Chapter 17: Magic Touch

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I woke up early the next morning, feeling a bit nervous about Piper and my plans later. I went ahead and poured some coffee, tapping my fingers against the mug as it steamed.

"You're up early," Nilah observed, fixing some eggs for her breakfast.

"Yeah." I licked my lips before taking a loud sip, sighing softly after.

"Are you okay? You look a bit pale."

"Yeah, I'm fine," I said with a convincing enough smile.

"Remember I'm coming home late tonight. I have a few errands to run straight after work."

I hid my smile as I thought about how that gave me more time with Piper.

"Will you and Tobey have enough to eat," she checked, breaking me out of my daydreams.

"Yeah, we'll be fine," I promised.

"Okay, well I'll see you two tonight, and maybe Piper too."

"What?" I whipped my head up as I accidentally widened my eyes.

She laughed quietly as she grabbed her car keys along with her purse. "I figured she'd be around. She's usually here from morning until night. Have a good day."

"Thanks." I forced a smile, watching as she finally left. I released a sigh of relief, groaning in annoyance when somehow Tobey was already in the bathroom. "Tobey?!"

"Yeah," he yelled back.

"Can I be in there too?!"

"Yeah! I'm just in the shower, so you can do anything else!"

I turned the doorknob to be met with a hot room full of steam. I drowsily grabbed my toothbrush, scrubbing my teeth extra long as I looked up and into my blue eyes in the mirror. Fuck, was I getting a pimple? I finished cleaning my mouth including my tongue before spitting, gargling extra long with mouth wash after. I hastily brushed my blonde strands back, realizing the bump I saw was a small pimple. I used to have bad acne when I was a teenager, but I thought I had gotten it under control. "Fuck," I muttered, seeing if I could cover it with my hair. It just had to show up today, didn't it?

"What's wrong," Tobey wondered, drying off as I kept fretting over my mark.

"I got a fucking pimple," I complained, lifting my chin as I tried to pretend it wasn't there.

"Let me see." He came over with the towel now wrapped around his waist, looking at the red spot. "That's not bad."

"But it's the kind where I can feel it beneath the surface, and it's huge," I explained, touching it with my index finger.

"Well, then stop touching it. That's only going to make it worse. Maybe it will stay under control until after Piper's gone."

"How long are you staying out?"

"Look, I'm not coming home until you call me and give me the clear. I don't want to walk in on you two doing things." He brushed his dark brown hair with a comb as I finally stopped messing with my face.

"Thanks again for this."

"No problem. I know you'd do the same for me if I found a super special girl."

"Super special?" I half smirked as I looked over at him.

"Piper's super special. Don't even try to deny it. You're totally lovestruck by her." He was finally dressed as I removed my own shirt.

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