Chapter 13: Something From Town

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I was just lying my head on Leo's lap as he played with the end of my hair, my eyes drooping from our lazy afternoon. I smiled softly at how Disney's Alice in Wonderland was playing in the background, them singing the Unbirthday song at the moment. I jumped a little when I heard a knock at the door.

"Nilah must have forgotten her key," Leo shrugged, allowing me to sit up before he went to answer. I watched as he undid the deadbolt before the regular doorknob, twisting it slowly. I didn't understand why he was taking his sweet time, Nilah beaming once her face came into view.

"Hey... I brought something from town for you two," she told us. I scooted a bit closer to the edge of the sofa as I anxiously waited to find out what it was. When she stepped aside though my mouth instantly gaped open in happiness, and I ran straight for our surprise.

"Hey," Tobey slightly laughed when I attacked him a tight hug.

"Hi! Tobey, what are you doing here," I wondered. It had been a few weeks, but I still missed him.

"I came over for my birthday, and because I know that you and Leo can't handle being without me," he subtly joked.

"Aw, so how long are you staying?" I released him as Leo helped to lug his suitcase over the threshold.

"Um, I don't know. I didn't buy a flight back yet, so I guess as long as you want me."

"Then you're never leaving," I grinned mischievously, draping my arm over his shoulders as I led him into the house.

"I have to go to town now to actually get the groceries," Nilah told us, looking happy to see Tobey again too.

"Okay, thank you for surprising us with Tobey," I spoke.

"I told Leo on the phone I was coming," Tobey confessed.

"And he didn't tell me?! Leo," I whined, running into the spare bedroom that they shared.

All Leo did though was stand after placing the suitcase in a corner, giving me a smirk. "I wanted to surprise you, babe. I know how much you love Tobey."

"Yes, very much." I wrapped my arms around his neck as I looked up into his ocean eyes.

"Should I be worried? You seem to love him an awful lot."

"Nah, that's friendship love. You are... well, not in love yet, but I really adore you and I'm falling harder every day love."

He smiled as our lips met, us hearing someone clear their throat, which made us both smile into the kiss.

"You two are still at it, huh," Tobey teased, entering the stuffy room.

"Shut up," I quietly reacted, leaning my head against Leo's chest.

"So, what have you lovebirds been up to?" He had already bounced back onto the inflatable mattress, which I couldn't believe I missed. Originally he slept on the couch when he stayed.

"You know, the usual, making wild passionate love," Leo said with a straight face, but I playfully smacked his chest.

"We have not. You won't even shower with me."

"Okay, too much information," Tobey cut in, holding his hands up before standing.

"Don't go, Tobey," I pleaded, since he was halfway out the door.

"I won't if you two don't get all weird with me. I don't want to feel like a third wheel the whole time I'm here."

"So, 80 percent of the time is okay," Leo teased.

"Shut up. I just mean, I don't care if you two are lovey dovey. I'm glad you're together, but don't tell me all of your intimate details."

"Pfft, I've overheard your conversations with Leo. You guys talk about everything," I scoffed, rolling my eyes.

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