Chapter 21: Wedding Plans

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I took a deep breath as I squared my shoulders, looking both ways before crossing the road to my house. I had gotten up extra early to see my parents, since I knew they had work today. I messed with my fingers after unlocking the front door, finding my mom at the kitchen table with a mug of coffee. My dad must have been in the bathroom, since the door was shut.

"Hey...," I quietly trailed off, her giving me an extra weak smile. "Leo wanted me to talk to you last night, but I was just too upset. He really is a good guy." More silence as my mom looked down at her hot beverage. I heard the shower shut off before my dad came out shortly after, already fully dressed in his company shirt and nice pants.

"Hey, are you okay," my dad asked.

"You care," I wondered, blinking back tears as I already felt emotional. He sighed as he came over to where I was, wrapping me up in a hug.

"Your mom and I didn't get much sleep last night. We did a lot of talking." He sighed softly through his nose after parting.

"I only slept well because I cried myself to sleep," I slightly laughed, running my fingers through my hair as I focused on the floor.

"Piper, you have to understand. You're our little girl, and it's always just been the three of us. We're not used to the idea of you moving out. Yes, we want that for you someday, but we didn't expect it to be so soon. We apologize for the way we acted in front of Leo. Maybe we could have been more tactful, but we were not happy to find out the little girl we raised had thrown all of the morals we taught her out the window."

"I haven't thrown them all out the window, Dad. Yes, I did sleep with Leo, but only because it felt right. I know that's probably still a stupid reason to you, but he's different than any other person I've ever known. He makes me feel whole, complete, happy, and like he's never going to leave. I've had so many people leave, Dad. Friendships, potential boyfriends... And then this guy comes along that's been my comfort celebrity without knowing, and somehow I become his comfort person in real life, and we fall in love, and he's everything I ever dreamed and more." I sniffed as my watery eyes looked off to the side as I struggled to hold eye contact. "And maybe it seems like we're moving too fast, but if you could feel what we feel in our hearts, I think you and mom would do the same thing. I was starting to think maybe soul mates didn't exist, but that's not true, because mine's Leo, and I'm his. And I want to marry him, and he wants to marry me. He's almost been against marriage because of his busy career, but now that's changed. He really is sincere."

My parents were quiet as they processed my long speech, my mom getting up to hand me a couple of tissues, so that I could blow my nose.

"Thanks," I murmured, throwing them away straight after I used them.

"Honey, you can't expect us to accept or understand all of this overnight," my mom gently said, touching my arm.

"I know, but I really want to go to Los Angeles with Leo soon, and by soon I mean like a few days. I want to meet his mom too, and see where he lives, and I would like to be out on my own for a change. I love you guys, but I'm ready to have my own life. Leo has a lot of money, so I'm sure we could fly you out to visit us, or we could come here to see you. You wouldn't be losing me or anything."

"What are you planning for your wedding," my mom randomly asked, still speaking softly.

"Um, we haven't really talked about it. I was thinking maybe a simple ceremony here to make it official, and then another one for his mom in Los Angeles."

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