Chapter 30: Fire on Fire

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I smiled warmly as Leo and I talked in our hushed voices for the current scene, Tobey interrupting as his own character. We acknowledged his presence as we continued with the part, the director soon yelling, "Cut!" I took a deep breath as Leo, Tobey, and I left the set for a break, enjoying eating outdoors in beautiful Australia. I couldn't help but gaze around myself in awe, feeling Leo squeeze my hand.

"What are you thinking about," he softly asked, us not even needing to act to share a special, little world.

"Just how surreal it is that we're actually here. I mean, I never thought it would become a reality. The timing was just so perfect, and the director was too kind to take a chance on me. I've literally never acted in a movie before, and I would be awful if it wasn't for your help."

"Give yourself more credit, darling. You became a research astronomer a couple of years ago. You're so smart and talented."

After all this time I still could feel the blush beneath my makeup, ducking my head briefly.

"And you're still so so beautiful," he breathed, kissing my lips softly as Tobey cleared his throat.

"You know how I hate interrupting your moments." Sarcasm was present in his voice, since his cutting in had been happening since we first met. "But I don't think the people in makeup are going to want to have to do a lot of touch ups. We're on a tight schedule today."

"My lipstick will get ruined from our food anyway," I waved off. I jumped when I saw that my iPhone was vibrating on the table. I instantly grabbed it, smiling happily as I answered the FaceTime with zero hesitation. "Hi, how are all of you?"

At least two of our children were filling up the screen. We had 5, one at age 12 then 10, and the last three were all 5. I had taken special medicine to help me conceive, since Leo and I struggled for a few years, and it ended up making it so that I had triplets. I loved every single one of my kids with all of my heart though.

"We're doing good, Mom, but Candy keeps bothering us when we're trying to do our homework," Kate, age 12 complained, her chestnut brown hair falling over her shoulders.

"I don't think that's a bad thing. It's just an excuse not to do anything," William with the same hair color at 10 added.

"We don't have homework. Haha," Lily taunted in the background, her strawberry blonde hair a bit of a mess.

"Yeah, kindergarten's fun. We made octopuses yesterday, Mommy," shouted Mary, her hair a bit of a reddish brown shade.

"I made mine green, so he would look gross and scary," Devon cut in, his hair still a bit blonde but it was turning more brown every day.

"Kindergarten does sound fun," I grinned. "Do you want to see your Daddy?"

"Yes, please! We miss you, Daddy! This much!" Mary even spread her arms as far as they could go for emphasis.

"I miss all of you too," Leo silently chuckled, giving them his best smile.

"When are you coming home," Lily whined, almost falling as she moved around to get in the screen.

"We should be home by next month. Trust me, Mommy and I want to be home as soon as possible."

"Okay, I guess we can wait one more month," Lily decided.

I internally groaned when one of the crew members was signaling that it was time for our next scene.

"We have to go now, sweetie, but we'll talk to you soon. Muah." I blew them a kiss as Lily and Mary dramatically kissed their palms before throwing them to the side in the air. I giggled before ending the call, looking over at Leo as he gave me a reassuring smile. "Well, I guess we better get on the set," I observed, the three of us heading in that direction. It was a bit difficult to think of getting into character, since now I missed our children desperately.

"It's going to be okay, Piper," Leo softly whispered. "Only a few more weeks and we'll be back home."

"Hopefully Candy's doing okay without us. The kids can get a bit rough with him," I faintly giggled.

"I'm sure he's fine." Leo then placed his hand on my cheek as we started another random scene. He pulled me to him by the waist as he kissed me, his lips trailing down my neck as I did my line.

"I wish we could just run away," I nearly whispered.

"Run away?" Leo whispered as he stayed completely in character for this tender scene. My hair was cut short to fit the style for the time frame better, since it was the roaring 20's. It was funny how it almost didn't feel like work, since Leo and I had such great chemistry.

I was hit by an overwhelming amount of emotion when we got to watch one of the scenes back that had been recently edited. Even though at the time it had just been simply Leo gazing at me in an old fashioned car, now there was dialogue over it. "The way he looked at her was the way all girls want to be looked at." A tear had already trickled past my cheek without me realizing. It was the first time I had truly seen the way Leo looks at me, and the way he gazed at me was exactly how Gatsby admired Daisy. Leo and I locked eyes and without words acknowledged how meaningful this moment was for us. Maybe we had always been a relationship full of fire on fire, burning, loving passion, but this was the first time we both saw it. Even with our aged faces, and the fact we were no longer near our early 20's, it was as though no time had passed. If I blinked I swore I could see his expression when he first answered that door for me at Nilah's. And I could feel the first time he embraced me with that kiss on the head, the thunderstorm outside indicating more change than a screenplay ever could. Without knowing I was in my soul mate's arms, and I still would be for the rest of our lives.

A/N: Not me crying at the end of writing this chapter. Goodness, I felt that it was time to end the story and everything, but I'm going to miss writing for Leo and Piper so much. I had so much fun writing for them. Thank you so much for all of the love and support on this story! It means the world! I love you all so much! <3 <3 <3

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