Chapter 15: Don't Set Your Hopes Too High

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"So, is it all of the Alice in Wonderland movies you like, or just the Disney one," asked Tobey. My period had just ended a couple of days ago, so I was feeling much better now.

"Um, that one's definitely my favorite, but I just love the world of Wonderland, you know?" I looked over at him as I sat on the floor cross legged in front of him. Leo was busy whipping up something for lunch, refusing our help, since he didn't want to bother us.

"You know your starting to sound like Leo more every day."

I blushed a deep red as I looked down at my lap. "Really?"

"Yeah, have you heard his interviews? He's always saying, you know, on the end as a question. And you're starting to do the lip thing too."

"What lip thing?" I licked my lips a tiny bit in a slight pattern as I concentrated on figuring out what he meant.

"That. Leo's about the only person I know who does that. Other people lick their lips, but not in that pattern thing."

"Oh. I didn't even realize I was doing it." I was grateful that summer had cooled off a bit, since my face was a million degrees at the moment.

"Yeah, I think it's something you subconsciously picked up."

"Is there anything else he does?" I played with my fishtail braid with small strands woven over my shoulder.

"Hm..." Tobey pressed his lips together as he became lost in thought. "He bites his nails, but I don't think you do that habit."

I shook my head as my eyes went blurry as I attempted looking at my hair closely.

"I hope you don't mind, but I made what Piper's been asking for," Leo spoke up, appearing in the doorway with a full plate.

"Hotdogs," I exclaimed, beaming as I grinned up at him.

"That's fine. I'm glad I don't have periods. I can't imagine not being able to eat salty and sugary food for like two weeks," Tobey commented.

"Yeah, I mean, I can eat them, but then my time of the month is awful." I jumped up, wrapping my arms around Leo's middle after he set the fresh food onto the coffee table. "I love you..." I freaked out when it dawned on me what I just said. My eyes widened before I could compose myself. "For making hotdogs!"

Leo looked down at me, tilting his head slightly, before looking over me at Tobey. "Hey Tobey, is it okay if we eat these in our room? I need to talk to Piper about something."

"I can go in our room. That way you guys can have the cooler room. Besides, there's two of you. You'll need more room for your food," Tobey waved off.

"Thanks," Leo weakly smiled.

"Good luck," his best friend added before leaving, causing me to become confused. I felt a little scared what this talk might be about.

"Do you want potato chips," Leo offered. "I brought some onion dip in too."

"I guess... Leo, what do you need to talk to me about," I softly asked. "Are you upset I told you I loved you? I did mean it that time. I've been trying not to say it, but goodness, I've completely fallen for you now." I faked a smile as I gazed up at him sadly.

"Piper, I'm not upset you told me that. I love you too. I feel the same way, and that's why I need to talk to you."

"Okay. You're not leaving or something are you?" I situated myself on the couch, so that I was sideways with my knees pulled up onto the cushion, Leo directly beside me with his feet on the floor.

"No, not yet." He gave me a sad smile as more anxiety welled up inside of me.

"What's wrong then?"

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