Chapter 14: Helpful

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"What the fuck, Piper?" Leo had just opened the door to find me on the front porch. I was almost shivering with my drenched clothes, since we were experiencing a thunderstorm.

"Why didn't you bring an umbrella or something," Tobey wondered from the couch.

"It was lightening, and I didn't want to get struck by it," I answered, clutching my purse tighter against me as Leo helped me inside.

"You could have worn a poncho. Do you want me to get you one in case you ever need it," Tobey offered.

"Sure, that would be nice," I faintly smiled, looking over at Leo as he removed my soaked hoodie. At least my hair had stayed dry, and my shirt underneath wasn't bad, but my shorts and legs looked awful, along with my squishy flip flops.

"Why did you bring a purse with you? It's just that you normally don't," Leo quickly added, hanging my jacket to dry.

"Oh um... In case I needed a tissue or something."

"Piper, we have plenty of tissues here. You've been acting like something's wrong since yesterday."

I sighed as I checked to see if Tobey was around before mumbling, "I'm on my period..."

"Why didn't you just tell me," Leo softly asked, giving me a sweet smile.

"I was embarrassed," I murmured.

"Hey, I got you a towel too," Tobey told me, reappearing with a brand new, yellow poncho still in the packaging and a white, fluffy towel. He handed it to me and I gratefully dried off with it, before just cuddling into it on the couch. Thankfully I had been wearing a tampon when I came over or I would have been in trouble, since my pants were still wet from the rain. "Is she okay?" He looked at Leo, since I kept wincing as my cramps broke through my medicine.

"Yeah, she's okay," Leo confirmed, draping his arm around my shoulders. "What's wrong, baby," he whispered, as though his conversation with Tobey didn't just happen.

"My medicine isn't strong enough today. I'm still feeling pretty bad."

Leo pulled me onto his lap to cuddle me, but I whimpered as any position I was in almost made me feel nauseous. The pain was close to unbearable.

"Can you let me just sit by myself, Leo? I think this position is making it worse," I admitted.

"Making what worse," Tobey cut in, clueless to what was going on.

Leo looked at me for permission before truthfully answering. "Piper's on her period right now, so she doesn't feel that good."

"Oh. You could have told me that. I do have a sister, you know," Tobey shared, finding the spot next to me with his arm draped over the back of the sofa. I had pulled my knees up to my chest, pressing my lips to my knees, and a little bit of the discomfort wore away. "Is there anything we can do for you? Like make asses of ourselves to make you laugh?"

I held back a giggle as I looked over at Tobey, my brown eyes shining. "No, but can we watch something? I think this should go away in at least 4 hours."

"Okay, what movie?" He had already stood to pick one out.

Leo met my gaze and we literally communicated without speaking a word, him being the one to answer his best friend. "Disney's Alice in Wonderland."

"Okay. That's a pretty good movie," Tobey agreed, popping in the tape before pressing play.

I cuddled up to Leo despite the pain, wanting to be close to him as I squeezed my eyes shut. He soothingly rubbed my side, me sighing through my nose as I fought off the urge to get sick. "You're really feeling bad, aren't you, babe," Leo softly said, me nodding against his chest. "Is it okay if I try something?"

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