Chapter 34. Brothers

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I didn't want to look at Sunstreaker right now. Pain washed over me and I laid down, staring at the ceiling. Skylar left thanks to Sunstreaker. How could he! He shouldn't be near her and not steal her from me and require all her attention. I looked up at Sunstreaker came in. Optimus slammed the door shut and crossed his arms. Sunny limped and sat down in the armchair. "Do I get an explanation or what?!" He snapped. "He started it! Sunstreaker is the reason behind it! Not me!" I shouted. "Stop shouting!" Optimus snarled.

I sucked in a breath. "Sunstreaker started the damn fight! He charged at me," I snapped. "Only because you insulted me! You called me a dirty slut," he snapped. "That's because you are a slut! You let her suck your spike and didn't want to tell me about it!" I snarled. "Enough." We nearly forgot about Prime again. "I don't care who started the fight. I want this to end and quickly. I don't want to hear who did what and where, the fact is that you both hurt Skylar's feelings. She adores you both equally and you're the one ruining everything. You left her at a date and you are so possessive that she's can't even sit on her own."

I flinched and looked down. "She doesn't deserve to be treated like that. You both are wrong and I want this to end, right now."
"Then tell him Skylar is mine," I snapped. "You just said it yourself, he left her at a date and I wouldn't be so possessive of that stupid frag wouldn't be so selfish. He can't handle femmes, he's only good at hurting them. He's a monster." I glared at Sunstreaker. I deeply hurt his feelings by saying. "I wanted to talk... you're the one ignoring me for days and keeps Skylar all for yourself," he snapped.

"Why do you think? You will ruin everything, like always. You wouldn't even be good enough for Megatron," I snapped. "Enough, Sideswipe." I glared at Optimus. "It's true. We both know it, Sunstreaker sucks at being a good sparkmate because he's a sick psychopath. He doesn't feel anything and I doubt that he cares about the girl. Skylar is my friend and my loved, not his."

"I do love her. I am not a sick psychopath."

I snorted and sat up. "You are. Do I need to repeat all the sick things you have done? All the torturing. Maybe I will tell her the details of how you torture your victims and rip them apart, slowly." Sunstreaker growled and gritted his teeth. "I. love. her! I have the same rights as you have," he snapped. "You don't. Psychopaths don't have rights and you became one so deal with the damn consequences, asshole."

"Is that really how you treat your brother, Sideswipe?"

"Apparently. Sunstreaker is a jerk and we all know it. I shouldn't have come looking for him. I should've left him for death at the facility where he could rot in a dark cold cellar. All alone and ripped apart."
Sunstreaker has teary eyes and got up. "Yeah, and I regret being your brother," he snapped coldly before he holo form disappeared. "You're going to the brig, get up," Optimus pointed at the door. "You know it's true, Optimus."
"Get up!" I grunted and got up, letting him drag me with him.

((Sunstreaker P.O.V))
I opened the space bridge and went through it. I am not going to leave Skylar alone nor Sideswipe. In her dimension, I bought flowers and headed towards her home. She answered the door and arched a brow. "I am sorry." She took the flowers from me and stepped aside. "Can you forgive me?"

"It wasn't your fault," she replied and walked into the living room. "It was. I a ruthless monster." She looked over her shoulder. "Is that what he said?" She asked. I groaned as I sat down in a chair and told her everything about the chat with Optimus. I didn't have to explain how hurt I was. She walked up to me and rubbed my sore cheek. "Don't listen to him, Sunny. You're a sweet mech."
I snorted but leaned into her hand and accepted her gesture of affection and kindness. It helped to smooth the mental pain a bit. "Look, I am just struggling with my feelings. I try my best, I do but— I am a mess." She shook her head and sat on my lap. "You're not a mess, Sunny. It feels that way because of all the things Sideswipe said but— you're not a mess. We struggle with things in life and I know."

She leaned into me and rested her head on my shoulder. "Shall I check your injuries? Maybe you can use a warm bath for your aching muscles," she suggested. I slowly agreed and followed her upstairs. I completely stripped myself and let her check my injuries from the previous fight with my twin. After she treated me, Sky left me alone in the bathroom so I could relax. It helped and it made me forget about what happened.

((Skylar's P.O.V))
Sunny was upset about what his twin brother said. He doesn't deserve all that. When he was done after two hours, we settled on the couch. I had wrapped my arm around him and pulled him closer. "Don't listen to him. You're sweet and Sideswipe is wrong," I mumbled, rubbing his cheek. "Maybe, maybe not. I don't want to think about it anymore," he sulked. I kissed his head.

Sunstreaker started dozing off. "Can I crash here for some time?" I asked. "I am not sure how I am going to explain my mom. She doesn't know I am talking to you guys but I am sure we can figure something out," Skylar replied. "She doesn't like us," he muttered. "She's just... worried, that's all?" I replied. Sunstreaker hummed and nuzzled in my neck. His grip on me tightened. He had wrapped his leg around me and fell asleep on my chest.

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