Chapter 1: Your Secret's Safe With Me

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I was just staring out the window of my dining room, my knees pulled up to my chest on a sturdy, wooden chair with a pink cushion. I couldn't help but admire the swaying grass, and the sunlight dappling through the trees onto it. I had just graduated this May, and I knew it was a matter of time before I would need to decide on college or a job. My parents had agreed I could take a year off first, but I knew how fleeting time could be. I wasn't even sure where I saw my future going, to be honest. I always dreamed of getting married and raising a family, but I was left with tons of crushes and zero dating history. I couldn't help but notice our neighbor, Nilah was at her mailbox, her arm hanging out her car window as she retrieved the letters quickly. I sighed, but it was cut short when I saw a guy stepping out of her vehicle before she pulled into the garage. He flipped his blonde hair out of his eye as I ached to get a closer glimpse. I devised a reason that I could go over there, slipping on my neon green flip flops before heading out. I was currently in a pair of white jean shorts and a pale pink tank top. When I reached Nilah's front porch, I lightly knocked on the screen door, rocking on my heels before I heard it being unlatched.

"Hello?" I froze right on the spot, unable to not stare at the boy before me. It was Leonardo DiCaprio, his blonde hair parted near the middle, his plush lips in front of me, his chiseled jawline, his perfectly, naturally, sculpted eyebrows, and last but never ever the least, his ocean eyes. Even though they were shaded a bit there was no denying that vibrant blue.

"H-hi, I'm... Piper," I shot out on the end, tucking a strand of strawberry blonde hair behind my ear.

"Do you know Nilah or something," he checked, seeming wary of my presence. After all it was probably obvious I was a huge fan.

"Oh yeah! She's my neighbor. Um, I just came over to see the kittens," I fabricated.

"Kittens?" He raised his eyebrows as I nodded. "I'm not sure if she mentioned that. I just flew in from Los Angeles, and I'm having serious jet lag. I didn't think it would happen with only a 3 hour difference."

I barely nodded again as I freaked out, fidgeting with my fingers as I felt I needed to hold onto something for security. "Yeah, her cat just had kittens a few weeks ago, and um, I wanted to see them. I didn't know you would be here..."

"Alright, come on," he finally caved, holding the door for me as I scrambled into the stuffy living room. I maneuvered down a narrow hallway, finding the spare room at the side. There was a bed in it now though, undoubtedly for Leo, since his suitcases were resting before it. Sure enough in a cardboard box was the calico cat, Honey, and her kittens. I dropped to my knees as I admired the huge litter, instantly picking up the only yellow one. I had secretly named him Candy, and I hoped that my parents would let me keep him, but they had a strict rule about no pets. "I guess I missed them," Leo commented, scratching the top of his head as I blushed deeply.

"I'm sorry if I'm bothering you. You probably want to get some rest." I almost kept stammering as I petted Candy's back.

"Yeah, but I'll catch up on that later. Nilah's taking me out to eat. The food on the plane was shit." He faintly laughed as I bit back a smile, Candy's warmth making me hotter than before. It was pretty humid outside and in Nilah's house. "I can't wait to get out of here. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad I'm staying with her, but this house is hot as hell."

"Why is it so warm," I timidly asked, Candy purring against my stomach.

"Her air conditioner broke, and they haven't come around to fix it yet. She said it's been like this for 3 days." I swore that I smelled smoke, which wasn't shocking, since Nilah had been trying to quit for years, but then I realized it was fresh. I lifted my head to catch sigh of Leo with a cigarette between his teeth, him moving it up and down like in Titanic. I bit back a scream at how attractive that gesture was, Candy wriggling out of my grasp and running over to tackle his calico brother.

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