Chapter 38: This is It (Louis' POV)

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*•*•* shout out to Jadey6688. She is always commenting on almost every chapter the nicest things! Her stories are great. You guys seriously need to read them*•*•*

I have spent this whole month planning this night. I locked the car behind me. Chelsea and I walked inside the tiny restaurant. The smell of garlic bread made my mouth water.

The place was exactly the same as the first time. Everything. The tabled were the same old fancy wood, the curtains still a dark red, the walls still a tan old beautiful color.

We actually sat at the same table as our first date. Well, I reserved it. A waitress came up and took our orders. I got plain spaghetti while Chelsea got spicy chicken alfredo.

"No way!" Chelsea said smiling. "What?" I asked. "Was that the same waitress as the first time? The one who was hitting on you?" She asked looking amused.

I blushed. "She wasn't hitting on me." I whispered. Chelsea laughed. "She definitely was! You're blind if you couldn't see that!" She was now laughing super hard.

She finally stopped laughing and looked around. "Wow, thanks for taking me here." She said while eating a bit of bread. "No problem." I said. I started to get nervous. 'Be strong' I told myself.

"Do you enjoy living with me?" I asked her. She looked like she choked on her bread. "Why wouldn't I?" She asked. I shrugged. "I was just curious." I said looking around awkwardly.

Our food finally came. The lady placed out food in front of us. Chelsea mixed up her noodles while I just took a bite. "Wow. This food is just as good as last time." I commented.

When we were done with our food I stood up. "What are you doing?" Chelsea asked. I didn't look at her. I couldn't. I might get too nervous.

I cleared my throat and looked at everyone. Everyone looked back at me. I saw the boys come from out of the kitchen, smiling. They lined up behind me and smiled at Chelsea.

The restaurant knew this was coming, so they were okay with it. All of the staff ran out with big grins to watch the big show. I sighed and opened my mouth.

*Chelsea's POV*

I watched as Liam, Zayn, Niall, and Harry lined up behind Louis. Then, they did something completely unexpected. The four boys in the back started to sing a Capella.

Louis finally opened his mouth. "If I don't say this now, I will surely break, as I'm leaving the one I want to take." He sung beautifully. The song he wrote for me.

I smiled throughout the whole song. At the end, the boys in the back continued to sing. Louis pulled me up and grabbed my waist.

"Chelsea, I have been madly in love with you since day one that I saw you. You changed me in ways that I can't explain. I hope I did the same to you. We talked about this a long, long time ago. These past four months, I have been planning on doing this, but never got the courage. Now, I am going to finally get down on one knee," he got on a knee. I gasped and instantly brought my hands up to my face in shock."and pull out this." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a box. He opened it to reveal a beautiful ring. "i am finally going to ask you a question. Will you marry me, and become Mrs. Chelsea Tomlinson?"

I started crying everyone was 'awww'ing. I nodded. "Yes!" I said.

He jumped up and everyone cheered. He stood up straight and placed the ring on my left ring finger. He grabbed my hand and pulled it up so everyone in the restaurant could see it.

Some people even stood up out of their chairs and cheered for him. Louis left a fifty dollar bill on the table, picked me up bridal style, and walked to the door.

I didn't even notice Molly recording us and Sara, Morgan, and Maddy watching. I waved at them. Louis kicked the door open to reveal a storm.

It was pouring rain. I didn't even care. Louis placed me down. "I love you so much." He whispered right before bending down and kissing me in the rain.

*Louis' POV*

I finally did it! I felt great. Nothing in the world could ruin this moment. I scored big time. I stopped kissing her and I walked her to the car. We drove home. Chelsea and I couldn't stop smiling the whole way home.

*•*•* Awwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! Aren't they so cute?!?!?!? Ugh I this is my dream proposal... Well, comment and like if you want to get updated pretty quick tomorrow. Mkay byee!*•*•*

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