Chapter 24: Lovey Dovey

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I woke up to being tangled in sheets with Leo, him on his back with is arm draped over my bare stomach. We had worn ourselves out last night, and I was surprised I woke up even this early. It was only 9, but we had to leave our room by 11.

"Leo," I whispered, nudging him as he shifted in his sleep. "Leo?"

His eyes eventually fluttered open before he sat up, his hair a mess as it went in every direction.

"Hey," I giggled, still speaking softly. I reached over to fix his blonde strands, him just giving me a tired, half smile. "I wanted to take a shower with you before we leave."

"You always want to bathe with me," he pointed out as he raised his arms to stretch.

"I just love the personal time. I love it when you take care of me."

"I love it when you take care of me too. It feels so fucking good when you wash my hair."

"It looks like it needs it." I bit back a smile as he playfully glared at me. "But you're still super sexy." His gaze softened as he pulled me closer to kiss my lips gently.

"You can go in there and get the water started, babe. I'll be right there," he promised.

I just warmed the water, standing in the shower as I waited, smiling when he showed up. "What took you so long?"

"You can't wait one minute," he smirked, squirting out the shampoo to rub into my scalp.

"It just felt like longer." I tilted my head back as he made sure to get all of my long hair. I bit back a giggle when Leo made himself shorter, so I could get the shampoo in his own hair. "What are we planning on doing today? It's our last one here."

"I was thinking we could have supper with Nilah and Tobey."

"What about before that?" We had moved onto the conditioner after rinsing.

"Just probably hanging out at Nilah's house, I guess," he shrugged, us washing each other, which made me blush.

"Sorry." I laughed when I almost smacked Leo with the back of my hand when he was using the wash cloth on my arm.

"Piper, you would think we would have this down by now."

"We've only done this once before," I exclaimed, amused by what he said.

"Yeah, but it shouldn't be this hard..." Suddenly I almost slipped, gripping the shower curtain only to have it fall down on me. Leo broke my fall as we just lied on the floor of the tub.

"Are you okay," I instantly checked, him barely nodding.

"Yeah, maybe we should finish by ourselves."

"Oh okay," I sadly smiled.

"You can go first," he offered.

After a short time I was exiting the bathroom, drying off as I grabbed my clothes from my suitcase. I settled on a periwinkle dress with small daisies all over it, pulling my hair over to start on my intricate fishtail braid. When Leo emerged from the shower he kept rolling his shoulders, pulling on a pair of beige, khaki shorts and a royal blue t-shirt.

"Are you sure you're okay," I checked.

"Yeah, my back just kind of hurts," he frowned.

"Come here." I scooted over before getting behind him on the bed, massaging his back deeply. "How's that?"

"Better." He leaned his head back on purpose for a kiss, me leaning over at the side so that he could meet me there instead. At first it was just a simple kiss but somehow it became steamier, and it didn't help as I kept massaging him from behind.

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