Chapter 4. A good clean

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While Sideswipe was gaming, I was picking up the smelly clothes on the ground. I doubted some have had a good clean for weeks. In fact, there was a small room, I thought it was a closet, but there was a wasmachine and dryer inside. The only room with no clothes. I opened the wasmachine and looked inside. Apparently he had left some wet clothing in the machine, which was smelling bad by now.

"Hey, Sideswipe?"

He paused his game and turned. "Which color did it used to be?" I asked. Sideswipe stared at it and bit his lip, "white... I guess," he mumbled. "You don't wash white wash with dark clothing," I said. "I don't have to worry about it anymore... You're doing the laundry now," he said and smiled mischievously. I chuckled and turned around, picking up all the clothing. I also changed the bed covers and cleaned up the bathroom.

My arm started itching once I finished. "Thank you," Sideswipe mumbled as he pulled me next to him. "Does it hurt?" He asked,— spotting me rubbing my arm. "Just a little bit..." I replied. He hummed and grabbed my hand, kissing the back. "I have a patrol, but I have a plan for tonight. I will take a donut for you for sure but, shall we have dinner somewhere?" He asked.

"Sounds good."
He kissed my hand again and got up. "You have never been to Washington DC before?" I shook my head. "No, I am from Utah, not even near Washington DC," I mumbled. "I will give you a tour as well, but first... a patrol," he grunted. I giggled and watched him grab his shoes. "Am I what you thought I would be?" He asked. "Better."

He smirked, "how can you not like me!" He grinned and got up. "See you," he chirped and left. In the meantime, I decided to search for Chase. He was nowhere to be found, probably out with Jazz,— exploring the city. "Are you settled already?" Skids asked. I halted and turned to look at him. "Yeah, it's still a little difficult sometimes. It's huge here," I said. "You will get used to it." Mudflap replied and waved his hand. "Is Sideswipe nice?" I hummed and nodded.

"He hasn't pranked you?"
"No, he can expect something back if he does," I mocked. They laughed. Skids, Mudflap and I hung out in the main hanger. Jolt, Mirage and Bumblebee joined later that day. "I hope you don't have fear of contamination?" Mirage laughed. "You mean Sides's room? I cleaned it..." I mumbled. "He's chaotic so... I hope now with a girl he at least tries to keep it clean," Jolt replied.

"And please don't challenge him. He will give you a payback... you have no idea," Mirage warned. I waved my hand and jumped a little as someone from behind poked both my flanks. "Hey!" I complained. Sideswipe chuckled and stepped beside me. "Gossiping about me?" He asked. "No, just give her the manual book of how you work," Jolt taunted. Sideswipe gave him a 'really' look. "It's actually really simple..." he stated and crossed his arms, legs parted.

"Is it?" Jolt mocked. "Yeah, as long as you don't tell me what to do, don't prank me... you should be fine," he said. I looked at Sideswipe. "What?" He mocked. I shook my head, "nothing."
"You're clearly thinking about something..." he chuckled. I shrugged, and looked away from him. "Anyway, we need to hurry up a little bit..." he said and took my hand. I had barely time to say goodbye to the others. "Where are we going?" I asked. "I have made a reservation at my favorite restaurant. Now I have a reason to come there... Usually I go alone."

"That sounds kind of sad..." I mumbled. "Perhaps..." he muttered and shrugged. "I feel bad..." I glanced at him. "I promised to go into town... get you some clothes," he sighed. "Not your fault... you were busy," I replied. "With gaming. I am sorry, I promise tomorrow," he said. I nodded and watched him walk into his room. "Just a big difference," he said as he looked around. "It is..." I sighed and sat down.

He grabbed another shirt and removed his old one. I spotted a bandaid on his shoulder blade. "What happened?" I asked. He turned, only to show the same band aid on the other side as well. "Got shot," he replied as he pulled his shirt back on. "Shot?" I was repeatedly shocked and got up. "Yeah, training was too rough. Happens sometimes. Not a big deal," he said. He grabbed his leather jacket and phone.

"Shall we?"

I nodded and followed him outside. Once we arrived he parked and wrapped his arm around my neck as we strode over towards the entrance. "They have all kinds of food. Asia, Greek, European... Everything you like is here. It's a walking buffet," he explained. We waited in line until it was our turn. "Ah, Sideswipe... good to see you."
I raised a brow and looked at Sideswipe. "That's Bao Zang." Sideswipe said while leaning on the counter. I looked back at the older man. "Sideswipe comes here nearly every week," Zang replied. "He nearly has his own table," the man laughed and gestured to us to follow him. "Really? Every week?" I asked in a whisper. "Yup..." Sideswipe chuckled and sat down at the table the man pointed at. "Enjoy your meal, Sideswipe," Zang replied and patted his shoulder before he walked off.

((Sideswipe's P.O.V))
Skylar looked around, scanning the environment and its people. "You like it?" I asked. She nodded and looked me in the eyes. I really hope it will take a while before she goes back home. Maybe she will stay here in our dimension. Would she do that? I don't know, I made a good change. Afterall, she really likes me. Plus, she may help me find my twin brother. "It's nice here..." she replied and looked back at me. "Of course it is... otherwise this wouldn't be my favorite restaurant. Honestly, you can easily let me pick hotels and restaurants," I stated. She laughed at my arrogance.
We got ourselves some food and retreated back towards our table. Sky mostly listened to the things I was telling her, it's fine. She seemed to enjoy listening and commented once in a while. "Tell me something about you... I have been talking for like... forty-five minutes or so," I said sheepishly. "My life is sort of boring..." she mumbled. "Come on... there must be something. Some juicy stuff you can tell no one except me! I know you would probably tell your brother sooner than you would tell me, but... you can tell me anything!"

I nodded and she started thinking. "Alright..." she said and popped some food in her mouth. I waited for her to say something, I was dying inside to know something about her life. It took me too long so I started to ask, "you told me you never had a boyfriend before, so, I'll leave that subject out... family? How many siblings?" I asked. "Including me four and my parents of course. You already met Chase, he's my oldest brother. Then Liam at the age of fifteen and Lexi, my little sister," she replied.

"Don't you ever get... annoyed? I mean... I have one brother and sometimes I want to kick his ass," I mocked. She giggled and nodded, "two younger brothers... what do you think?" she laughed. "They are supportive though..."
I looked at her again as she popped some food in her mouth. "You miss them?" I asked. She nodded and sighed, "of course I miss them... they are family. You miss your brother too. You don't know what happened to them," she replied. I nodded, "yeah, sorry... stupid question," I mumbled. She waved her hand, "Nevertheless, I am happy to be here... to meet you," she added. "I feel flustered."

She flashed me a smile and blushed a little. "What do you like more... a red Lamborghini, or the alt-mode you have today?" she asked. "I have had both... I once scanned a red Lamborghini, but I wanted a change so I changed my alt-mode before I arrived at Diego Garcia," I explained. "Sunstreaker loves yellow... don't expect any changes from him," I added. "Honestly, I didn't expect him to change his alt-mode either." I studied her for a good moment. "Do you have lots of friends?"

She shrugged, "I can easily make friends, but so far, I prefer to be on my own mostly. I am not really a party animal..." she murmured and glanced at me. "As your guardian I need to know everything... I don't care if you don't like parties as much as I do. I would never force you into something, but I will ask you anyway, because I would love to show up at the dance with a nice girl for once..." I chuckled. She giggled and started smiling, blushing a little too. Honestly, I hope she will stay here in my dimension forever.

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