Chapter 25. Oceans and hotels

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Sideswipe is really trying to annoy me I guess, or he's just in a really stubborn mood. I poked his belly, "Sideswipe!" I complained. He hummed and turned his head. I wasn't able to see his eyes due of the sunglasses he was wearing, but he staring straight through my soul. "Please, let's go for a swim."
He made him comfortable. "Make me."
"For real, Swipes?" I mocked, getting up. He smirked a little, "I love watching you..."

"I bet."
I tickled the underside of his feet but he didn't move a single muscles. "It's so annoying you never react on anything," I scowled. It made him laugh, "my super power, pumpkin," he purred. I straddled him on his towel. "I can annoy you too!"
"I can be ten times more annoying, Skylar," he mocked. I grabbed a handful of sand and poured it over his chest. "You think that annoys me?" He mocked. I got off of him, lifted the waist band from his swim short and poured some sand in his shorts.

He jolted and jumped back on his feet. "That's just nasty," he grunted. I kissed his cheek and grabbed his wrist, "then have a swim with me!"
Sideswipe took off his sunglasses and grabbed a inflatable flamingo. We had a swim for at least an hour until we returned to the shore. I settled on the flamingo. "I like your idea, Sideswipe."

"You do?"
I nodded and kissed his cheek. "Little nervous to be honest..." he smiled and brushed some wet strands from my face. "I was just messing with you," he purred. I hummed, "I got privileges," I teased. He rolled his eyes and laid down.
He fell asleep and I had a swim. I collected a large shell, which was quite huge and accidentally got bitten by a jellyfish. I returned to the shore and looked at my arm. Quite red and swollen, stinging but I have seen worse.

He opened his eyes and blinked a few times against the sun. "Look." I handed him the shell I found. "That's huge," he said, looking at it. "I found it over there at the rocks, but... there are jellyfish as well, so... if you decided to go, watch where you swim," I said sheepishly, taking the shell back.

"These are... plastic bag looking fish, isn't it?" He asked. I nodded without looking up. "You die if you touch one?"
"No, just discomfort." I showed him my arm. "Stings a little bit, gets red and bit of swelling but not too bad. I have seen and felt worse."
He grabbed my arm, "are you sure?" He asked. I nodded and waved my hand, settling beside him on the towel. "I lied."

He raised a brow and glanced at me. "I had one boyfriend a few years back. I believe I was sixteen years old. I never told my mom this, all she knows is that we broke up because it didn't work out well. Which is true in some way, but... he raped me. I had anxiety for a long time, every time I got remind on what happened when a guy tried to hook up with me. With you... I feel comfortable and you make me happy."

His face was serious. "I am sorry..." he said, sitting up straight and wrapped his arms around his legs. "Behind closed doors... he did more to me but... I was scared because he was so abusive and I was sixteen. Never dated anyone and I was scared."
"I have been through it myself too. I can imagine what you feel and I know your pain." I kissed his cheek. "Was that also a reason why you didn't want to. Interface with me that night."

"You shocked me a little bit, but if I didn't want it, then even making out would be too much. Like I said, around you I feel comfortable and happy. My feelings for you are deeper then I have felt for anyone before."
Sideswipe pulled me closer towards him and lifted my chin. "I love you..." he whispered. A smile pulled on my lips. "I love you too."

His lips connected with mine in a gentle kiss. He pulled back and nuzzled his nose with mine.

We returned to our room around four to take a shower and dress up for dinner tonight. From the desk, I grabbed the schedule of this week. "Oh, it's a Caribbean evening tonight, Sides." He turned around, "Italian yesterday, I like the themes," he said. "Me too."

"Thanks to you... the sand is on places where I don't want it to be," he mocked. I giggled and kissed his cheek. He strolled over to the bathroom and removed his swim shorts. "Pumpkin?" I hummed and looked at him. "Never mind—"
I blocked his way, "tell me."
"I wondered if you could grab my towel, but I'll grab it myself." I turned and grabbed it for him, handing it to him. "Join me." I hesitated but nodded after  consideration. The shower was large enough anyway.

I stepped in and Sideswipe joined two seconds later. His hands started to wash the sand off of me. "Boyfriend or not... still in charge," he purred, grabbing my hair and pulled my head back. "Swipey..." I complained. He spun me around and kissed me again. "My little pumpkin," he cooed. I smiled in the kiss and grabbed the soap, washing his body and all the sand off.

"I am definitely going to have you forever at my side."
"I am not Cybertronian... I don't have the same life span as you do," I said. He started to realize this too and his face dropped. "You get old and ugly."
"Rude." I poked him. "No, honestly, I don't want you to change," he sighed unhappily. "What can I do about it, Sideswipe?" I asked. "Bond with me."

I raised a brow, "what?"
"Bond with me..." he repeated. I raised a brow, "how does that work?" He sighed. "Three stages... stage one, is connected my spark with yours, body contact. So our energy levels connected with each other. That can take up to 48 hours to complete. Stage two, pumping some of my Energon in your system and the last stage is interfacing."

"So, it's marriage but differently."
"We will be connected forever. We change you in a techno-organic, hybrid whatever. If you're willing to spend the rest of your life with me. This bond is unbreakable. I will spend my entire life with you until one of us dies on the battle field. Your my sparkmate."

"Or soulmate how humans call it."

It's a big decision, but I spent the rest of my life with him, I am willing to do it and I want it. I pressed my lips on his. Sideswipe's arms sneaked around me and pulled me in a heated kiss. "I am a good kisser, huh?" He teased. I blushed a little bit, "you are." He hummed and pinned me against the wall. I closed my eyes as he left his marks everywhere.

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