Chapter 33: Tramp stamp (Chelsea's POV)

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We didn't say a word to each other the whole walk to his house. This house was a two story. I stood behind him with my hands in my jacket as he unlocked his door.

When he got it open, he stepped aside for me to walk in. I took three steps and stopped. He walked around me and into the kitchen. "Come on." He said with a smile.

I smiled awkwardly and sat down at the table. The same table he used to have. "Would you like some Dr. Pepper? I remember it was your favorite."

I nodded and he handed me a glass with the dark liquid. He made iced tea for himself and sat across from me. "How have you been? You look great! And I love your house." I said. I acted excited, but my mother was dead. I wasn't happy.

"We don't have to do this right now. You need time." He said while mixing his drink. "Thanks." I started to cry again. "She's gone." I whispered.

I felt two strong arms wrap around my shoulder. I didn't look at him. He picked me up bridal style and carried me to his couch. He sat me on his lap and cradled me while I cried.

"If I don't say this now, I will surely break as I'm leaving the one I want to take." I stopped crying and looked up at him. This was the song he wrote for me two years ago.

He continued to sing the rest of the song. I was done crying and I watched him watching me. He kissed the top of my head. "I missed your kisses." I said.

"I missed the way you looked at me. I missed your eyes, your smile, your voice. Most of all, I missed you." I said. I kissed his lips slightly and shut my eyes. "I don't know if it's weird that I kissed you after not seeing you for two years, so-"

"No. It's not weird." He said with a smile. "Sorry I didn't ask if I could stay. I just sort of invited myself." I said laughing. "Well I was going to offer, but you asked first."

I sighed and shut my eyes. I finally felt safe again in Louis' arms. "You have no idea how many times I imagined this moment. I didn't think I would ever see you again." He said.

"This is insane." I commented. "It's late. I'm tired." I said. He nodded and walked me up the stairs. "I can walk Louis." I said laughing. "Right." He said, but continued to carry me.

He brought me to a room. "Here's my room. You can sleep on my bed tonight." I sat on the bed and he walked to the closet. It was a lot bigger than his old closet.

He started to pull down blankets and headed towards the door. "What are you doing?" I asked. "I'm sleeping in the guest room." He said.

"Oh. Okay. Well, goodnight." He smiled and walked out, shutting the door behind him. I laid on the bed. I stretched out my body. "Chelsea, you know mom wouldn't want you crying over her. She's in a better place." I said aloud.

The words actually helped. My aunt took sienna home for the night, so she was safe. I wonder what sienna will think when mom doesn't come home.

*four hours later*

I don't feel right. I need something. I don't know what I'm missing. I laid in bed staring at the ceiling wondering why I was feeling weird.

Louis. I need Louis. I can't sleep knowing that he is in the other room, not with me. I stood up and walked around the hall.

I didn't know which room he was in. I just kept opening the doors and peeking in to see if he was there. Finally, in the last door of the upstairs, I saw him sleeping.

I walked up to him and poked him. "Louis." I whispered. He didn't move. I poked him again. "Lewis!" I said a little louder. He broke out into a smile and laughed. "I can't pretend to be asleep for shit!" He said.

"Can I sleep with you?" I asked getting straight to the point. He nodded and I jumped next to him. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close to him.

I was facing him and looking at all his features. He wasn't wearing a shirt, only boxers. The warmth of his body made me feel happy.

After a moment I sat up. He sat up with me. "What's wrong?" He asked. I shrugged. "I can't sleep." "Me either. I haven't fallen asleep all night. Did you?" "Nope." I admitted.

He stood up and turned on the light. It was one in the morning, so it was still dark outside. "Ready to talk yet?" He asked with a warm smile. I nodded.

"What was it like at your aunts house?" He asked. I thought about the farm, and the happy feeling it constantly had. "I love it there. My cousin, Isaac, is like my brother."

"That's great. Have you dated anyone?" He asked. I felt uncomfortable with the question. "Um, honestly, I tried to date guys. But I always called off the relationship after one date. It wasn't the same as us."

"Oh. Yeah, it's the same thing for me. The farthest I've gotten with a girl is hugging her." He said. I could see it in his eyes that he was telling the truth. I smiled.

"How do you feel being twenty?" He asked. I shut my eyes. "Different." I said. "What do you want for your birthday?" He asked casually.

I thought about it for a while. "A tattoo." I said smiling. I've always wanted one." I looked at Louis' chest and arms. They had lots of tattoos.

"I know a guy who can get you one right now." He said. I clapped my hands together and jumped up. He pulled on a shirt and some shorts. We quickly got into his car and drove downtown.

We stopped after five minutes of driving. "Are you sure? It's permanent." I nodded and we walked inside.

There was a man sitting behind a counter reading a motorcycle magazine. Louis coughed. "Louis!" He said. They did that weird high five man hug thing and started to talk.

"Who's this pretty lady?" He asked. "This is Chelsea." Louis said as he proudly wrapped his arm around me. "This is the Chelsea you always talk about? She's more beautiful than I expected!" I blushed and went into a white room.

"Get your ass out of here Louis! I want it to be a surprise!" I said with a giggle. He walked out. "What would you like?" I thought about it. "I want two tattoos. One on my shoulder, and one on my lower back."

"Oh! A tramp stamp! Dirty are we?" He said with a laugh. I blushed again and nodded. "Can I have the one on my shoulder say 'Louis' on it? And my tramp stamp be a purple butterfly or something?"

He nodded and pulled my sleeve up. He started to wipe it with alcohol and pulled out the gun. I began to get nervous. "Don't worry, hun. It only hurts at first, then you get used to it."

He could not have been more wrong. IT HURT LIKE A MOTHER FUCKER! I hated to get it, but once I saw the cursive letters that spelled out Louis, I knew it was worth it.

"Now this one will hurt a lot less. Purple butterfly you said?" I nodded and he got started. This one took longer. About forty minutes. My arm one only took about ten.

When it was done, he took a picture and showed it to me. I thought it was pretty, so he bandaged it up and pulled my shirt down.

I ran out into the front and saw Louis reading the same magazine. "I'm done!" I said. He put it down and walked over to me. "Let me see." He said as he pulled the bandage off.

He stared at it and smiled. "Jerry, I want one too." He said. "Take a seat Chelsea." Louis said. "I can't. My other tattoo is still hurting." He gave me a confused look, but walked into the room.

He came out five minutes later with the same tattoo on his shoulder, except it said Chelsea. "Too fucking cute." Jerry commented.

Louis and I left, but when we walks outside, Louis asked, "what other tattoo?" I smiled. "I got two tattoos for you." I turned around and pulled down my bandage.

"A tramp stamp? You dirty, dirty girl." He said laughing. He pulled me close. "Don't worry. I think it's sexy." He whispered seductively. That voice. It gave me chills.

*•*•* heeey!!! Did you like it? I hope so ( ._.) comment and vote if you want another chapter tonight! Don't worry, it still isn't done, and there is another climax coming up*•*•*

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