Chapter 12: What's Wrong With Me?

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I wrapped my arms more firmly around Leo's neck as he kept his around my waist. We were currently making out in the pool, me blushing as I lowered us deeper in the water again.

"What," he asked after parting, gently brushing my wet strands of hair back.

"What if my parents see us?" I kept glancing over at my house as Leo touched my cheek with his wet hand.

"I thought they were at work."

"Today's Saturday, Leo. They don't work on Saturdays," I giggled, pecking his lips just because he was too cute.

"Is it bad if they see us?"

"Would you want your mom to see you making out with a girl?"

"Good point, but I doubt they can. You keep practically pulling me under," he lightly chuckled.

"It's just that you're my first serious boyfriend, and they can be kind of protective... I mean, they're easy going, but if they knew how fast we were moving..."

He silenced me with a sweet kiss, my entire body melting at his touch. "Our relationship is about you and me, Piper, not them. They have to know that you were going to find someone eventually. I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner. You're so damn beautiful," he breathed on the end, us once again kissing deeply. I sighed a bit as he slipped his tongue into my mouth, pulling him beneath the water for us to finish our kiss there. It was magical being in a world where everything was muted excepting for the rushing sound of the water. Leo pulled me a bit closer as I wrapped my legs around his torso, us resurfacing to gasp for air.

"You know when I was a little girl I always wanted to be a mermaid," I confessed, a faint blush dusting my cheeks.

"Go under the water, babe, and when you need air lift your arm."

"Okay...," I hesitantly agreed, doing just as he said.

After I did the signal he had joined me in our special world, breathing oxygen into my mouth from his. I nearly giggled but stopped myself, able to stay under double the time before my lungs burned again. I couldn't help but smile widely when I resurfaced, brushing the hair from my face as I beamed at Leo.

"You are the cutest, sweetest boyfriend ever," I complimented, a grin stretching across his own lips. "I love being out here with you, but my fingers are starting to get all pruney." I frowned as he lifted my hand up to touch my fingers.

"We have been out here for a few hours," he observed, reaching forward to give me a simple kiss before having me step on the ladder first. Eventually we were sitting on lawn chairs, my towel wrapped snugly around my body, while Leo's was just draped over his shoulders. "You cold, babe?"

"Yeah, I want to cuddle you." I then managed to sit sideways on his lap, nuzzling my nose against his warm neck. I had goosebumps from the light breeze hitting us.

"You're too cute, you know that? You are the cutest girl in the entire world." He kissed my nose as I looked up at him, my head against his shoulder.

"I was going to say the same about you."

"What? That I'm the cutest girl in the world," he teased.

"No, the cutest boy in the world. I can't believe you're just as great as I imagined. I mean, sometimes celebrities are real jerks when you get to know them."

"I almost forgot I was famous," Leo slightly laughed.

"How could you forget that?" I raised my head as I admired his perfection. "You are literally one of the biggest heartthrobs in America right now."

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