33; Making Out

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The next couple weeks were quite. Nothing exciting happened. Although Angelina was acting flirty with boys when we walked past them. It didn't surprise any of us.

I've been piling up my homework. There was a stack of it on my desk. I wasn't getting any sleep because of it. I was guessing the twins weren't getting any sleep either. Not because of homework, though.

It was a late, boring Wednesday. It had to be around ten at night. My head was laied on my desk. Books and parchment were over me. Inc was spilled all over the parchment.

My brain was anywhere but my work.

They've been weird lately. They are weird people, but they've been weirder. They whisper to each other all the time, Fred and George.

Fred seems less stressed now. He says hes over Angelina. But its hard for all of us to believe him.

Umbridge was making this hard for everyone. Harry was talking to me about it the other day. He told me him and Cho were going on a date, and he needed help on it. I told him I'd help.

He didn't clarify if they were dating, but I'm sure they are. He gets flustered everytime hes near her. It's cute if I'm being honest.

I decided to take a break from homework and go to bed. I left everything where it was and went to bed.


"You need to help me! What on earth do I wear?! What do I tell her?!" Harry was asking. "Just wear something you'd usually wear. Act conventional, she'll like that." I told him.

"But what if she doesn't? What if she brings up Cedric?!" He started to panic again. "I'm sure won't. And if she does...well..erm.." I didn't know how to respond to that.

"I trust she won't." I said at last. "Are you going with Fred?" Harry asked me. "I suppose. George and Lee will come as well." I said. "When are you two going to get together?" He asked. I felt myself go red. "I can't see the furture, Harry."

"And what if he does ask you?" He said. "What would you do then?"

"I'm not sure. Depends on how he asks." I responded. "What if he says, 'Hey, Echo. I think you're smoking hot. Wanna get some butterbeers from the Three Broomsticks?'" Harry said in a deep voice. I laughed.

"Mm, depends on my mood. If I'm feeling nice, than maybe I'll say yes." I said jokingly. He chuckled.

"Well, I'm gonna go so you can change." I told him, getting off his bed and walking to the door. "See you later!" He called. "Bye."

I left his dorm and walked down and out of the common room. I made my way to the Great Hall for breakfast, praying not to bump into Angelina.

I was almost there, but that's when things went bad. Or at least I thought it was at the moment.

I hit someone. Neither of us fell since it wasnt a hard hit. I backed away and was about to apologize, but then I saw the persons face.

"Jeremy! Hi!" I said. He started at me with a puzzled look, but quickly recognized me and softened. "Hi." He said. "Where you've been? I haven't seen you in a month!" I said.

"I've been catching up on school work. Home works been piling up from me." He told me. "I feel you. I have a pile of papers on my desk at the moment." I said.

"Erm...are you going to Hogesmade today?" I asked him. He shook his head. "I'll be at the library finishing my work." He told me. "Yeah, I get that. Oh! And that ring you got me was beautiful! I truly love it." I said.

"Yeah, it used to be my grandmother's, but I never use it, so why not give it to the beautiful, kind girl at school." He said. I blushed. "Thanks. Anyways, I should get going." I said. "Ok."

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