Chapter 37: Sushi and Noodles (Chelsea's POV)

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*Seven months later*

"Damn it, Louis! Pick up your damn clothes!" I said. I wasn't angry. I was used to this. I yelled it in a playful voice. He ran in, fixing his tie. "I'm sorry babe, but I've got to run." He kissed my cheek and ran out.

I heard the front door open and close, then his car starting and driving away. As soon as I moved in to Louis' house, he got a job. I haven't had as much luck as him.

I sighed and picked up his clothes off of the floor. I neatly folded them and opened his drawers. I saw all of his clothes laying in a mess in each drawer. I was ahead of my chores so I decided to reorganize it.

It took me a while, because I recently took him shopping. We left the mall with fifteen bags for him. I was at the last drawer. I pulled his clothes out, when I felt something hard hit my hand.

It felt like a small box. I think it's an engagement ring! It even had that fuzzy stuff on the outside of the box, and it was basically the right size. I gasped and grabbed a shirt to cover it. I threw the shirt into the drawer with the tiny box with it. I didn't want to see it.

I folded the rest very fast and left the room to do more chores. A few hours later, Louis came home for his lunch break. "Hey honey." He said as he walked into the door.

"Want to go eat out?" I asked him. He nodded and grabbed his car keys. We stepped into the car. He drove to a sushi place around the corner.

We took a seat. "How has your day been?" He asked. "Good. I cleaned the living room, our bedroom, washed our blankets, cleaned your drawers," I stopped. His eyes grew wide at the last one. "What?" I asked. "Um, there was a spider right behind you. Next to the wall." He said.

He looked like he was telling the truth, so I turned around. It was a tiny spider. "Thanks for telling me." I said smiling. "What about your day?" I asked him.

"The same. It's a really good and fun job. Plus, it pays really good too." I nodded. We continued to talk. I ordered beef noodles and soaked it in Sri racha (or however you spell it), while Louis ate a bunch of sushi. This was all you can eat sushi, so he got a lot.

After we ate, we walked out hand in hand. "I'm really glad you are enjoying your new job." I told him. He smiled and looked at me. He bent down and kissed me again. "Try to hurry back tonight. I'll miss you." I said.

He dropped me off at home and drove back. I sighed. I decided to grab some ice cream and eat it out of the tub while watching Disney movies. I was done with all of my chores.

I looked down and realized I ate half of the tub after my fourth movie. I shut it quickly and placed it back into the refrigerator. Just then, Louis burst into the door. "Come on." He said with a smile.

I looked outside. I saw it was getting dark from rain clouds. "Where are we going?" I asked him. "It's a surprise." Was the only response I got. "Wait!" He said right before he pulled out of our driveway. "I think that my credit card is inside."

He hopped out and ran back into the house. I sat there patiently until he came back out.

"Now I'm ready." I laughed and we drove away. I started to sing along to a song on the radio, but quietly.

"We're here." He said after twenty minutes. I looked out of the window to see a tiny Italian restaurant. "It's where we had our first date!" I said excitedly.


*•*•* heeey! Sorry if this chapter is short and not the best. I'm really sad to say that my book is almost over though *le starts crying* well it's okay. I am writing another book! It's a Harry fan fiction. It's called "orphan" I only have three or four chapters so far, so don't judge it just yet :) but please check it out. It is on hold until this book is done. I will love you guys if you check it out!!! Mkay, byee

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