Chapter 9. Insecurity

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As I woke up, Sideswipe was already awake to my surprise. "Morning..." he said. "Morning," I muttered. "You're early. Usually, you're never this early," I replied. "Yup, and I hate it but... Ironhide asked for me. He'll kick my ass if I don't show up," he sighed. "You don't have to get up just yet. It's six O'clock too early for my little bunny."

"Bunny? Is that the nickname you came up with?" I asked. He shrugged, "bunnies are cute... I have a few more I'd like to try," he teased. He strode over to the door and I reached out for his gun on the nightstand. "You don't need this?"
He turned and gave me a sheepish smile. "So chaotic!" I joked. "It's early, alright," he mocked. I curled up again, "you make me jealous..." he mocked. I smiled and watched him leave.

I woke up at 11 AM by Sideswipe. "Still in bed? Really?" He mocked. I gazed at the clock. "I hadn't expected it to be this late, Sideswipe. Normally I don't sleep this long."
He sat on the edge, "well, you did."
I hummed and got up. Sideswipe wrapped his arms around me from behind. "How was it with Ironhide?" I asked. "Useless in my opinion," he muttered and buried his face in my neck for a moment. I enjoyed his touch, it felt comforting and safe. "I love this necklace..." with his hand he traced the small golden necklace.

"My dad gave it to me... for Christmas."

Sideswipe hummed, "you love jewelry?" He asked. "I am not a diva, I don't have big diamonds, golden necklaces. Yes, this one... but it's the only one I have and this ring. My mom wanted to give me something special for my eighteenth birthday," I explained as I showed him.

He spun me around and took my hand. "It's very small and subtle. Suits you." I flashed him a smile before I grabbed a few things from my closet. "Shall we go into town, maybe get some ice cream somewhere?" I nodded excitedly, "that sounds really good!" I chirped.

"What's your favorite flavor?"
Sideswipe hummed, "I have a few. Chocolate, strawberry, after eight... banana, melon, and I often just try out a few. Are you addicted to a specific flavor?" He asked. "Banana, vanilla, and strawberry are my top three," I said. "Guess we have that in common too, except the vanilla. I am not a vanilla fan to be honest."

"Too sweet?"
"Yeah... I don't know. Not my favorite. If someone offers me, I would eat it, but I wouldn't pick it if I have other options," he replied.

I opened his door and buckled up. It wasn't too busy at the mall, so we could walk around without getting jostled around or nearly getting crushed. "Have you ever been in a mall during Black Friday? The sales are worth it but you are always nearly crushed. I rather buy it online then," Sideswipe muttered. "Same, it's not worth getting crushed over some sales."

Sideswipe walked into a store, obviously looking for something. I followed him around and didn't really want to judge his choice of clothing, but some things wouldn't look good on him. He has quite broad shoulders and an impressive torso, some shirt types aren't for him.

I sat down on the couch and waited. "What do you think?" He asked. "I really like the color... it matches your hair and eyes, but... maybe a bigger shirt. Your shoulders are broad and you have some impressive muscles. It's a little tight around your shoulders and chest area."

Sideswipe looked in the mirror. "Yeah...You're right." I got up and got him a new shirt. He ended up buying shirts. "Thanks for the positive feedback," he mumbled and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. "You think I have an eye for fashion?"

His question surprised me. "Are you insecure about it?" I asked. He snorted, "no! Absolutely not! Just a question if you think I look nice," he explained. I hummed, there's obviously something else housing between his arrogance right now. "I think you do. You're handsome mech in general and the clothing your holoform wears looks nice and it's you."

He smiled, "glad to hear."
"Why do you ask, Sides?" He shrugged his shoulders, "Nothing... it's nothing," he said and waved his hand to brush it off. "I feel like something is bothering you," I added, but he ignored my statement. The last thing I want to do is pushing him and maybe upset him, so I brushed it off as well. "Is there somewhere you'd like to go?" he asked. I looked around, but shook my head, I didn't want to spoil all his money and I already felt bad he paid for everything. My debit card just doesn't work in this dimension.

"Are you sure?" he asked. I nodded, "yes," I stated firmly. He eyed me for a moment, "Okay, but let's go to this shop, just to have a look around, okay?" he asked. I turned my head, "Victoria's secret?" I asked surprised and a little shocked. "You didn't want to do it the first time because you told me it was too expensive," he explained and nearly dragged me into the shop. "You have been in shops like this before, right?"

I gave a small nod, "yeah, I have..."
"Honestly, you don't need to feel insecure or embarrassed. I never feel that way and I would never make fun of you or make you feel bad," he said as he looked around. "Besides, now I have a reason to come in here," he teased. I rolled my eyes at his childish statement and looked around. "What are you looking for?" he asked. Honestly, I wasn't sure either, I felt a little overwhelmed because he's being so nice and supportive.

"What's your size?"

I looked at him, "34C..." I muttered after a silence. Sideswipe walked off and it felt a little strange to shop for lingerie with someone, not my boyfriend or my mother. Nevertheless, Sideswipe seemed to have fun in the shop and show me some suggestions. Not a bad taste, little too spicy and he knew, but showed me anyway. "I like the lace on this one..." Sideswipe said as he pushed a bra in my hands. "It has a front closure," he added and handed me another one in a different color.

He then held up a yellow one. I raised my brow as I took it from him and had a better look at it. "You like lace, and this bra has lace, small straps and I think it will look gorgeous on you," he said. "You think yellow looks good on me?" I asked. "I think it does... it looks good on my brother," he said. I snorted, "no, seriously, I think it would make you beautiful," he said and turned around again.

I followed him some slower, "string or normal panties?" he asked, holding up both. "Uhm, usually I don't really mind." Sideswipe looked at it, "so, I can choose?" he asked with a smirk. I giggled, "strings for sure..." he said. I laughed, I just couldn't help it. "I think a small is good, or medium? You don't have a big ass... small." He was talking to himself and obviously forgot I was still there. "Thank you, Sides," I chuckled and walked towards the fitting room. "Did I insult you?" he asked.

"No, you didn't..." I giggled. I tried them on and looked at myself in the mirror. I ussually don't mind what I wear because no one will see it and the change of having a boyfriend isn't big either, but Sideswipe handed quite some good suggestions to say at least. The awkward part of shopping with him here is gone, he didn't make it awkward either.

"Hey, Sky?"

I hummed, "yeah?" I asked. "Have you tried my pick?" he asked. He nearly picked them all, but I think he's talking about the yellow one. "The yellow bra? I am wearing it right now," I said. "You like it?" he asked. "See for yourself."
He probably hesitated but came in and got behind me, looking at me in the mirror. "I like it..." he said. "Can we make a deal?" he asked. I looked him in the eyes, "a deal?" I asked. "Yes, if you ever face your parents again... don't ever tell them I have seen you like this and went shopping with you, okay?"

I giggled and nodded, "promise. What happens here stays here..." I said. He smiled and looked at me in the mirror again. "Really nice... you like it too?" he asked. "Honestly, I thought yellow wouldn't look good on me, but it does. I like it," I said. "Good..." he mumbled and tightened the straps over my shoulders a little bit. "Although, it doesn't really matter what you wear... you look beautiful anyway," he purred before he left. I rolled my eyes and tried on the others as well.

Back at the base, we headed back for his room. "Thank you, Sides." He shrugged while typing the code. "It's fine..." he said, letting me in. I tip tooed and kissed his cheek before walking in.

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