Chapter 18. Back at the base

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My mom started shouting at me when I got back. Obviously still not happy when I disconnected the call when I had a heated make-out session with my guardian. Not that I will ever tell her, she'll kill us both. Sunstreaker had watched the whole ordeal from an distance, which I hated. Why? I guess he just loves drama.

My mom can be mad if she'd like. Doesn't matter to me. At least I did something for Sideswipe and we had a special night I would never forget. Sideswipe just forgot about it, he didn't want to talk about it. I started about it one more time before we arrived and he completely ignored it, he even started another subject.

Sunstreaker had obviously followed me to Sideswipe's room. "What's the whole ordeal with her?" He asked. "What do you mean?" I muttered. "Your carrier. Why did she get so mad at you?" He asked. "I thought you followed everything."
"Because you disconnected the call. This goes way deeper, isn't it?" He asked. "Little bit... it's complicated," I mumbled. He gave a small nod and watched me get comfortable on Sideswipe's double bed.

"What else is bothering you?"
"You assume something is bothering me?"
"You have that particular look in your eyes. So yes."
"No, it's fine. Honestly, it's nothing."

Sunstreaker wasn't convinced at all but didn't comment anymore. He sat down in the sofa and started to mind his own business. Sunstreaker probably wouldn't understand. He didn't really sound interested either.
We settled for the night after dinner. Sideswipe and I already laid in bed, and Sunstreaker laid on my left. I loved being in the middle, but Sunny isn't really a snuggle bear by the looks of it, so I just snuggled into Sideswipe and closed my eyes.

Sunstreaker was just about to shut the lights as my mom came in. This starts to be embarrassing. "Sunny," Sideswipe warned as a scowl spread over Sunstreaker's face. He hates it. "Mom, didn't we talk about this?" I asked embarrassed. "We did..." was her snappy reply. Sunstreaker growled in anger, "what are you doing here, human! I am tired, I want to sleep!"

My mom ignored Sunstreaker. I just gave her a quick hug to shut her up and laid back down. Angrily, Sunstreaker watched her. He was absolutely pissed off about it and glared daggers at me. "I am sorry."
He narrowed his eyes at me, "we are not done talking about this, fleshie!" He snarled and turned his back towards me. I was ashamed that my mom embarrassed me in front of them. I snuggled into Sideswipe and closed my eyes.

The next morning, Sideswipe on a patrol when I woke up, so it was just me and Sunstreaker. I slid out of bed while Sunny was still asleep. I showered quickly to avoid an angry mech because it took so long. I opened the door and bumped straight into Sunstreaker. He grabbed my throat and slammed me against the wall.

His eyes were hard, but they were so gorgeous. I hadn't seen his eyes from this close. He was bare chested and just everything together caused me to faint.
Waking up, he had laid me down on the double bed. "Did you just fainted?" He asked, staring straight through my soul and handed me some soda to give me some sugar.

"You were holding my throat quite tight."
"No, I wasn't. It was tight enough to hold you in place, not to stop you from breathing!" He snapped. To make it even worse, the door opened and Sideswipe stepped in. "What's going on here?" He asked as he arched an eyebrow. "She fainted."

"It wasn't like that, Sunstreaker."
"Then why did your systems shut down for a good ten minutes?" He snapped. "Okay, okay... Sunstreaker, calm down," Sideswipe said and waved his brother away, sitting down next to me instead. "Still a little pale, you need more sugar. Did you scare her?"

"No, she just collapsed. Just like that."
Sideswipe looked back at me, "shall we just drop it?" I asked. "Do you faint a lot?" Sideswipe asked. "No, it happened once before... just drop it." I got up again, too fast though. Both grabbed me and sat me back down. "Maybe Ratchet needs to check her up."

"No! I feel fine. Honestly, it was just hot in here and—" I cut myself off by the look on their faces. "You fainted because of me, isn't it?"
"No, no! Of course that... that would be— no."
Sunstreaker crossed his arms. "Come here... let's do a little... experiment shall we?" He asked. I yelped as he pressed me against his bare chest. I already felt all the blood fade from my face, especially as he grabbed hold of my ass.

I woke up, on the bed again. "You fainted, again!"
Sunstreaker seemed to be satisfied. "Stop it! It's not funny," I sulked.  "I think it is, Skylar."
Sideswipe looked back at me again. "You didn't even faint when I—" he cut himself off and swallowed his reply. Sunstreaker raised a brow, "when you did what?" He mocked. I knew what Sideswipe was talking about but played dumb. Sunstreaker knew immediately something was off. Just by the look on his face.

"When I showed up bare chested for the first time."
Suspiciously, Sunstreaker looked at one another. "No, that's not it. What happened?" He asked. "Nothing... he's right, Sunny," I said. Sideswipe flashed his twin an innocent smile. How ironic, Sideswipe was the one who never ever wanted to talk about it and now he brought it up himself.

"I want to know!"
"Sunny, honestly we haven't done anything stupid. We were just having a good time and..." I said and looked at Sideswipe. "Relax bro..." he patted his brother's shoulder and I tried so hard not to blush or to make a stupid comment. Sunstreaker bit his lip and stepped back as I got up and followed Sideswipe.

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