Chapter 38. Don't make me see you with another male

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I cried. I couldn't stop either. Why did I had to run into him again? Why can't he just leave me alone? I buried face my in my pillow and curled up. I really love him and I can't forget about him either. All I could think off is the time we spend together and how much I loved every single minute and second. Now it's over. We can't continue, even it's hard. I heard a knock and watched Chase sneak in. 'What do you want?' I snapped. 'Just worried, what's going on?' He asked. 'Nothing, hormones,' I lied. 'Oh, you want chocolate?' He asked, smiling. I know he's trying to be sweet but Sideswipe always used to offer me that whenever I feel down. I started crying again.

'It was actually meant to make you smile?' He teased. 'Why are men so difficult?' I whispered. 'Difficult how?' He asked. 'In everything. Why?' I whispered. 'Sideswipe?' He asked. 'No, I mean... why do you assume I am talking about him. 'One he's the only person that crosses my mind right now and two because he's sitting in the living room and told me to check up on you.'


Chase but his lip. 'Are you two like... dating or something?' He asked. 'What? No... we aren't dating,' I snorted. 'Because you broke up with him?' He asked. 'We aren't dating,' I said. 'I think you should talk to him,' he said. Since when are you such a match maker?' I snapped. 'Since he's annoying the hell out of me? He's having a very arrogant and stubborn mood so talk to him the sake of my mind.'


I got up and wiped the tears off my face. 'You don't interfere?' I warned before heading down. Sideswipe was playing a game on his phone. 'You look absolutely wrecked, wanna talk about it?' He asked after glancing briefly at me. 'What are you doing here? I told you to go home,' I snapped. 'I can't because my home is destroyed, remember?' He asked. 'I don't give me these cheeky answers, Sideswipe.'

'You know me for some time and so you also know that I hate it when people tell me what to do. Now, sir down and shut up,' he snapped. I was offended and didn't sit down like he requested. 'It wasn't a question... I said; sit.down.' I slowly obeyed this time.'I refuse to leave and forget about you. I took care of you for so long... we can't just throw that away.' He pulled me closer and tightly grasped my hands. 'Skylar I love you and I know you love me too. Don't do this.'

I sighed and looked away from him. 'You can't live without me, can you?' He asked. He turned my chin. 'No, I can't.' He pressed kiss on my lips. 'I love you,' he murmured. I sighed and looked away. 'Sky, look at me.' I turned my head. 'I love you so much, please give me another change. I know you can't live without me,' he said. He grabbed me and forced me on his lap. He connected his lips with mine. 'You love me, I know you do.'

I wrapped my arms around his neck. 'Damn it, Sideswipe,' I scowled. He hummed and kissed me again. 'Shall we... go upstairs?' He asked. I cupped his cheek. 'My mom will be home soon—' I cut myself off when I saw him roll his eyes. 'Than let's come to the base,' he said. I snorted, 'Come on.' He got up and grasped my hand. 'I don't know if it's such a good idea,' I muttered. He rolled his eyes and dragged me with him towards his alt-mode.

At the base, he was half jogging while dragging me towards his room. 'Come... come,' he said. 'Why are we in a rush? I am not really in a good mood,' I scowled. He rolled his eyes and typed the code of his room. Sunstreaker was there, panting. He stopped as he saw us. Apparently, he hadn't expected us and Sideswipe hadn't expected his brother to be here either. 'Skylar.' He laid his brush down and walked up to us,— pushing his brother out of the way without effort. 'Hey!' He snapped. Sunstreaker pinned me to the wall,— kissing me.

'Gosh, I missed you,' he whispered. 'Just for the record, we aren't a thing anymore,' I said,— pushing him aside. 'What on earth do you mean?' He s snapped. 'No, Skylar, we are making process, didn't we?'
'You broke up with us?' He spat. 'Yes!'
'No, no, she didn't. She only needed some space, that's all,' Sideswipe said. 'I just can't do this. The fighting, it pisses me off... I am stressed and I can't use that,' I said. Sunstreaker looked at his brother. 'It's your fault...' Sideswipe. 'It's not my fault—' he looked at me. 'It's not my fault,' he repeated. 'It is, Sunstreaker... you created this entire situation,' I said. He looked at his brother. 'No, it wasn't like that,' he said. I sighed and shook my head.


He shook his head and looked at me. 'Skylar, I love you,' he said, grasping my hands. 'It started already when I came in here and you pushed Sideswipe aside,' I snapped and pulled my hands back. 'I am sorry,' he muttered, glancing at me. I sucked in a breath. 'Can you forgive us?' He questioned and grasped my hands. 'Sunstreaker—' he hugged me. I know how he is. He's nice now, but as soon as everything turns back to normal, he'll be his cocky and arrogant self. 'Please, Skyla I love you so much,' he whispered. I shook my head. 'You're manipulating me, Sunstreaker. It's not going to work out,' I said and softly pushed him aside. 'You'll regret if you turn your back on me now.'

I gulped. 'I am serious about it, Skylar. You are mine... ours,' he corrected and pointed at his brother. 'But it's my life,' I said. 'I am just saying... you know, it would be unfortunate if something would happen to you only because you wouldn't listen to me,' he said. 'You're threatening me,' I snapped. 'No, I am not... just pointing at the facts. Don't make me see you with another make,' he snapped and turned back to his painting.

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