Chapter 27: Board Games (Chelsea's POV)

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We sat awkwardly on Louis' bed. "So, what do you want to do now?" He questioned. I shrugged. "Do you have any board games?" I asked. He nodded and stepped into his closet. He pulled out five boxes. "I have Sorry, Monopoly, Life, Trouble, and Pictionary. But I also have a poker set and we can invite some people over?"

I laughed and told him to get the poker set. We both called over two friends and they said that they could come in about an hour. We decided to play sorry while we waited in them. "I call the green!" I yelled. He decided to play as the blues and we both played rock, paper, scissors to see who draws a card first. He won so I threw a pillow at his face.

"Remember, you have to draw a one or a two to get out of ho-" he started, but I cut him off. "I know how to play Sorry! This was my life growing up!" He laughed and pulled up a card. "Six." He said as he placed the card next to the deck. I picked my card up. "Yes! 2! I get to go twice!" I pulled one of my little people out and grabbed another card. "Five." I moved my player five spaces.

"My turn." Louis said enthusiastically. He had a biOpenedg smile on his face, but when he saw his card, his smile disappeared. "12." I laughed and grabbed a card. "Yes! 2!" I moved another player out of my home. I grabbed another card and giggled. "12." I said. I moved my first player twelve spaces. Louis grabbed a card without speaking. "Damn it! 9!" He threw the card down and watched in shock as I got a backwards four. I was just one space from getting into the safe zone.

"Yes! FINALLY! A 2!" He excitedly pulled out his blue man and grabbed another card. "7 or switch with any opponent." He started to stroke his imaginary beard and hummed. "Louis, don't do it. Don't you dare do it!" I warned him. My first person was right next to his safe zone. "That's too bad for you." He replied as he smacked my player off the board with his hand and placed his right there. I screamed out and playfully tackled him. I laughed as I started to tickle him.

"STOP! PLEASE!" He said between laughs. After a few minutes I finally got off of him and place my person where his player used to be. I drew a card. "10 or backwards 1." I moved my second player back one so I could go straight into the safe zone. I didn't even notice that Louis pulled out another card. "1." He said with a smirk. He knocked my player over and put it back into my home box. I glared at him and he avoided my gaze. I take games way too seriously.

I picked up the "sorry" card, grabbed his player and threw in at his face. "Ow! Not cool!" He said before snapping his fingers. I laughed and grabbed another card.

*ten minutes later*

"NO! NO! NO! YOU CLEARLY MOVED EIGHT SPACES! YOU WERE ONLY SUPPOSED TO MOVE SEVEN!" I yelled in Louis face. He was cracking up. "LOOK, ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR FIVE, SIX, SEVE-" I stopped when I realized that he actually moved seven spaces. I crossed my arms and started to pout.

"One more person and I win." He said. I picked up my card and groaned. I moved backwards four and watched him place his hand on top of the card deck. "I need six spaces to get into home." He said. I stared at his hand as he picked up the card and smirked. "Five." I cheered and picked up my card. It was another backwards four card. I angrily slammed my person back four spaces. Of course, the next card Louis picked up was a one. "YOU CHEATED! I KNOW YOU DID!" I yelled. He threw a pillow at me and turned around.

I sprinted at him and jumped on his back. I started to kiss the back if his neck and tickle him. He was laughing so hard that his legs collapsed. I flew in the air and he fell on his back. When I fell to the ground, I fell right on top of him. His face scrunched up in pain. He gasped for air and I instantly got off of him and looked at him. What's wrong? He was coughing and out of breath. "Louis?" I asked. "My balls." He manages to squeeze out.

I instantly burst out laughing and helped him up. "It's not funny!" He said. He limped to his bedroom and laid down on his bed. I was still trying to catch my breath as he pulled the blanket over his face. I sat on the edge of the bed and took a deep breath. I poked the big lump under the blanket where his body was and watched it move a little bit. I poked it again and heard a laugh. I pulled the blanket up and saw him curl up into a ball.

I laid next to him and stared at the ceiling. "That whole game was fun." I admitted. We just laid there until we heard the door bell. "Can you get the door while I get the poker set out?" He asked. I stood up without a response and walked to the front door. When I opened the door, I saw a few guys and some girls. there was only about six people. "Come in." I said with a smile. "Are you the famous Chelsea?" one of the girls asked when she stepped inside. "That's me." I said. "I'm Sara. That's my boyfriend, Zayn. Louis talks about you so much."

She took off her shoes and I smiled. "What does he say?" I asked out of curiosity. "He always says that you're beautiful. I guess he wasn't lying." She said. I blushed and smiled as Louis and Zayn brought in a poker table. "Chelsea, this is Liam, Niall, and Zayn. Maddie is Liam' s girlfriend, Molly is Niall' s girlfriend, and Sara is Zayn' s." I waved to them and they all mumbled 'Hello'.

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