Chapter 22: Beyond Magical

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The next morning I woke up in my living room for the last time, hardly able to believe it was my wedding day.

"Rise and shine, Piper," my mom chirped, coming over.

"Did I oversleep?" I stretched as she shook her head.

"No, it's only 9 in the morning. I let you sleep an extra hour, since Nilah is still setting everything up."

"Oh okay," I murmured, too drowsy to let that information sink in.

"You go ahead and brush your teeth and stuff, and I'll adjust your dress. You can try it on before you do your makeup and hair. That way it won't get messed up."

"Okay," I yawned, shuffling into the bathroom. I lazily brushed my teeth, but then clarity started to hit me, and I realized I would be joined with Leonardo DiCaprio for forever. With that fact in mind I couldn't stop naturally smiling, which made cleaning my teeth difficult. Once I washed my face with a gentle soap I found my mom in her bedroom. I happily tried on the gown, glad to find it fit perfectly now. It was then time to apply my makeup, which I went for a fairly simple look despite the cherry red lips. I decided to do my hair in regular curls, not making them too tight or springy. Once I was finished, I swore my mom was about to cry as she adjusted the veil so that we could head out the door.

I gasped when I saw how Nilah had decorated her yard, the porch the area to replace the altar. There were pretty pink flowers and greenery woven around the creme, thick beams. There was also a nice type of paper used for the aisle, and the chairs on either side followed the same color scheme with the pink flowers. It might have been simple, but to me it was the most gorgeous sight.

"Where's Leo," I wondered, catching sight of the preacher preparing for the ceremony.

"He's still inside. Nilah purposely is keeping him in there, so that he doesn't see you before."

"Okay, um, where's... Tobey," I exclaimed his name, giving him a tight hug but then loosening it when I realized how big my dress was.

"Hey," he lightly chuckled, decked out in a black suit and bowtie. "Leo's so fucking nervous. You should have seen him this morning. He accidentally used his shaving cream for toothpaste." He laughed some as I blushed at my mom overhearing the inappropriate language.

"Mom, this is Tobey, Leo's best friend," I introduced through my embarrassment, worried she would judge him.

"It's nice to meet you, Tobey," she nicely smiled, him returning the gesture.

"You too," he answered.

"I can't wait any longer. Is the ceremony starting soon," I wondered.

"As soon as Leo can get his shit together. He was having trouble tying his tie last time I saw him," Tobey informed me.

I giggled before seeing Nilah popping out the door to give us a thumbs up. That was also my cue to hide at the side of the house until I heard the wedding march. My dad was seated at a portable piano on the sidelines, the gathering pretty small, since only Nilah and my mom were actually in the audience area. Tobey was standing up front as the best man. Even though I had just seen Leo last night I ached to be with him again. Excitement welled up in my chest as I heard the familiar tune, hurrying over to the makeshift aisle before walking steadily down it, a bouquet of the overall theme in my hands. When Leo finally saw me, everything seemed to stop for him, his ocean eyes were frozen, but then a twinkle entered them and he was smiling a little. The more I kept looking at him his smile grew, and mine did as well as we found our own little world even feet apart.

When I finally reached him, the flowers were replaced by his hands securely holding mine.

"You look beautiful," Leo mouthed, causing my cheeks to flush.

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