Chapter 32: Car wreck (Louis' POV)

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*Two Years Later* 

I was sitting at my desk on my computer. I grumbled as I heard my phone ring. "Lewis, get your ass in my office. Now!"

I slammed my phone back into the holder. I adjusted my tie. I sighed and stepped into his office. "Sit down." I had a fake smile on, so I said, "Sure thing, sir!"

He played with his pen for a moment when he finally cleared his throat and started to talk. "Do you remember why I called you down here two weeks ago?" He asked.

"The paperwork didn't come in right, sir." I said. "That's right. And do you know how the paperwork came in today?" I really hated this guy. "I'm guessing it wasn't in order."


I am done. I have been dealing with this dick for a year, and I couldn't take it anymore. "'t... FUCKING LEWIS!" I yelled as I swiped all of his stuff off of his desk.

I ripped off my name tag and threw it on his desk. "I QUIT!" I yelled. I walked to my office and pulled out a brown box. I have been waiting to quit for a while now, so I have been prepared.

I started to throw all of my things into the box and ignored everyone who was watching me. I walked towards the front doors, but turned around right before I walked outside.

I flipped off the whole office. I had a huge smile on my face. "I've never liked any of you!" With that, I walked outside.

Damn it. I was twenty three years old, with a great job. Now, I'm screwed. Oh well, there are plenty of jobs around here. I would be fine.

I walked around the crowded streets. I have been moving houses all the time since Chelsea left. I had to. I haven't seen her since she drove away with her aunt.

My restraining order was only for a year, so I didn't have to not see her anymore. I still loved her and missed her, but she wasn't a sensitive subject like she used to be.

It's her birthday today, so I decided to go get a cupcake and a candle. I walked home and fumbled with the keys. I lit the candle and sat it on the table. I sat in front of the chair and watched the candle burn.

"Happy twentieth birthday, Chels." I whispered before blowing it out myself and eating the chocolate icing. I wiped the crumbs off my mouth when I was done, and decided to go walking again.

I was walking by the most crowded street, when I saw a familiar face driving. One that I haven't seen in one and a half years. Mrs. Halpert.

She saw me and waved. I smiled and waved back. I saw a little girl in the back seat. My gosh, that must've been sienna! I saw as their light turned green and she drove. I watched as her car moved into the middle of the intersection.

Then, something absolutely terrible happened. A car coming from the left of them ran a red light, and hit their car right where Mrs. Halpert was sitting. Cars slammed on their breaks and jumped out of their cars to help.

I just stood and watched the mess of metals in the middle of the road. My instincts hit in, and I ran to the backseat of the car and pulled sienna out. She was crying.

Her chin was bleeding a lot. "Sienna. Are you okay?" He stopped crying and looked at me. "How do you know my name?" Wow, for two years old, she could speak very clearly.

"I used to know you when you were a baby. I was your sissy's old boyfriend." I told her. I walked over to the curb and observed her chin. "What happened?" I asked. She ignored me and looked at the car wreck.

I heard sirens in the distance. I watched as an ambulance came around the corner and stopped. Two guys came rushing out. I saw a news reporter talking into a camera.

"The crash is on 108th and church street. It is an injury crash, as the driver who caused it, has a broken neck, and the woman with a child, has in fact been announced dead."

I opened my mouth in sadness. I started to cry. I looked down at sienna who was playing with the bottom of my shirt. She had no idea what was going on.

"Hey you!" I heard someone say. I turned to see a cop. "Did you see the crash?" He asked. I nodded. "Hey, get the ambulance to check on the kid!" He yelled to someone.

A man came and took sienna from my lap and towards the ambulance. "Can you tell me what happened?" "Is her mum really dead?" I asked ignoring him.

He sighed and nodded. I cried a bit more, but explained the story. Another man walked up to me. "Are you sienna's father?" I thought about the time when Mrs. Halpert took a picture of us and called us a family.

I shook my head. "Well, we don't have any record of a father, so I will have to find another relative." I nodded. "But, she did have a pretty bad cut on hit chin, so she is currently getting stitches. She will be fine other than that."

I sighed. Two hours later, I was still there. I saw a car pull up to the accident. I watched as two women jumped out of the car and ran towards the mess. I could only see the backs of their heads. A cop tried to stop them, but I heard, "That's my mom!"

I froze. Is this really happening? I watched as the familiar chest nut hair, run towards the mess. "MOM!" She yelled. No answer. I walked up to her.

"Chelsea?" I asked. She turned around and looked at me. She looked exactly the same. "Louis?" She asked. I nodded and she jumped into my arms and cried. "My mom is dead." She said into my chest.

I rubbed her back and cried with her. We watched as the cars were towed away. We saw the ambulance guys pushing a body away on a stretcher. Chelsea cried as she watched we mother being rolled away.

She looked back at me. Her aunt came running up. She was crying too. She hugged Chelsea. "Auntie, can I stay with Louis for the night?"

Her aunt looked shocked. "Chelsea, I don't know if-" "Please. This is my first time seeing him in two years. I want to spend time with him." "But your mom." "Mom is..." She didn't finish her sentence.

Her aunt looked at me and sighed. "Go ahead Chelsea." I smiled a little bit, but stopped after a moment. Chelsea turned around. She smiled at me. "Hi." She said. I didn't answer her. I pulled her towards me and kissed her.

*•*•* YAAAY!!!!! THIS STORY IS STILL NOT OVER! Can you believe it? Two years. Wow. If you want another chapter tonight, comment and like. Mkay byee*•*•*

The BabysitterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora