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"This has got to be the best idea we've had yet hyung!"

Jungkook smiled as we both walked into a artist shop.
After hybrids were allowed basic rights (standards aren't high enough) Y/N encouraged us to go out more together, obviously while still being cautious, and try and find hobbies that we may enjoy.
After watching countless videos of people painting, Jungkook and I wanted to try it for ourselves. So after figuring out when we would both free, we both decided to buy some art supplies and try painting out.

"Okay we must remember to not buy anything too expensive, if we like painting then we'll consider purchasing more professional stuff."

Jungkook nodded and we both headed our separate ways for supplies.


"So how did we do this?"

I asked as we stared at the supplies in front of us on the table. First off there was a big box filled with different colour paints, then about fifteen different paintbrushes, two "artist" water cans, two large canvases, paint holders and glitter.

"Why did you want glitter?"

I turned to Jungkook.
He shrugged his shoulders,

"Hobi hyung likes glitter so I thought I would do a picture with it."

I nodded my head and looked back to the mildy expensive objects.

"Okay I say we paint our pictures before everyone else gets home and then hide everything."

He hummed in agreement and started to take the paints he wanted (not forgetting his glitter). After we both settled down we looked at each other and nodded.

"Alright, we've watched people do this, it can't be that hard, what could possibly go wrong?"


"Everything went so horribly wrong!"

Jungkook cried as we tried to scrub the paint off the walls.

"None of this would of happened if you didn't fling paint at me!"

"For the last time it was an accident! You were the one that started this!"

While we had been painting, Jungkook had somehow flicked his brush which caused paint to splash onto my face. I flicked some paint onto him as revenge and from there, it got a little out of hand.

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