Chapter 20: Important Dinner

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I smiled warmly at Leo when he showed up on my front porch, the warm, summer breeze ruffling his hair.

"Hey, you look great," I quietly complimented. He was in a pair of white shorts that when to his knees and a dark blue dress shirt, only a couple buttons undone at the top. He was supposed to dress fairly casual, since even my parents wouldn't be in a suit and tie. I had opted for a black and white plaid dress though and red lipstick, mostly just to impress Leo. "He's here," I announced, leading Leo into my small house. My mom was hurrying around the kitchen, her face flushed as she put a tray of crescent rolls into the oven.

"It's nice to meet you. You did a great job in your movie, Titanic. I was wondering when we would get to meet you," my mom politely greeted.

"Thank you, Mrs. O'Donnell," Leo nicely responded.

My dad showed up just then, me smiling some as I introduced Leo to him. "Hey dad, this is Leo."

"It's nice to meet you," my dad simply greeted, shaking Leo's hand firmly.

"You too, Mr. O'Donnell," Leo reacted, seeming a bit uptight.

"The food should be done in a few minutes. You can go ahead and sit at the dining table," my mom spoke, the three of us finding our seats. My dad was at the head of the table with me beside him and Leo on my other side.

"So, do you have any movies coming up," my father addressed Leo, not seeming to know what to say either.

"A couple actually. The Man in the Iron Mask and Celebrity. I just got a script for a new movie, and I'm pretty sure I'm taking it, but it won't be filmed until later next year," he explained, moving his jaw to the side awkwardly as he appeared nervous.

"What's The Man in the Iron Mask about?"

"It's a movie that revolves, um, around the three musketeers, but it also involves-" He got cut off as my mom finally arrived with the hot food. She put pork chops with gravy, mashed potatoes, and freshly backed crescent rolls before us, the butter already on the table.

"Would you like to say grace," my mom asked my dad, which he agreed to. While we bowed our heads, I could almost hear Leo's heavy breathing beside me as he became more anxious. I grabbed his hand after we closed the prayer, squeezing it to reassure him. We took turns passing the food around the table, Leo giving me my portions. I wasn't sure what my parents would think if they watched us. Leo was literally giving me such an adoring look I was almost embarrassed.

"So, how long have you and Piper been together," my dad asked after minutes of only silverware scraping on plates.

"We were only friends at first, but we've been dating for around a month, but we've known each other for about two in total," Leo explained, chewing on his bread.

My dad slightly nodded before my mom added to the conversation.

"How long are you planning on staying here? It's been nice to know Piper's not home alone bored all summer."

I blushed a tiny bit as Leo grasped my hand again out of sight.

"I... I'm actually planning on going back to Los Angeles soon."

"Oh, Piper told us you were staying for a long time," my mom noted.

"I was, but... I wanted to show your daughter the city." All of a sudden the room went dead silent, my mom almost dropping her knife as she cut into the meat.

"Would you be staying with your mother? Or would Tobey be with both of you," she inquired.

"No." He swallowed hard as his palm grew clammy, me intertwining my fingers with his not helping. "I wanted to show her my mansion I have over there. I... I wanted her to stay with me." Worse dreaded silence as Leo kept his composure.

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