Chapter 24: Charlie (Louis' POV)

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I walked home casually. I tried to hold back my tears as I saw Chelsea run out of the neighborhood. I was angry at Chelsea for kissing Harry. I was angry at Harry for being the one that she kissed. K was angry at myself for letting this happens.

I sighed once I came to my front . I didn't lock it, so I just walked in. I headed into my room and saw my keys and wallet lying in the middle of my bed.

I grabbed them and headed towards the kitchen. I looked for the slightly broken tile on the floor. Once I found it, I lifted it up. This was my hiding place for emergency money. There was way over fifteen thousand dollars in there. I have been saving money since I was a little boy.

I moved around all of the bills until I fund a one hundred dollar bill. I smiled and put it into my pocket. I placed the tile back and walked out the door.I got inside my car and drove out of the neighborhood.

While I was waiting at a stoplight, I saw Chelsea run into another neighborhood. I looked away so I wouldn't go after her. In the corner of my eye, I could see Harry in another car. He was watching Chelsea too.

He looked kind of guilty. I scoffed. The light turned green and I kept going straight. He turned right and followed her into the neighborhood. Wow, that douche. I continues to drive until I found what I was looking for. A liquor store.

I pulled into the parking lot and got out of my car. I was speed walking towards the doors. I tugged them open and stepped inside. The place was completely empty. I have never Sen anyone in this store.

"Hello." A bald man greeted me from behind the cash register.I didn't answer him. I just walked through the different aisles. I didn't care what I grabbed. I just took random bottles of wines, beers, alcohol mixes and other things.

I placed them on the counter. "Party?" The bald man asked. I just shook my head. "You then. Girl problems?" I just looked at him and nodded. He grunted. "Women. Always a mystery." I nodded and watched him scan my drinks.

"Do you want to talk about it? I know that I am a complete stranger, but it helps when you get it out."

*twenty minutes later*

"And then, just before I got here, here I saw her run in into the neighborhood just across the street. I started to feel bad and almost went after her. That's until I saw Harry looking at her from the car next to me! He followed her into there to hook up with her."

I told the man about everything that has happened between Chelsea and I. His name was Charlie and he was a good listener. "Wow dude. That sucks!" "Tell me about it." I said rolling my eyes at all the drama. I pulled out my hundred dollar bill and held it out.

He shook his head. "No man. It's all on the house." I froze. "All of it?" I asked shocked. He nodded. "You're going through a tough time." I crumpled up the bill and put it in my pocket. "Thanks man." I said before walking out.

I didn't bother to wait drinking until I got home. I pulled off the cap of a bottle of vodka. I took a big swig and swallowed it. The burning sensation in my throat felt great. Well, actually it hurt like hell, but I meant it took my mind away from Chelsea; which made it feel good.

I started the car and drove off. I wasn't even close to drunk yet. I took another big gulp and drove the rest of the way home. When I got to my house, I grabbed the big bag of drinks next to me and took it inside.

I grabbed a big cup and poured in a mixture of all my alcohols. I took a big gulp.I was definitely starting to feel myself get tipsy. I swallowed the rest of my drink in one swallow. I bumped really loud and shook my head. was starting.g to blur up a bit.

I made another cup of my drinks and looked at my mixture. I shrugged and placed the cup on the counter. I grabbed a bottle of red wine and drank it right out of the bottle. I heard a knock on my door. I cussed under my breath and made my way to the door. I opened it. My eyes widened when I saw who was standing in front of me.

I growled a little bit and gave her a cold glare. "What do you want Eleanor?" I asked. "I just wanted to apologize for calling your girlfriend a slut. It's just... I guess I was just jealous of her. I mean who wouldn't be jealous of a girl with a boyfriend as hot as hers?"

I rolled my eyes. She walked past me and sat on my couch. I could see her panties when she crossed her legs because she was wearing a mini skirt. I sat down next to her and took another drink from the win bottle.

"So Louis, I've been thinking... I miss you. I want you again." I was staring at my guitar in the corner of the room. She sat in my lap with her legs wrapped around my waist. I looked up at her and was about to tell her that I was still with Chelsea.

She placed her lips on mine. She quietly moaned through the kiss. I loved the feeling of her running her hands through my hair. When she pulled away, await shut my eyes. She kissed the corner of my mouth. "I want you Louis." She whispered seductively.

I opened my eyes and saw her take off her shirt. She was wearing a red lace bra. "But... What about Chelsea?" I asked. "Forget about her baby." She said. I looked at her nose. I noticed that it was dry and dark red in the corner. "Is that blood?" I asked.

She just avoided the question. She pulled me off of the couch by my shirt. She didn't let go of my shirt as she made her was to my bedroom. She took my shirt off and placed her lips on mine again. She then slowly slid down her skirt.

I didn't even care. I was going to have a good time tonight.

*·*·* hey guys!!! What did you think? Vote and comment please!!! And please read my new fan fiction called "Orphan" it's a Harry styles fan fiction. Love you guys!!*·*·*

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