Chapter 2: What Is Even Real Anymore

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I woke up cuddled in my blankets on the couch. I tended to sleep there instead of my room in the summer, since it was convenient having the television right there. I sat up and stretched before just falling back against my pillow, grinning stupidly. Leonardo DiCaprio was next door. How could I even in my just waking state forget that? I hurriedly got ready for the day, our air conditioner blasting as I decided on a turquoise skirt and a pale pink t-shirt. I paired it with white sandals before checking my reflection once more in the mirror. My brown eyes stared back at me as I straightened my strawberry blonde hair real quick. After a small smile I headed over to Nilah's house, hoping the kitten excuse wouldn't grow old.

I knocked on the door as I hugged myself, my heart thudding when Leo appeared once again. He was shirtless though with a toothbrush hanging between his lips, me biting my lower lip as my nerves kicked in.

"Yeah? Do you want to see the kittens again," he guessed, his speech a bit muffled since he had toothpaste in his mouth.

"Yeah..." I instantly could feel my body becoming sticky as the heat pressed in on me.

"Nilah's getting her air conditioner fixed today, but she had to run a couple of errands this morning."

I nodded a tiny bit as I held onto my opposite arm. "Okay..."

"You can go on into my room. I think the kittens have been up for awhile." He went back to scrubbing his teeth as he gravitated towards the bathroom.

I crouched down on the fuzzy carpet to pet the kittens that were already playing, their mother leaving to eat dry food out of her bowl.

"You know you're the luckiest kittens in the world?" I kept my voice hushed despite the sound of running water at the sink. "You get to share a room with Leonardo DiCaprio. You get to see him at night, when he's just changed into his pajamas, and... Oh goodness, now I have that hot image in my head." I blushed profusely as I kept picturing Leo in his underwear, maybe even sleeping in that during the sweltering heat.

"You want anything to eat?" I nearly jumped out of my skin when Leo's voice sounded behind me.

"Sorry," he chuckled lightly as he walked over. "I didn't mean to scare you."

I chanced to lift my gaze, sighing in relief at how he was in a pair of jeans and a dark blue t-shirt. A bead of sweat was trickling from his forehead down his nose though, and I found myself just mesmerized by that.

"You sure you're okay," he checked, me nearly going cross eyed as I focused on his nose.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine, and I don't need anything to eat, but thank you." I hoped that didn't accidentally come out as rude since I was overthinking my choice of words.

"Alright." I heard the floorboards creak as he left for the kitchen, pots banging around before I heard something sizzling. I chanced checking on the sound, almost screaming when Leo suddenly turned around. In the cramped space his chest pressed against mine, and I had never seen his blue eyes so close up.

"I'm sorry. I was just curious what you were fixing."

"Why? Do you want something now," he half smirked, teasing me.

"N-no, I'm still good, but what are you having?"

"Just some eggs," he shrugged, going back to keeping an eye on his pan.

"Well, I guess I better go. I've already seen the kittens." I rocked on my heels as I mentally begged for him to disagree.

"You don't have to go yet. It's boring as fuck around here by myself. I wouldn't mind having someone to hang out with."

"Oh okay." Piper, don't sound so eager!

"I'll probably watch some t.v. in the living room while I eat this. We can watch whatever you want."

"Does Nilah have cable," I checked after we plopped on the soft, brown couch.

"Don't you already know?" His smirk was back as my cheeks heated up, the humidity filling every corner not helping.

"Of course," I lied, flipping through the channels with the remote. I settled on the Nickelodeon show, Rugrats, just not sure what else to put on. Leo silently watched as the character Angelica yelled about something, chewing slowly on his food. Once that program was over, I noticed that Leo had finished his plate.

"Hang on, I'm going to take this to the kitchen." He stood as I forced a smile, just gazing dully at the glowing screen before me. When he returned all I wanted to do was find something to talk about. The first thing that slipped from my lips was not the topic I wished for though.

"So, you were great in What's Eating Gilbert Grape, the best acting I've ever seen. You really portrayed Arnie well."

"Thanks," he half smirked as my neck grew hot. "So, you do know who I am."

"I never said I didn't."

"You never directly said you did."

"I didn't want you to hate me. I mean, I am a fan of yours and you came here to escape from it all."

"From crowds of girls screaming my name. I'm not even sure if you've said my name once."

"I just didn't feel... Like it was my place, I guess," I murmured, studying my hands on my lap.

"Piper." Major butterflies swarmed in my tummy when my name left his lips. "I'm just a normal guy. You don't have to treat me like I'm untouchable or something."

"So, I can touch you," I joked, but my heart was speeding up.

"Anything but my hair." He gave me a half smile as now I ached to feel his shiny locks.

"Can I-Can I have a hug? Is that okay?" He silently reached over to wrap his arms around me, my body instantly melting into his embrace. I had never experienced such a warm and whole feeling, not even minding the room was practically 80 degrees. After he parted a small smile painted his lips, and he tilted his head as it almost seemed he was contemplating something.

"Don't act shy around me. I have a feeling we'll be seeing a lot of each other."

"How?" He lit a cigarette before blowing out the smoke as he balanced the stick in between his fingers. "Because Nilah told me you only occasionally came to visit the kittens on the phone, and you've been here every day since I got here."

"She told you about me?"

"Yeah, but not your name, which I like by the way."

I felt my face flush as I freaked out by how he was possibly, subtly flirting with me. "Thank you." I touched my long hair as he smiled a tiny bit, both of us jumping horribly when Nilah finally returned through the front door.

"Am I interrupting something," she teased.

"Nah, just two new friends getting to know each other." Leo just said we are friends. What is even real anymore?

A/N: Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I want to try to have Leo and Piper be friends for awhile first, but let's be real, I always struggle for it to stay that way long. Please remember to comment, vote, and follow. Thank you so much! <3

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