Chapter 40. Go do it!

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I crawled next to Sideswipe in bed and forced him in a kiss. Sunstreaker was out somewhere so Sides and I had some quality time. His tongue was forced into my mouth. 'Sideswipe...' I groaned. I rolled on my back with him on top of me. 'You'd like to do me a favor?' He whispered before attacking my neck. 'Sides...' I smile crept up on my face. His hum vibrated through my body. I laid my hands on his back and rolled him back so I was on top.

The door swung open and Sideswipe was pulled away from me. There we go again. I sat up. 'Easy, Sunny.' I raised my hand. 'Stupid mech,' he scowled and paced around. 'I have to go.' I slid off the bed. 'I have to go...' the twins snapped their heads towards me. 'No!' Sunstreaker grabbed me tightly. 'No! You stay here with me,' he snapped. I grunted as he sat me down and gave me a look. 'You're not leaving.'

I rolled my eyes. 'I have too, okay? My mom will be home soon,' I stated and got up again. 'Is your mother more important than me?' He mocked. 'At the moment... yes.' He narrowed his eyes. 'You're gonna deal with it or not but it's your problem. I am leaving.'
' If I didn't interrupt, Sideswipe would've fragged you.' I turned around again. 'You two can't seem to chose who can take me first so... I made a decision.' Sideswipe cocked his head to the side. 'None of you can take me. If you can't decide, than we don't frag at all.' Sunstreaker jaw nearly dropped. 'I am a mech.'

'Yeah, I know. So?'

'It's not possible for me to not frag. If you just let me be first—' I cut him off. 'Fine! If you wanna be first fine.' His eyes widened and so did Sideswipe. 'You know, I could undress for you right here and now. You know what, why don't we do it?' I took of my shirt and tossed it in the bed. 'Go on! Isn't this what you wanted!' I spat and removed my bra. 'I do but—' I cut him off again. 'Than do it and hurry up because I've other things to do as well and don't wanna waste my time here all the time.'

'I don't wanna do it because it's a 'must' for me. I wanna do it because I wanna be first for once and to show you that I am just as good as my brother. It's all about Sideswipe. He's your best friend, he found you, he's fun, he's been there do you since the very beginning and I can't seem to be on that same level. My brother is a magnet for pretty girls and you know what I get?! None! No one wants me.'

A brief silence fell. Sunstreaker sucked in a breath and grunted. 'I don't wanna fight my brother all the time! Do you think I like bickering? All I ask from you is to just spend a little bit more time with me. Us! Alone! Without my brother because every time he's here, you go to him and not me. I refuse to be rejected again so you make it work. You want my brother but than you've to deal with me too. I am maybe not your favorite... but can you at least try to pretend?!' He threw me my shirt and bra back. 'You don't communicate! Do you want me to read it off your face? How can I understand you if you never talk to me about anything?!'

He glanced at me. 'I don't wanna ask for it. I want you to do it because you want too. I didn't even want to bring this conversation up! I am not my brother! I am cold and soulless. I kill and hurt people. I am... a psychopath and perhaps that's the main cause I am not loved. My parents e never loved me so I guess no one really can.'

' That's enough, Sunstreaker. You know that's a lie!' Sideswipe jabbed his finger in the center of his chest. 'Is it!? I don't need to tell you what happened. You got so many girls and I am talking about one girl I actually like too and want to claim. You've had multiple girls... give me this one.' Sideswipe grunted in annoyance. Sunstreaker sighed. 'Yeah, that's what I thought.' He turned back towards me. 'I can be good for you. Just wish you had chosen for me for once. You're just like the rest.' He passed me and slammed the door shut.

'He's playing victim,' Sideswipe scowled. I rolled my eyes. 'He's hurt.' I pulled my bra and shirt back on. 'Talk to him.'
'You need to stop saying that. I try, but he doesn't listen,' he snapped. 'Because you're not telling him what he wants to hear,' I muttered. 'What do you want me to say? Why don't you talk to him?' We glared at each other. 'Something needs to change, Sideswipe. I don't like this either and I don't like to let him walk around with this feeling. I wanna please you both, but I can't.'

'Everything was so much easier when it was just us. He doesn't deserve this. He didn't earn you. I did! He's a liar, Skylar. He manipulates people!. I took care of you for months and he—' I cut him off. 'Don't finish that. He's right about one thing though... I am seeing you with every problem I have but maybe I should change that.'

I turned around and slammed the door shut behind me. I was mad in general. On everyone and everything. Myself, Sideswipe, Sunstreaker, my mom... I just want this to end but how? The twins can't agree with each other, I am in the middle and they play with my feelings. Although, I think Sunstreaker is right. I should do the same things with him as I do with Sideswipe...

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