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U walk up to ben and jeff smiling. they feel weird cause your not mad...yet. and kind of smile back. "Hehe...nice to have u back (y/n)" u keep smiling and stare at them. They feel really awkward now. Finally u get mad and slap them both. "HOW COULD U!!???" "(Y/n) calm down!" "NO FUCK U BOTH!...im out!" U walk to the front door of the mansion. Janes dead body still on the ground.  As ben grabs your wrist. U tug free and open the manion door slamming it shut. "Shit we really messed up huh ben?" Jeff says frowning. "Yeah..idk if we can even fix this.."  "I hope we do I cant live without her.." "then why did we cheat? " "I have no idea" they sit down thinking. As slender comes in "she found out?" "Yeah.." "ur children's fault" "yeah yeah we now slenderp" slender teleports away. As sally runs down the stairs knowing u were not in the manion she ran out the house. 


U are so mad. But soon get lost in the forest. "Dammit!" Soon u hear small footsteps getting closer and closer. You look around "hello?" "(Y/N)!!!!" U hear a little girls name. She finally catches up to u but something was wrongg. She looked horrible. someone is there..chasing little old sally....next thing u now a big demon appears infront of u and grabs u. "Hello (y/n) eheh...im zalgo!" Is all he said as u look behind "zalgo" to see sally but then she was gone. U were in another place?....

ben x reader x jeffWhere stories live. Discover now