Chapter 37. Why are you such an idiot?

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I felt lonely. Really lonely. Skylar didn't want to see me anymore and breaking up with her was harder than I expected it to be. I haven't seen her for a week but it felt like I haven't seen her for years. I was so stupid. I had lied about Optimus. I told him that she needed some space but not that she actually broke up with me. The plans I had with her fell apart. It couldn't be just wasted. Maybe she would change her mind. I left my dimension to spy on her and see what she was up to.

I parked and started walking from there. She was waiting for the bus and talking to a guy next to her. Did she get over me already? Did she really hated me that much that she got another mech already? Fear clutched onto my stomach. I honestly wanted to lick her up, far away from everyone and everything and make love with her. That's what we're planning to do but it never got that far. I sighed dreamily. I just loved her so much.

Skylar hopped on the bus with the guy she had been talking too. Maybe the mech was just someone she just met. I walked back to my alt-mode and drove towards her school. It took me longer because she had taken the train, which was nearly 15 to 20 minutes faster. I parked a few blocks away and made sure I was able to see her from here but she couldn't see me. She was still talking to that guy at the entrance. Apparently she's early today.

Finally! The guy walked off and she sat down. She looked at something on her phone and sighed. I realized that for her, she hadn't seen me for only a few days. The times are different. I know that deep down she misses me. More than she shows. I groaned. What can I do to make her see how much I love her? How can I fix what I broke?

I sighed unhappily. Sky got up and walked into the building. This is an absolute disaster to say at least. I waited for her to return all day and finally after six hours of waiting, she finally showed up. She seemed tired and a little sad too. I watched her. The guy from prior took a sprint. 'Hey, Sky?' She looked up. 'You'd like to go out with me tonight?' He asked. 'I don't know, I am not really in the mood actually. I broke up with my boyfriend this week and... I am just not in the mood.'

'You had a boyfriend?' He asked. 'Yeah, I had,' she muttered. 'He broke with you or...?' He asked. 'I broke up with him. Sometimes it just doesn't work out the way we want,' she said and shrugged. 'Ah, but you still miss him?' He asked. 'Of course I do... that I broke doesn't mean I don't care about him anymore. He will always be special to me, but it's the past and I should move on,' she sighed. 'Why don't you come over and watch a movie with me. We don't have to go anywhere but we can have fun at home. Perhaps a little distraction will help you,' he offered.

I was so pissed off. How dare he! That's something I did to cheer Skylar up. He should stay away from her. I snorted and rubbed my eyes. Together, they walked over to the train station. I sighed and got up, walking over to my alt-mode. I spied on her for weeks. I wasn't sure if she was doing better or not. If not, she's really good at hiding it and if she does I feel offended. She can't just forget about me!

I sat cross-legged on my hood, eating the pokebowl. I was absolutely starving. 'Sideswipe? What are you doing here?' I turned my head. 'Eating.' I popped some soybeans in my mouth. Skylar watched me for a moment. 'You?' I asked stiffly. 'Going to a friends place,' she mumbled. 'Ah, a guy? You forgot about me already?' She stopped walking and turned around. 'I didn't forget about you,' she snorted. 'No?'

'You shouldn't be here. There's nothing left for you here anyway,' she sulked. 'I hadn't seen you and you didn't had to talk to me,' I muttered irritated. 'You're a prick!' She snapped. 'Me? Really. I didn't break up with you!' I snapped. 'No, but you created all this! If you didn't fight with your brother all the time, none of this would've happened,' she snapped back. 'Yeah? Well he was at fault, not me!' I sneered. 'Perhaps but you could've ignored it and stand above it. He was challenging you and you stumbled in his trap. We both know your brother is dominant over the two of us. Rather you like it or not, okay? You can't change who he is but you don't have to fight with him all the time and just accept it.'

'If I do accept it, I will lose my rights. You don't know him like I do. He's dangerous and dominant. Just because you read about us online and in books doesn't mean you know the fine details. Not everything is written in books. He will kill you and he will hurt you. I was trying to protect you,' I snapped. She stared at me. 'But I am a prick so...' I trailed off and looked back at my food before popping something in my mouth again. 'Yeah, but you also screwed it up,' she snapped. I looked up and watched her walk off. 'Then why did you talk to me in the first place?'

She turned around again. 'You didn't actually have to be here with me but here we are,' I said. She marched over to me, obviously pissed off. 'No, I didn't have to here with you and it was a mistake,' she sneered. I snorted. 'It's always my fault, isn't if?' I snapped. 'Damn it, Sideswipe! Why are you such an idiot?' She spat out before pushing me against my windshield and kissed me.

She watched her step back. 'Yup, I am the idiot but I am your idiot and you can't change anything about that. You asked me why I am here? Well, I am here because I know you can't live without me,' I said. She snorted and looked away. 'And because I love you.' She looked down at me again. I doubted we were getting anywhere but the fact she kissed and talked to me gave me a little hope. Without saying anything else, she walked off and disappeared.

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