Chapter 8: The Great Gatsby Trio

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"A movie you've never seen before," Tobey questioned as we lounged around Nilah's living room one hot afternoon. The air conditioner was struggling to keep up as humidity caused the numbers to climb above 100 degrees Fahrenheit outdoors. He was lying flat on the floor with his hands on his stomach, while Leo was sitting straight on the couch, me with my legs pulled up to me sideways as I rested my head on his chest.

"Are you talking classics or new movies," I wondered.

"It can be either," Tobey shrugged, staring up at the ceiling.

"I've never seen Gone With the Wind."

"Are you kidding me? You have never seen Gone With the Wind," Leo instantly questioned in complete disbelief.

"No... Isn't it like 4 hours?"

"Yeah, but it's a classic. If it was adjusted for monetary inflation, it would still be the highest-grossing film in history," he defended.

"Are you nervous?" I faintly smirked as Leo just stared at me.


"You said you get all smart when you're nervous."


Tobey sat up as he smiled at both of us, almost smirking. "Yeah, Leo, are you nervous?"

"Shut up," he directed to Tobey before half talking to me. "I was just pointing out how popular Gone With the Wind is. Why don't we watch it right now? There's nothing else to do."

I shook my head as I nuzzled my nose against his shoulder. "No... You know what classic I do want to talk about?"

"No, what?" His blue orbs flickered down to mine as I smiled a bit more.

"The Great Gatsby. You would be perfect as Gatsby," I complimented.

"Thanks, but maybe when I'm older. I can barely pass for the age I am, let alone 32."

The corners of my mouth curved further upwards as I spoke to Tobey. "And you could be Nick."

"Really? I guess I would be good at that roll, but I'm far too young too," he pointed out. "Who are you going to be?"

"Isn't it obvious?" I fluttered my eyelashes as I attempted to act alluring, spinning around with my arms up as I grinned. "I will be Daisy."

"Daisy?" Tobey bit his lower lip before continuing, "Is that so you can be with Leo?"

"No," I blushed, feeling Leo's blue eyes boring into my back. "I just think it would be fun to play her, cousin."

Now Tobey was even a little pink from my teasing, since Daisy was Nick's cousin in the novel.

"Okay, I think you've been Daisy long enough," Leo cut in. Even though he wore a smile he seemed bothered by my new flirtatious attitude.

"Why? Are you intimated by my charm," I joked, pretending to swing a fake string of pearls.

"No, it's just I've never seen this side of you before."

"I'm playing a character, Leo. I'm probably getting it all wrong, since I've only read the novel once, but I am trying."

"You know what? When we're all in like our 30's we should audition for The Great Gatsby."

"What if they don't make another movie for it? Robert Redford did a pretty good job in the original."

"They make remakes for everything. Remember I did Romeo and Juliet," Leo reminded me.

"Yeah, but that's been redone for years. It's a story everyone's heard."

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