Chapter 3. Sharing a room

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As we strode into the mess hall, I spotted my brother and walked up to him. "So, how are things going?" I asked. Chase smiled and looked at Sideswipe. "Good, Jazz is a good guardian," he chuckled and looked at the mech. "At least he has a good taste of music," he joked. I rolled my eyes and nudged my brother's side. "Hmm, well I finally have someone who's a worthy opponent in shooting games," I mocked back. Chase laughed, "honestly, you suck at playing games."

"Jackass," I scowled and rolled my eyes. "Are you two... twins?" Sideswipe interrupted. "No, I am nineteen and he's seventeen. You're not the first one though, often wrong say we are twins..." I replied and shrugged. "Not a weird thought," Chase added. "Gotta go, sis." I hummed and looked at Sideswipe. He had a sad glimpse in his eyes. He hid it and turned away from me. "Let's get some food," he stated firmly. "Did I make you sad? That wasn't my intention," I said. "No, no... I am just— Sunny and I use to be like that?" He sighed.

I felt bad for him and wasn't sure how to comfort him. He grabbed some food and we settled at a table. I had some struggles cutting my food, giving pressure with my hand and arm hurt. The wound was quite deep and Ratchet gave me five stitches. The painkillers weren't working properly anymore either. Sideswipe stopped eating and grabbed my plate, cutting the food for me. "Thanks..." I mumbled a little embarrassed. He smiled, "my job, huh?" He teased. I returned the smile took the plate back. "Must have been scary... To wake up somewhere different," he said. "Yeah, I woke up on the road. Nearly got hit by a car and truck."

"Your parents must be worried too..." he added. "Yeah, probably. I had a fight with my mom and now I feel bad I couldn't make it up to her... maybe she thinks I am dead, if she's still alive," I sighed. Sideswipe swallowed his bite. "Why did you fight her?" He asked. "Because... there were some stupid emails I had to read and I didn't," I sighed. "I know I am lazy, but... reading emails don't take too long, am I right?" He asked.  "You're judging me too?"

"No! No... I mean, you could have avoided it," he said with a shrug. Guess he does take his guardian role seriously. "It was about college. I don't know what to do with my life. I was frustrated and didn't want to think about college just yet. I want to travel... just, you know go on adventures. Instead, I have to choose what I am going to do for the rest of my life. I don't want to make that choice just yet. Of course, I should have read these stupid emails... I know."

Sideswipe lowered his hand and fork. "You're a rebel. Guess we have some things in common. I don't want to tell you what to do or judge you, but since I am your guardian, despite its not even for 24 hours and I barely know you, I am going to give you my advice anyway. You should have told her the truth. That way you could have searched for a solution," he said. "Yeah, I know..." I sighed and shook my head.

After dinner, Sideswipe's serious side had vanished in thin air and he was talking. A lot. There's no off button on him. Once he starts talking, he won't stop either. I had a little trouble understanding everything because he changed topics so quickly. While I'm the meantime, I was dying inside from pain but didn't want to complain about it. Just got here and the last thing I want is to bother other people. Just a stupid cut, some people here experienced worse injuries. Nevertheless, this is my first serious injury and the pain from this wound is different than I have ever felt before.

"Shall we go back to my room? You look a little pale. Maybe you'd like to take a shower," he said as he got up. Not in the dirty bathroom to be honest. I first wanted to give it a good clean, but I felt bad for rejecting his offer. After all, he had been so sweet and welcoming. The last thing I want to do is hurting his feelings or giving him the feeling I am not appreciating his help.

"Tomorrow, I will take you to the mall, get you some clothing and other female stuff," he offered. I flashed him a smile, "that's so sweet, thank you, Sideswipe," I mumbled. He pressed a kiss on my cheek and typed the code of his room. "I am sorry, you wanted to watch a movie but I am so tired. I want to go to sleep," I sighed. "That's alright... I get it. You're tired from everything that has happened and you should rest anyway. Perhaps tomorrow," he replied as he kicked some clothing aside to make a path to his bed.

