Chapter 19: What If...

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I was careful not to wake Piper up in the morning, crawling out of bed to use the bathroom real quick. After I was done I ran into Tobey in the kitchen, him quietly making toast.

"Should we wake her up yet? It's 6 in the morning," he whispered, his eyes still drowsy.

"Nah, let her sleep for another half hour. Her parents don't get up until 7."

"And how do you know all this," Tobey wondered with a smug smirk.

"Shut up," I quietly chuckled. "She told me." I licked my lips as I got lost in thought, Tobey buttering his toast before biting into it.

"What's up," he asked, careful not to get the crumbs everywhere. We knew we would be the ones in charge of cleaning it if he did.

"I'm thinking about going back to Los Angeles early. Do you think Nilah would be that upset?"

"Nilah? What about Piper? You two just got really close. It would break her heart if you left."

"I was thinking... of taking her with me." I bit my lower lip as I looked over at my best friend.

"Why? Isn't it kind of soon?"

"Maybe, but I want her to meet my mom, and see the place I live, and I want her to stay in my house and wake up every day in my shirts." I chuckled softly as I looked at the hard tiled floor.

"It almost sounds to me that you want to marry her."

"No, I was thinking just living together."

"Don't give me that bullshit. Yeah, with your past girlfriends I could see that, but not with Piper. You're crazy about her. You can't imagine life without her, and it's not like it's been with anyone else."

"I've always said marriage wasn't for me, at least not right now. I have my career to work on."

"That's still a bunch of bull. You have, what? Like one movie coming up soon? And you still would have enough time to spend with Piper."

I faintly snorted as I remembered something. "You know, Piper said our day yesterday felt like our honeymoon. I didn't say much, but I felt it too."

"Then marry her, Leo."

"She's only 19, Tobey. She might not even be interested in that right now."

"With you? I think she's ready."

"This is crazy. I mean, we've barely met and I'm thinking about asking her to spend the rest of her life with me. I just feel like it has to be too soon."

"That's your head talking, but what does your heart say?"

I looked over at Tobey as the gears in my brain kept whirring. "Do you think you could make sure Piper gets home in time? There's something I want to do today."

"This early? You know none of the stores you're thinking of will be open, right?" He was faintly smirking as he gave me a knowing look.

"Who said I was going to a store? I could be getting the plane tickets."

"You need to talk to her about that first. I don't think she'll say no, but what if it falls through somehow? I don't think her parents are the type that would let her get whisked away."

"What if she was married to me?"


Thankfully I arrived home before my parents caught me missing, but I was confused why Leo was gone. Tobey was pretty evasive about the reason, making me even more puzzled. Leo ended up being back in the afternoon though, and I sat beside him on the couch as he rubbed my thigh. We were just gazing into each other's eyes as Tobey cleared his throat.

"Should I leave," he asked.

"No, we love having you here, Tobey." My eyes never left Leo's though as I spoke.

"To think I felt like a third wheel before. I'm going into our room for awhile."

I didn't even respond as Leo and I got caught up in our own little world. "I missed you this morning," I softly said, rubbing my hand up and down his chest.

"Sorry, I had somewhere I had to go. Hey, Piper?"

"Yeah?" His voice was quiet as well, since we always talked as though we were in a library.

"I'm thinking about going back to L.A. early."

I just blinked a couple of times as I stared at him, too stunned to feel pain. "Oh."

"Have you ever been to Los Angeles?"

"Are you kidding? I've barely been to any of the states. Why are you leaving early?"

He swallowed hard before joining his hand with mine on his chest, intertwining our fingers. "I... I wanted you to meet my mom and see where I lived." He looked nervous as it dawned on me what he meant.

"Really? You want me to go back with you?"

"Of course, Piper." He bit his lower lip as my eyes danced between his.

"I'd love to, but I don't think my parents would approve. I mean, I'm old enough to make my own decisions, but I don't want them to end up hating me."

"What if..." He swallowed away the lump in his throat as he shakily reached into his pocket with his free hand. "What if..."

I gasped as I threw my hands over my mouth, my eyes widening as I felt shaky all over, my heart accelerating faster than a Ferrari. "That's another necklace box, right?"

He shook his head as I kept my eyes on him, tears almost leaking past as it felt completely surreal. "No, this has to be a joke. You wouldn't... You couldn't... You... And me... And I've loved you for so long, and now... I can't even form words." I faintly laughed as he popped the box open. "Oh my word." A noticeable, princess cut diamond was glinting up at me, the size at least 2 carats, which was not small.

"Piper, sweetheart," Leo gently spoke, taking my hand as I freaked out. "Will you marry me? I've never asked anyone this before, and I just forgot my whole damn speech, so what do you say? Is it okay I just simply asked you?"

"Oh, Leo..." A couple of tears slipped past my eyes as I closed them. "This is like a dream. Of course I'll marry you."

"Yeah?" He raised his eyebrows, on the verge of laughing from joy/relief.

"Yes," I whispered, nodding as he finally slid the ring onto my left hand finger. "Are you sure about this?"

"Yes." I melted when he caressed my face in his hands for a tender kiss, passion flowing between us as we silently celebrated this moment.

"Did you ask her yet," Tobey questioned, appearing out of nowhere.

I held up the ring as I blushed, feeling so much happiness it was indescribable. "Isn't it beautiful," I asked, sniffing as I composed myself. "Um, Tobey will you be our best man?"

Tobey chuckled quietly as he came over. "Isn't that Leo's decision?"

"Yeah, if I could I'd have you as my bridesmaid."

Tobey just stared at me as Leo laughed some. "I mean, I guess I could wear a dress for you. But no heels."

I smiled wider at him before he did the same, us meeting in a warm hug. "What if my parents don't like this?" The sadness had settled in as doubt clouded my brain. "I mean, I've barely known Leo two months, and we're already talking marriage. The approval of them is everything to me." I released Tobey to look over at Leo, him giving me a weak smile.

"What if I met them and talked it over with them," Leo suggested.

"Okay." I nodded a tiny bit before beaming. "Um, what if we had dinner with them tomorrow night?"

"Sounds good." Leo's smile seemed a bit strained though. I think he was just as nervous as I was about announcing the news.

A/N: Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Things escalated pretty quickly in it. Lol. Please remember to comment, vote, and follow. Thank you so much! <3

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