one more after this!

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I try quickly to wrap my cords around there neck but obviously it didn't help one bit as they flashed....gone. I blinked and looked around a bit scared for my own life. "Why isnt anyone helping you BEN~" I hear a demonic voice. I turn again to where another voice could be heard. "Dont they love you?~" I frown a bit and cover my ears as a piercing scream echoes through the whole room breaking every window in sight. "UHG!" I cry out a bit in pain as my ears began to bleed from how high the pitch was. "They don't actually care about you BEN...or they would be here..helping a little elf like you! HAHA" I hear another voice as I cry a bit. Knowing they are right...where was everyone? Where is my help! I look around and stand back up after being on my knees from the pitch scream I look around for any exit. But then I didn't recognize where I was all bloody red...I look around more frantically as I search for an exit. "HELP!" I yell and whimper a bit knowing no one would be able to hear me..I stay silent as I see Sally down the distance..she was crying...I ran to help her thinking she was back to normal but as she turned around I see my...mother and I as a child...a vision..i watch as I see my family having fun without me...yeah I was a gamer boy back then and i still am now. I would never change my love for the game LOZ. I watched as little me buzzed everyone away from family my friends soon less an dress stopped talking to me..i know that feeling that is now starting in my chest...I couldn't help but burst into tears. If i was still alive WITH them..i would have stopped all of that and maybe acted like a normal little boy...a boy with something to live for...I look down as they appear infront of me smirking as usual.."want to join and maybe..idk GET THAT FUCKING LIFE BACK BEN!!!" Little Sally laughed as she yelled at me. That is not Sally...none of this would be happening if it wasn't for ME...I look down and stare as tear streams down my face begin to dry. I they smirk and hold out their hand i slowly take it.. with what I had just agreed to ....

ben x reader x jeffWhere stories live. Discover now