Chapter 11. Hurt feelings?

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I felt bad for Sideswipe. I knew he was hurt, but didn't want to show it by showing his arrogance. I don't know why he's not just admitting it while he always tells me to admit it, but it bothered me a lot. Especially since Sideswipe figured out my mom had been talking to Lennox if I could get another guardian. Sideswipe had walked off when he figured it out. I searched for him and found him in the training room, doing some workouts for his torso.


He glanced at me but didn't stop. "What is it, Sky?" he asked, lifting the weights again. "You're hurt. Can you please talk to me?" I asked. "I am not hurt, Skylar. Why would I be hurt?" he mocked. "That's absolutely ridiculous!" he mocked. "It's not. My mom hurt your feelings by calling you irresponsible and a teenager. Maybe you are a teenager but a good guardian. It's not about what she wants, I want you as my guardian, no one else."

Sideswipe scoffed, "Honestly, Skylar... she didn't hurt my feelings," he said, dropping the weights on the ground and wiped some sweat off his face with the dark blue towel. "I am hurt," he repeated. "You have said that so many times... you are~" he cut me off. "I don't want to talk about it, Skylar. Obviously, it's your choice, yes. It's been this way my entire life, rather I like it or not and I learned how to deal with it."

I crossed my arms over my chest again and stared at him for a very long time. "This is exactly what my brother always does too. Not showing his true feelings and for what?" I snapped and turned around. "What do you want me to say, Skylar? You want me to beg your mom to like me?" he snapped back. I halted and turned around, "It's her choice if she likes me or not and I don't give a fuck if she likes me or not!" he snapped and jabbed a finger in the center of my chest.

"Just drop it, Skylar!" He snapped angrily. Without saying anything else, I turned around and marched off. I didn't know either what to do. My parents are ruining everything for me and rather see me hanging out with them than with Sideswipe.
There was tension when Sideswipe walked into his room an hour later. "Why have you cried?" He asked. "Because of you!" I snapped. He rolled his eyes and slammed the bathroom door closed.

I continued reading until Sideswipe came back and seemed a little calmer than before. "Honestly, why is this such a big deal for you?" He asked. "I don't want people to doubt you or hurt your feelings. You tell me whatever you want, but are you really able to brush this off? After my mom and dad said I can get someone better? Sunstreaker wouldn't like it and I am sure he would try to do the same and hide it. I get it, you both are hurt in past. I know exactly what happened... my mom doesn't know. It just breaks my heart... you're too sweet to get hurt like this."

The mech sighed and pulled me in a hug. "Look, what I feel doesn't matter. It's about how you feel and I would do everything to make you feel happy. I want to be there for you and fine... I am not happy but what can I change about it?" He asked. I laid my hand on his cheek. "You're feelings matter to me."

He buried his face in my neck. I brought my hand to his scalp and rubbed through his silky dark brown hair. "Well, you know... I am not used to showing my in public because I often get comments thrown at me like;
'don't ever grow up?'
'Still a crybaby!'
'You call yourself a front liner?'
That type of thing you know. Sunny doesn't care and comforts me whenever I need it, no matter what. I just haven't shown anyone after I got separated from them. I don't like it."

I kissed his cheek and pulled him back on the bed. I snuggled into him and relaxed a little bit. The longer we laid like this, the more I started to snooze. The sound of his spark and breathing, his warm body, and feather feeling touch on my arm made me sleepily.
I never laid like this beside anyone before but it felt good. Sideswipe tightened his grip on me and pressed a kiss on my forehead. "I have to go..." he murmured. I grunted, "really?" I asked. He nodded and freed himself from me.

"Be a good girl, don't prank me and I'll see you tonight," he said smile as he rubbed my cheek with his thumb. I watched him walk off and leave me here behind. That evening, I was having dinner without Sideswipe but with my parents. I felt a little overwhelmed by the way my mom and dad spoke about Sideswipe and that they wanted to leave this dimension so badly. Maybe that's not what I want.

When I finished my dinner, I spotted Sideswipe. "I gotta go." They looked up as I got up and took my plate. "Hey, Siders." I chirped. He wrapped his arm around my waist and walked over to the kitchen. "You already had dinner."
"I am sorry, but I will keep you company. I wanted some fruit anyway," I replied. We settled and we didn't say much other than a few simple questions about his day. "Wheeljack started working on the space bridge... to you and your family back to your own dimension," Sideswipe began.

"Y-yeah... I know, it's all my mom could talk about. She wants to get our lives back..." I mumbled. Sideswipe didn't reply and popped some food in his mouth. "I don't want to think about it..."
Sideswipe glanced at me, "you don't want to go back?" he asked. "No... means I will lose you and you're the best friend I have ever had. No one will ever be able to replace you. Going back means I have to face my boring problems again, while this is all I ever wanted."

He flashed me a weak smile, "you wouldn't forget me... even in another dimension. I am always there in your heart, you know. I don't like seeing you go either because I like you and I want to introduce you to my brother. I maybe never get the chance to do that..." he mumbled. I got up and sat beside him. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pressed a kiss on my head. "It's going to be okay..." he mumbled, but I doubted it was directed to me.

"I don't want to lose you..." I whispered. I looked up and Sideswipe nuzzled his nose with mine. A sweet and loving gesture from his side. "I will never forget you..." he murmured. I flashed him a weak smile hugged him again.

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