Chapter 28: Second Wedding

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The entire week had been spent sightseeing with Piper, me wanting to show her every part of Los Angeles. It had honestly been the best time of my life, and it was nice that Tobey and my mom were able to join us most days.

My eyes fluttered open on Saturday morning, my arms securely around Piper as she rested her cheek on my bare chest. Now that we were married I tended to skip chucking on a shirt before bed, basically just sleeping in my boxers. I looked over at her as she slept peacefully, never tiring of the sight. I couldn't help but kiss the top of her head gently and then the rest of her face. She stirred a bit, not reacting at first when I pressed my lips against hers. When I felt her kiss back that's when I smiled and pulled away, her brown orbs the most beautiful sight to start my day.

"Good morning, Mrs. DiCaprio," I breathed, causing her to hide her face in my chest.

"I can't believe it's today already," she breathed, her voice muffled against my skin.

"This one's going to be a lot fancier, huh?"

"You tell me. You haven't given me hardly any details about it," she observed.

"I want it to be a surprise. I want you to have the best wedding day of your life."

More giggles as the sound made my heart actually flutter. "It's both of our day. Just because we already had a ceremony, it doesn't change that." She propped herself up on her elbow to mirror my position as we just looked at each other.

"Only my mom, dad, and Tobey are going to be at this wedding..."

"Your dad?" She brightened when I mentioned him.

"Yeah, I hope that's okay." I sheepishly touched the back of my head as she seemed to have a glow to her.

"Of course it's okay! I would love to meet him. Oh my goodness, this is the best surprise."

I chuckled lowly as I randomly kissed her. "It wasn't planned to be the surprise." I gave her an amused look as she just kept appearing happier.

"Are we going to get ready here at the house together," she wondered.

"I'm not supposed to see your dress," I reminded her, rubbing up and down her side beneath her shirt.

"I know, but I just meant our hair and my makeup, and I don't know, your suit and tie. I don't want to leave you yet."

"Piper, we have our whole lives to be together. It's only one morning."

"I know, but I just feel like being with you today, you know? It's kind of like de ja vu when I had to leave you when I had the fight with my parents before our first wedding. I just don't want you to go."

"I'll call Tobey and see what I can do," I promised, giving her a simple peck. "Now you go ahead and start getting ready, baby. Take a shower or whatever you need to do."

"Okay," she agreed, getting up and walking over to our bathroom.

I pulled our cord phone from our night stand over to my lap, picking it up as I dialed the right number. "Tobey? Hi, um, Piper wants to get ready at home for the wedding. Yeah, I know that Mom was looking forward to helping her, but... She just doesn't want to leave me. I'm not really sure why. She said it was de ja vu of like when her parents wouldn't let us get married the first time, and she didn't want to leave me then. She's going to be putting her dress on at the place. Mom can help her with that. I'm not going to force her to go, Tobey. To be honest, I don't want to leave her yet either. Yeah, Mom can come over here if she wants. Okay." I chuckled softly at how it was already settled. "Okay, I'll be waiting for her. Okay, bye."

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