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"As of today, hybrids will be able to work, earning the exact payment as anyone else would. Hybrids will also be able to live freely by themselves, not needing an 'owner' of any kind. They will be allowed to walk the streets without needed any sort of identification. Education will also be given to them. From now on, if you are seen abusing a hybrid in any way, you will be charged, the worst punishment being jail time. Hybrids will be allowed to officially marry anyone as long as consent is giving from both side."

The man continued to speak as I looked to the boys. The expression they held expressed many different reactions.
Some were shocked, some were confused and some were angry.

The anger was only visible on one person, Yoongi.
He stood up, wiping his pants as he did,

"Well it's about time I have basic rights. It's not like I struggled for years. It's not like I dealt with hateful words and abusive actions. In fact, my life was as easy as a first grade math test! Hahaha! Damn, they're definitely giving me a treat here."

I frowned at his words.
He deserved to feel the way he did, I didn't have to live with or deal with what he has had to. But it's hard to watch him react like this. To see him so upset all because it is said he finally has basic rights. I get it I really do, but I wish it wouldn't cause such anger.

"Hyung, I think you need to calm down."

"No Namjoon! I will not calm down! I have every right to be pissed off right now. I'm finally aloud to have basic rights! After years of struggling, having to deal with abuse because I was different, because I wasn't like them! It's finally been recognized that, hey, maybe how we're being treated is wrong, it's bullshit!"

"Hyung shouldn't we be grateful for what we have been given-"

"No Jungkook! We shouldn't be grateful, we should be pissed that it's taken this long to get it!"


"No this is bullshi-"


I finally shouted.
He stopped and looked at me, looking ready to retaliate when he saw Jungkook in my arms.
He quickly closed his mouth and stared at the bunny, regret and sadness also filling his eyes (then anger still present)

Jungkook snuggled closer to me, making sure to take in my scent to calm himself down. Yoongi wasn't one to shout, ever and it's the first time he has shouted at Jungkook. The bunny is used to his Hyung always being calm and quiet but this was another side of Yoongi.

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