Chapter 41. Training

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A/n: I was stuck so changed there plot a little bit.


'Sideswipe, please...'

He shook his head firmly. 'You suck. I told twice how to do it. We are not leaving this training room until you got it right!' I bit my lip. We been here for three straight hours, and my legs couldn't carry me anymore. I was so tired. This is the second training session with him and her got stricter and harder on me every time we entered this training hall. 'You want me dead or something?' I scolded. 'No, now do it.' His eyes were hard and defensive. 'Fine...' I muttered under my breath.

He watched me like a hawk. His eyes pierced straight into my soul when I made eye contact. He can't stand it if I make mistakes. I did the move he asked me to do. 'No, again.' I breathed hard. 'I'll try it tomorrow.' He and gritted his teeth. 'You heard her, Sides. Give her some slack, she's obviously tired.' Sunstreaker stepped in. Thank Primus, I can't handle another hour. 'I give the training session and I want her to do it flawless and smooth.' Sunstreaker shook his head. 'It's enough. This ends now. Her muscle are sore and she needs a break. She's not like us.'

The brothers glared. The tension rose. 'Boys, come on, relax.' Sideswipe grunted and shook his head. 'He shouldn't interfere with your training,' he scolded. I felt like he was reacting his frustration on me during training. 'Perhaps, but she's tired. Are you really that blonde to see it? It's late, she hasn't eaten and she needs a good eight hours of slee.'

He turned. 'Come on, sweetspark. I'll give you a massage.' That was something I could look forward to. I already figured his hands could do magic from last time he massaged me. Sideswipe unfolded his arms. 'Massage her? You massage her now?' Sunstreaker had a smug look spread over his face. 'Yup... and she loves it.' He popped the 'p' and smirked. 'I can't give her a message too.' Sunstreaker hummed and shook his head. 'I'll do the after care.' Sunny wrapped his arm around my shoulders and took me with him. 'You're making him jealous again.' Sunstreaker shrugged and smirked. 'And I love it.'

I took a nice warm shower and let him massage me. Sideswipe had entered the room just before Sunstreaker started and watched us like a hawk. Maybe he's scared Sunstreaker would try to make a move. He wouldn't let his time make a move. Sunstreaker ran his fingers all the way up my spine before making a circling motion all the way down, pressuring here and there to get the knots out. I could have him do this all day long.

I closed my eyes. Sideswipe's look on his face wasn't lost on me. He wanted to try to it too. To make me feel the same way as his twin could. My eyes snapped open as I felt Sunstreaker lower his hand more than usually. Sideswipe got up. 'Don't touch her ass. Her back only.' Sunstreaker didn't reply and kept doing it anyway.

Sideswipe angrily pushed his twin away. 'I said stop it!' He grabbed my arm and hoisted me up. He had to touch me too before he even allowed me to dress up. Sunstreaker wasn't bothered much. He got what he wanted anyway and made his brother jealous. I sat back down and rolled my eyes at their childish behavior. 'Let's get some food, shall we?' Last thing I want is charging at each other again.

Dinner was oddly quiet. Especially for Sideswipe's standards, but no bickering. I prefer silence over bickering for sure. 'Tomorrow, 5 AM in the training hall,' Sideswipe muttered. I've been getting up for six straight days at 4:30 AM and tomorrow is supposed to be 'lazy' Sunday. 'But it's Sunday...' I mumbled. 'So?' His voice was surprisingly cold. 'Means she wants to sleep. Jeez, she's not officially hired yet. Maybe if you sleep a little longer, you're a little bit nicer to me and Sky. You've been acting like a total jackass the last couple days.' I had to agree on that.

'I'm not tired. Just doing my job,' Sideswipe scolded whole looking in his food. 'I bet... the more you're away from me, the better it is, huh?' Sunstreaker's voice was just as cold and emotionless as his brothers'. Sideswipe didn't respond and popped some food in his mouth. The bickering is back... unfortunately. It went back and forth a little bit, but nothing too major to my pleasure. I didn't want them to make a scenery here in the cafeteria now it's this crowded.

That evening, I laid between the twins in bed,— the lights dimmed. Sideswipe was scrolling through his Instagram and Sunstreaker was reading a book about art. I had already curled up, battling the tiredness but it won.

The next morning, I was awoken by Sideswipe. He shook me and whispered my name. It's 4:30 AM! On a Sunday to make it even worse. I pushed him away with my elbow and snugged into his brother. 'Skylar, come on. We need to get up.' I ignored him and closed my eyes again. 'Skylar.' He shook me again. 'Shut the frag up, Sideswipe! Lay back down and go back to sleep,' Sunstreaker snarled with laced teeth.

There was no reason de from the silvery twin behind me. 'Didn't you hear me! Lay back down!' Sunstreaker snarled, more strength added. Sideswipe behind me shifted and laid down again. I was glad with Sunstreaker's help. Sunstreaker's breathing changed again. Sideswipe behind me shifted again and I felt him pull me away from his brother, into his form chest. 'I'm your trainer, not him.' I grunted and rolled on my stomach. 'Shut up, okay?' I muttered. Sideswipe ran his hand over my scalp and back
Before he curled up. After ten minutes, his breathing changed too.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2022 ⏰

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