Chapter 28: Poker Party (Louis' POV)

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"One...two...three!" I yelled. Zayn and I lifted the table and headed upstairs. Why did I have to buy such a heavy table? We carried the table to the top and threw it down. "Who's ready to play some poker?" I asked with a grin. Everyone grabbed chairs and pulled them up to the table. Chelsea sat right across from me. "Wait, I have some beer in my car. Wait for me." Niall said. My eyes widened and I shifted uncomfortably in my chair. "We're going to play Texas Hold'em." Chelsea said as she pulled out a deck of cards. She pulled the cards out of their white clean box and tried to shuffle them. Everyone laughed at how bad her shuffling was. Cards flew everywhere and her face turned red. "It looks like we're playing fifty two card pick up." I said under my breath. She glared at me and pushed me off of my chair. We were both laughing and everyone started to pick up the cards. Niall walked back in with three twenty four packs of beer. "Damn Niall, how much do you think we drink?" Liam asked. Niall just shrugged and placed the beer on the counter. Everyone got up to help themselves to a bottle except me. I just stared at my legs and say in my chair. I didn't look up as everyone opened the bottle and started to chug it down. I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked up to see Niall with a beer in his hand, holding it up to me. "You want one mate?" He asked. I shook my head. Niall looked confused for a second. "Really? Why not?" He asked. I almost lost Chelsea because of drinking too much. I was not making that mistake again. "I'm just not feeling it right now." I lied. He tucked the bottle under his shoulder and sat down. He placed the bottle on the floor next to him and he drank his own bottle. Liam decided to shuffle. We each got forty coins to bet and two cards in our hands. I have a terrible poker face. I looked at my two cards and tried to hide a smile. A king and a ten. So far, so good! I saw Chelsea studying my face and I looked away. Everyone bet two and we continued with the game. Within thirty seconds, I won about twenty coins. I smiled on victory. Chelsea sighed and picked up two more cards. As I picked up my cards, I saw Chelsea shut her eyes in frustration for a second before smiling and placing her cards down. I found her poker face! I looked at mine and frowned. Yikes. A two and an eight. Not so good. I guess I have to bluff now.

5 hours later

I was staring at Maddy's huge pile of coins. Everyone was drunk and betting a lot. Only Maddy and I didn't drink. Niall was lying on the floor singing.

"I'm all alone. There's no one here beside me!" He sang loudly. "Shut up! The neighbors might hear." Liam laughed. Niall stopped and sat up. "Leeyum! We have to go to Louis' house!" He said. He stood up and held himself up by his chair. He grabbed Liam's arm and giggled. "We're already here, mate." Liam said and pointed to me. Niall looked at me and started to squint his eyes. I waved and Niall gave me a goofy smile. He walked up to me and wrapped his arms around me. "Heeey Lewis! How's it going?" I just stared at him. "Listen man, listen to me." He said. I waited for him to continue. "Are you listening?" He asked. I nodded and laughed. "Yes Niall, I'm listening." I said in a childish voice. "Good good." He said. He got down on one knee. "Will you marry me Lou? I'm not gay, but I want you to marry me." I was confused. "Um no, Niall. I won't marry you." "HA! THAT WAS A TEST TO SEE IF YOU ARE GAY!" I fell over laughing. "But, speaking of marriage," Molly said. Niall wrapped his arm around her. "Erm, Niall and I... We are engaged." She said with a blush. I was shocked. "What?" Maddy yelled and ran over to Molly. She lifted her left ring finger. It was covered in a beautiful diamond ring. "Isn't it a little soon?" Sara asked. Molly shrugged. "We've been dating since we were fourteen. It's been five years. It doesn't mean that we are getting married any time soon, we just want to be with each other for the rest of our lives." Molly said. Chelsea just stared at her finger. I did the same. I stopped for a second. Do I really want to be with Chelsea for the rest of my life? Do I really love her enough to the point of dedicating the rest if my life to her? Marriage is a huge step in life. Do I want to marry her? I inhaled and smiled. Absolutely. One hundred percent. Chelsea is the one. I'm not going to purpose for a while, but I know one day I will. I can feel it. Chelsea grabbed Molly's hand and observed the ring. She turned her hand over to look at the back of it. After she was done looking at it, she smiled. She wrapped her arms around Molly. "Congratulations." Chelsea whispered. Liam sat down on the couch and put his head in his hands. "Mate, think I can crash here for the night? I had a little too much to drink, and I don't want to drive." I looked at everyone in the room. Every eye was on me. Except for Niall, who was tapping the window and laughing his head off. "I wouldn't feel comfortable if any of you drove home. You're all welcome to stay the night." Niall looked at me and blew a kiss to me. I rolled my eyes and started to put the poker stuff away. Molly grabbed Niall's arm. He looked at her and his eyes widened. "Wooaah! Who is this sexy lady?" He yelled before laughing his arse off. "I'm just kidding! I know who she is." Wow, Niall needs to learn how to control himself when he's drunk. Molly laid him down on the couch and laid beside him. Niall was asleep in a matter of seconds. "Zayn and Sara can sleep in the basement. Liam and Maddy can sleep in my guest room." I said. Everyone was okay with the sleeping arrangements. I grabbed Chelsea's hand and lead her to our room. Wow, I think of it as "our" room. When we got to my room, we sat on my bed. She ran her hand through her chestnut hair. "I had fun tonight." She said. "I did it for you." I said with a smile. She didn't respond. She placed her hand on my chest and pushed me down softly. As she pushed me down, she kissed me. She laid across my chest and kissed me over and over again. Her eyes were shut, so I closed mine. I sat back up a little bit and she sat on my lap and wrapped her legs around my waist. I propped myself up with my arms. She ran her thin fingers through my hair. I started to kiss her neck and she looked at the ceiling in pleasure. "Do you know how much I love you?" I asked into her neck. "Enough to get engaged to me?" She asked. I stopped and pulled away. I just stared at her. She waited for me to answer. "Of course. Just not yet." She scoffed. "Why not now? We know that we want to spend our lives together. Why can't we go get married now?" "Chelsea. Listen to yourself. Your seventeen. I'm twenty one." I said. She looked at her legs. "We're young. Of course we are goin to be married. Just... Not yet." She looked as if she were about to cry. Lifted her chin and smiled at her. She smiled back and kissed me. "Okay." She said. "We'll wait." I hugged her and gave her another kiss. We were both silent and we heard moaning from the basement. Chelsea laughed and I slammed my foot on the floor. "If you guys are gonna have sex, be quiet!" I yelled to Sara and Zayn. Chelsea laughed and we laid down. "Good night, babe." I said. She smiled an gave me a peck. "Goodnight. I love you." She said. "I love you too" I whispered back.

*•*•* HEEEEEYYYY!!!!!!!! I'm so sorry I haven't updated in forever DX it's just that my school has been focusing on state testing and finals. I will be updating a lot more with summer around the corner :) comment, like, share... Please <3 mkay byee *•*•*

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