"Is there a side you'd like to lay?"
Sideswipe pointer at the left side. "I always lay at the left side," he replied. I nodded and took the shirt he threw me. "It's a clean shirt. Not one I am wearing for weeks and is all sweaty and nasty," he replied,— smirking. I hummed and walked into the bathroom. How can one mech make such a big mess? He came to be wise and have this strict side but doesn't last brief long. Everything is so nasty in here. I promised myself to clean up tomorrow.

After a quick shower, I pulled on Sideswipe's shirt which was for a 5'11 ft girl too big. I am not as muscular as Sideswipe is either. I have a nice flat stomach, don't stand out like the other girl who often has bigger breasts and asses. I am just a little flat but not too much I guess. Never considered myself as special either. Sideswipe shirt just made me look even skinnier.

"Cute..." he purred and mentioned me to come over. "Hounding care right? To lay next to me?" He asked. "Oh, no... but you are the first guy who ever lays beside me. I never had a boyfriend before or did something with a guy if you know what I mean," I said. He hummed and laid his head back down. "Really? Why not? You have all the ingredients," he teased a little as I laid down as well. "Same reason as you have... don't want to pick the first guy that comes into my life. He needs to be special."

He smiled and pressed a kiss on my cheek. "I am sure you'll find that mech. Anyway, get some sleep, and tomorrow we are going to have some fun," he purred. I laid on my stomach and closed my eyes. The pain still there and only got worse but I was able to fall asleep.

The next morning, when I woke up the pain had gotten so worse, I was nauseous from it. Sideswipe next to me had curled up and still sleeping peacefully. Cute mech.
I ran my hand through his hair, he didn't even notice it. There was no response. Not even a movement or whimper. Just nothing. I chuckled and rolled on my back, staring at the ceiling while waiting for this mech to wake up.

Slowly, the minutes ticked by and Sideswipe still didn't wake up. How long would it take for him to wake up? Another hour, minutes or not. I glanced at him once again. It's nine in the morning by now. If Sideswipe doesn't have any duties, why would I wake him up?

An hour later, Sideswipe finally started to stir and wake up. "Morning sweetspark," he purred and blinked a couple of times. Sideswipe is adorable in this state. "Morning, Sides," I replied quietly. "How's your arm?" He asked with closed eyes. "Honestly, it's quite sore."
His eyes snapped open. "Why haven't waken me up sooner?" He asked. "You were out. Even if Megatron would blow this place up, you wouldn't notice it," I mocked.

"Let's get it fixed... I don't want you to have pain," he said and slid out of bed. He collapsed over something on the floor. A loud thud followed. "Are you okay?" I asked. He groaned and turned around, blushing a little bit. "Yeah, yeah..." he got up and grabbed some clothing off the ground. The shirt he picked up smelled horrible, but I didn't want to tell him what to do.
I dressed up quickly as well and after Sides was done in the bathroom he led me towards the medbay.

"Sit down, Skylar."

I obeyed Ratchet and sat down on the examination bed. "Sideswipe you smell like sweat," Ratchet harshly growled. Sideswipe raised a brow and looked at me. "Am I?" He asked. "It's the shirt," I mumbled and looked away. "Oh..." he muttered and shrugged his shoulders. "This shot I am going to give you will smooth the pain for a couple of hours, then you swallow these pills. Twice a day but make sure you have some food in your stomach, otherwise, you get nauseous," Ratchet said and had a looked at my arm as well. Sideswipe took the pills from the small meta table observed it for a moment.

"Ratchet! Prowl asked you to—" Ironhide halted. "You smell bad," he cursed and shot Sideswipe a glare. "That's what I said too," Ratchet muttered. Sideswipe stepped back, obviously ashamed of himself. "How can you share a room with him?" Ironhide mocked. I gave a sheepish smile and looked at Sideswipe for a moment as he was sniffing at his shirt.

"Be careful with your arm," Ratchet said as he dismissed me. "No worries... I'll be fine. Thanks," I chirped and walked over to Sideswipe. "Come on, let's go," I purred. "Change your shirt, Sideswipe!" Ironhide and Ratchet scowled in sync. He sighed and shook his head. "Is it that bad?" He whispered. "Yeah, sorry."

Back in his room, he grabbed a clean shirt and pulled it on. "Better?" He asked. I smiled and kissed, "much better, Sides."

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