Chapter 29: Surprising News

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"I can't believe the paparazzi haven't caught on that you're married," Tobey observed as we sat in the living room.

"I have some tricks up my sleeve to avoid them," I winked, sighing as I glanced at the clock once again.

"Piper will be fine. It's only college, and she only has one class today."

"I know, but I still fucking miss her," I confessed, putting my hands close to my mouth with my palms pressed together.

"Did you ever find out if she was pregnant?" He put another potato chip into his mouth, me unable to eat anymore.

"No, but she's going to take the test tomorrow."

"How are you feeling about that?"

"Nervous. I really don't want a kid right now, but I don't feel like I can tell her that. I'm not sure what she's thinking."

"Yeah." He nodded slightly as he munched on more food.

I perked up the minute I heard the doorbell, running straight for the front door. I didn't even bother to check who it was, which was probably stupid, but it ended up being okay. Piper was on the other side, her cheeks flushed and the books I recently bought her hugged to her chest.

"I had such a great first day," she gushed, entering the house as I followed her like a lost puppy. "My professor was so nice. I think she's going to do a great job at preparing us for calculus. Goodness, am I nervous about the work. We didn't have homework today, but starting next time we will."

"Did you make any new friends," I wrapped my arms around her middle from behind as she giggled.

"You make me feel like I'm back in grade school, but yeah, there was this one girl who was super nice, and this one guy even offered to tutor me sometime." I tensed at the second mention, her straining her neck to see me. "Don't worry. The girl I talked to confirmed that he's not some kind of creep. She's known him for at least a year at the college."

"Is he good looking," I curiously wondered, giving her middle a light squeeze.

"Well..." She trailed off, a tiny blush dusting her cheeks. "But he seriously can't compare to you, Leo, no one can."

"I'm offended," Tobey said, pretending to be hurt as he placed his hand over his heart.

"Hi, Tobey," Piper warmly smiled, her eyes lighting up when he showed up. We were currently in the kitchen.

"Are you sure you don't like him," I interrupted, just having this horrible feeling in my gut. I didn't want to lose Piper for anything. She was only 19, and I feared with me being the first guy she got serious with, she might leave one day. Normally I wasn't so insecure, but Piper wasn't like any other girl that had been a part of my life.

"Leo...," she sighed, me just resting my mouth against the back of her shoulder. "I would never look at anyone the way I look at you. You're the only guy I've ever wanted to be with, and still do. I don't care about anyone else, and yes, this guy was good looking, but Leo... He didn't do anything for me, because I only have eyes for you. I promise for infinity."

I chuckled softly at her words on the end, lifting my blue eyes to look over at her. "Yeah?"

"Of course. No one could ever even come close to you, you got that? You're unique and one of a kind. Even if someone looked like you it would never be you."

I smiled some as I got in front of her to kiss her lips softly, us forgetting Tobey was right beside us by this point. "I promise for infinity that I'll never look at any girl the way I look at you either."

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