you think it is? Comment. I'm not looking for a specific person, just why do you think Chelsea got so angry? Vote, comment if you want an update TONIGHT! Mkay, byee*•*•*

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