Chapter 9: It Could Never Be Just a Kiss

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"Do you need more ketchup," I checked after bringing over like 5 small, paper, cylinder containers.

"Nah, I think I'm good," Leo admitted, me making a face as he squeezed it all out into a huge pile on his foil wrap for his sandwich.

"You seriously eat that much ketchup? I mean, I'm not judging. I'm just surprised."

"Yeah, I like to do this," he explained, twirling his crinkled fry completely in it until it was coated.

"So, that's what you meant by fries drowning in ketchup," I realized, a soft smile on my lips.


"Who's drowning in ketchup," Tobey questioned, not hearing our full conversation as he returned with the rest of our orders.

"Leo's fries," I answered, giggling as I barely dipped my own in the red sauce.

"You're missing out," Leo claimed, dangling one of the red covered fries over his mouth before dropping it in.

"I don't think so," Tobey said, chewing on his own sandwich. I was the only one who had settled for chicken pieces.

"Do you like the food here," I hesitantly asked.

"Yeah, it's fucking amazing," Leo exclaimed, almost laughing when he realized how loud he said that. A family with two kids glanced in our direction as Leo put his wrist against his mouth.

"Oh shit, what are you trying to do, Leo," Tobey quietly asked, also fighting off a smile.

"Sorry, I got too excited," Leo lightly chuckled. He was by himself on the side of the booth across from Tobey and me.

After we ate dinner I went ahead and sat on Nilah's front porch, admiring the pink sunset with fluffy clouds.

"I'm surprised Leo isn't out here with you," Tobey commented, joining me with his feet resting next to mine on the step.

"He wanted to wash the dishes before Nilah got home." I hugged my knees to my chest before looking over at Tobey.

"What? Why are you looking at me?" He was faintly smiling as his lips stretched a fraction into a curve.

"Leo told me that you're leaving soon already. I don't want you to go."

"Come on, it won't be bad. I bet you'll like it better. You'll have more time to spend with Leo without me interrupting everything. And no more teasing," he added, giving me a side look as I faked a smile.

"You were barely here a week. You at least should stay until your birthday."

"I'll probably drop by again before Leo comes home."

My face fell as my heart sank, studying the ground as I worried about things that hadn't even happened yet. "I don't want either one of you to go. You two are my best friends." I lifted my gaze as Tobey blushed a light pink from my words.

"Hey, Leo's going to be here so long, you're going to get sick of him. You have at least another couple months, maybe more. He's taking a long break this time."

"I just hate how nothing can last, you know? Every good moment just has to eventually end."

"Leo's crazy about you. It wouldn't surprise me if he buys you a plane ticket and takes you back to L.A. with him." I smiled some as I leaned my head on Tobey's shoulder. "And something tells me he's going to be jealous if he sees us this close together."

"Let him be jealous. I know you say he likes me, but what if he just thinks he does? Sometimes when you first meet someone you think you like them, but then you get to know them better and you realize it was just temporary infatuation."

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